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  1. bootsie

    what else to feed

    If you notice that the older horses are losing weight you may want to give them a senior feed. For all of my older ones I usually soak their feed with water. Especially the ones I've had with teeth problems. For the one with the bad knees you could try some joint supplements. Sometimes a little...
  2. bootsie

    buying a saddle

    Hey flaboy, I know my parents used to have an old Sears & Roebuck catalog. I can't remember what the year was. I will see if she remembers seeing it when she unpacked from her move.
  3. bootsie


    I don't know if you've tried this or not but I've always had good luck with feeding a horse in a trailer. I just park the trailer in the middle of the pasture I usually leave the trailer in the pasture about two weeks. Then when I first lead them into a trailer I usually have a hay bag in there...
  4. bootsie


    Horses can get a blockage of worms. If the horse is loaded with worms and they all die then she tries to pass them all at once they will create a block in the intestine. I would call the vet. Treat it like a colic. Get some banamine to help her relax. And some mineral oil to get things moving. I...
  5. bootsie

    Merry Christmas to all

    And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Alan. :santa:
  6. bootsie

    my first calf

    :lol: that's it. :lol: Just wish I knew how to process the hyde. Thanks Jeanne that's what I wanted to know. His hind end looks high do cows grow like horses?
  7. bootsie

    my first calf

    Here is some pics of my first calf. He is a steer. Almost 4 months old. We plan to use him for personal use. I think he has angus, long horn, and probabaly a few other types. I think he will work out. We plan on getting atleast 2 more after christmas. I was having a problem with touching him...
  8. bootsie

    How to contain a cow

    What a nice offer. I wish I lived closer.
  9. bootsie

    horse question

    msscamp one like this? I've wanted one like him since I was a kid. But he is the perfect example why not to buy a horse for color. Sorry such a bad picture. Only picture I have on the computer right now. Beleive me this guy has pushed my buttons. Every other week I say I'm selling him and...
  10. bootsie

    horse question

    I have an App/Arab and he is everthing all of you described. Nosey, people oriented, playful, into everything, a bit challenging, even skidish at times, and very very smart. But even though I will let my kids ride him he is not a beginners horse. For a rookie horse owner I would suggest a...
  11. bootsie

    do I let her ride or not??

    My suggestion would be to work with the owner on how to handle the horse. Watch how they interact. Make suggestions how he/she should handle certain situations. When I sent my horse off to a trainer, the best thing he did for me was to "train" me too. :cboy:
  12. bootsie

    How to get a calf more friendly?

    My mare is a Perch. no cow in her. However my AppArab had spent a couple of months on a cattle farm rounding the cows. Hopefully he didn't have too much fun doing it. ;-)
  13. bootsie

    How to get a calf more friendly?

    I call him the calf. We he gets a little older he will be the steer. I can't name it then eat it. But my daughter just had to name it. So I gave her a couple of options to choose from. The one she choose was RIBEYE. :lol:
  14. bootsie

    How to get a calf more friendly?

    Thanks, All of your suggestions sound logical. He's in a area with no climb fencing. ( I hope they can't jump higher than 5 ft :?: )My mare has been hanging out with him. I'm actually looking for a few buddies for him. I have a few lined up if they don't work out I'll be heading to the auction.
  15. bootsie

    How to get a calf more friendly?

    How do you get a calf to be more friendly? I don't want him overly friendly but I would like for him not to run whenever he sees me. Right now I have him in my back yard which is about 100 x 100 ft. Should I put him in a smaller area? I eventually I want to turn him out into my 14 acre pasture...
  16. bootsie

    How much should a calf eat?

    I feed my horses SafeChoice it smells great so I decided to try it but it is pretty much tasteless. So I just read the indredient lable.LOL :lol: I haven't read the lable on the cows food I don't know why but I will tomorrow. boy it's late I thought you wrote you take a big mouth full :o I...
  17. bootsie

    How much should a calf eat?

    The Tifton I feed is a good quality hay for being grown here in Florida. Alfalfa here is like $14 a bale. T&A about $10. But I get Tifton out of the field for $3.5. Tifton is a better quality than coastal. Most of the ranchers feed it in my area.
  18. bootsie

    How much should a calf eat?

    I always throw away uneaten food. I don't give it to the dogs all of mine are inside dogs and when they eat something other than their dog food well the smell :shock: What do you mean by a loose feed? Right now the cow feed is a sweet feed type.
  19. bootsie

    How much should a calf eat?

    According to the feed store it is a good calf starter. I'll see how much he has left in the morning and adjust from there. Thanks for the info
  20. bootsie

    How much should a calf eat?

    The 2% per day is that grain only? I feed Tifton 44 hay which is small stemed. No Alfalfa. He is real skidish so he has only been eating when nobodys out there. Anyway I only fed him about 1/2 pound last night & he didn't eat it all. He got another 1/2 pound this morning but didn't eat any of...