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    Hoof Treatment

    I have a cow 6 month pregnant with 3rd calf that developed a limp during horrendously wet fall conditions. What is the best way to inspect her front feet when all I have accessible to me is squeeze and maternity pen. Thanks.
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    Swollen Hip

    Thanks for the response I should say I’m new to this and have limited experience. Naval does not seem swollen. She got iodine twice and I keep pen clean daily. We are going to go ahead with antibiotics if we can
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    Swollen Hip

    We had a troubled calf 3 days ago. 100lb angus cross heifer born in cold and wet conditions hypothermic by the time we found her due to the cow being mildly crazy. Got her dry and warm and tubed colostrum. Have had a difficult time getting fluids in her and getting her to nurse her mom. We’ve...
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    High Pressure Fencing

    We are in the process of adding calving pens in our barn with an attached calving yard. We currently have 5 black angus cows and are keeping the heifers for breeding. We ran into issues last year with 4’ wire fences and deep snow during calving season. Going to build all wood pens and fence in...
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    One Nut Bull

    Will my bands and bander that I use on my week old bulls be big enough for a yearling or should I find something bigger for him?
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    One Nut Bull

    Thanks everyone for the help. His nut is hanging down not a belly nut. Can I band it at his age? Just over a year old.
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    One Nut Bull

    I’ve made a deal on a yearling bull with one nut, was supposed to be a steer, banding gone wrong. He is angus dexter and my plan is to put him in freezer this fall. I’m also boarding a yearling Hereford heifer until she goes to freezer. Should I be concerned about them breeding?