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  1. S

    Commercial Bull prices.

    Is there a high demand for non-registered purebred bulls in your areas? What kind of prices are you all seeing for this type of bulls where your at?
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    Nice little heifer!

    1/2 Hereford 1/2 Gelbvieh and 100% cute! 😂 First one out of my NJW Historic Herf. Bull. Hope the rest are just as nice.
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    Nice young Gelbvieh bull

    Sometimes you look at a group of young bulls and kinda wonder if they are good enough. Then sometimes one comes along that just stands out from the group. For me this one has been a standout! He’s right around 10 months old.
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    They aren’t all like this, but I kinda like it when I get one that has that laid back personality.
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    Summer cow chow

    Put in a little summer grazing yesterday! A mix of forage soybeans and Sorghum Sudan. Anybody else ever done this?
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    New Addition

    Picked this beatheifer up yesterday at a local sale. A throwback to some old school genetics!
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    Dang they are tough!

    Tried to put out some hay bale windbreaks and rolled out a bit of hay for the cows yesterday. As I was doing this, this little guy was born. Checked on him this morning and he’s up and about! Tough little feller.
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    Winter grazing is in the ground!

    I am trying to really reduce the amount of hay that I feed. I am trying to implement a winter grazing rotation of cosaque black oats. I think I have enough grass now to last till the first part of November, and hoping the oats will be ready by then. Planted them Thursday, fertilized on Friday...
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    Stockpiling Sorghum Sudan

    Has anyone tried this? I think I’m going to plant several acres later on this summer to leave as winter stockpile. Gonna try to start grazing mid/late November.
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    Line bred “experiment”

    Nice little Balancer bull calf I had born last spring. He is the result on a mother/son mating. He is wound tighter than a banjo string! Is that possibly from the line breeding?
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    Do you like him?

    Would y’all critique this bull? Not perfect, but tell me whatcha think. He’s a year old.
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    Any hope for this hay?

    Long story short. I had some hay get rained on, then it looks like it got rolled with the bottoms of the wind rows wet. Any hope I can roll it out and the cows will pick through it?
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    Balancer Bull

    Thought I would show off this Balancer bull. I’m using him on a group of cows, but he belongs to a friend of mine.
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    Nice little Gelbvieh heifer.

    She is my standout heifer from spring. She’s a March born PureBred.
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    New calves!

    Started getting the first calves off of the red Gelbvieh bull I bought last year. I think they are looking pretty good, what do y’all think? Average birthweight on 20 calves is 71.9 pounds.
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    Hay 2021!

    last year I got hooked on trying to make good hay. It’s kind of addictive, like owning cattle! I know it’s probably not the most profitable of ventures, but I take pride in having good feed for my cattle. This is going to be my first cutting, ryegrass and crimson clover. Hopefully followed by...
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    Albino deer

    I have been watching this line of deer for years now. At one point there were four of them, now down to two. I see them as I’m putting out hay sometimes, I enjoy them!
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    Red Gelbvieh cattle.

    I have made the decision to move my herd towards being mostly red, Gelbvieh/Balancers. It’s a personal preference for me. Thought I would show some of the genetics I’ll be using.
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    New red angus heifer!

    Bought this heifer today in a partnership. I’m hoping she’s going to be a start to a red balancer line for me.
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    Uh oh!

    Young bulls are STUPID!!!