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  1. rockroadseminole


    I was too big of a chicken and couldn’t afford to be wrong to go full volunteer! As far as pusley goes, it’s a weed. Check out page 16, 17:;sequence=1
  2. rockroadseminole


    We planted “quick and big spreader” variety purchased from Dalrymple under a pivot. He’s a ton of help! For us it was like better quality millet with a little longer growing season. I followed protocol and disc’d in the leftovers in the fall. I noticed that I had some pusley coming on as the...
  3. rockroadseminole

    Pasture/Tetraploid ryegrass question.

    You’ll get some coming back from seed next year, but my experience has been not enough to depend on solely. Helps to run a light disc across in late fall or early spring to get the seed to the dirt. Maybe plant a reduced rate this time, but I would not put my faith in a volunteer stand. Hate...
  4. rockroadseminole

    Ryegrass Only as a winter forage

    Good info! Going to stick with last year’s mix of rye/ryegrass/Clover. It was a thought, but I try to graze from Thanksgiving thru spring and it sound s like ryegrass alone won’t cut it. We’re going to try FL104 rye, prine ryegrass, and Dixie crimson clover from a variety standpoint...
  5. rockroadseminole

    Pasture broomsedge

    PH is low. You can lime for a few years, or use something like mycorr plus ( The mycorr plus worked great in our pasture for the last two years. Much cheaper than lime in my area. It does not pair well with heavy chemical fertilizers though, kills the bacteria. Fix the PH and...
  6. rockroadseminole

    Ryegrass Only as a winter forage

    Did it give you adequate grazing in January?
  7. rockroadseminole

    Ryegrass Only as a winter forage

    Has anyone in the south had an experience planting ryegrass alone as a winter grazing forage. (Ignoring legumes for this discussion.) We typically plant a rye/ryegrass or oat/ryegrass mixture in an effort to extend the grazing season. How soon have you grazed ryegrass? My limited research...
  8. rockroadseminole

    Late Season Summer Annual

    It really is amazing how quickly that clover comes up. We have our no-till drill rigged up where we put the rye/oats/wheat in at about an inch and the clover comes out of the small seed box with the hoses unhooked. Just runs out on the ground and comes up in just a few days. M5, with all...
  9. rockroadseminole

    Late Season Summer Annual

    We normally don't plant winter grazing until December because of the heat. Thinking we could get a couple months out of it. There are a few folks cutting corn here now. Ours is two weeks out.
  10. rockroadseminole

    Late Season Summer Annual

    For my fellow southern climate guys: I'm on the GA/FL line, and it is usually hot well into November and sometimes Santa wears shorts and flip flops. Has anyone in a similar climate ever tried spreading millet/crabgrass/something right after shelling corn and cut it in? I'm thinking I could...
  11. rockroadseminole

    Fertilizer prior to rain.

    I would do it. Unless they are talking 4"+, I'm giving the green light.
  12. rockroadseminole

    Millet vs Crabgrass (or whatever you prefer)

    As far as the $ goes... very grateful for the words of caution, however I feel like my pencil is pretty sharp. Most definitely could be wrong though. The way I see it, worst case scenario I don't make quite as much money (or better yet lose some). Then just rent it back out the following...
  13. rockroadseminole

    Millet vs Crabgrass (or whatever you prefer)

    Thanks for the perspective! I would have assumed that the millet and hemp would shade out the crabgrass. Is this not your experience? Also, we planted some Whistler winter peas in a mix this winter and got almost zero regrowth out of them. What has been your experience with the cow pea...
  14. rockroadseminole

    Millet vs Crabgrass (or whatever you prefer)

    I have a 65 acre irrigated field that I have rented out the past three years. It has been in a corn/peanut/corn rotation. We are getting 275 per acre rent, but this is the last year of the lease. In a perfect world, I want to plant it in a summer annual next year and run 4-6 head per acre on...
  15. rockroadseminole

    PH question

    Thanks for clarifying! I smell what you're stepping in now. Curious to see what kind of results we get. We sprayed a 40 acre pasture with it, and left a strip right down the middle. Also, another pasture, untreated, is adjacent to it so should get a good look. We applied 2 qts in the fall...
  16. rockroadseminole

    PH question

    Do you mind expanding on this a little more? Friend of ours has had incredible results with a snake oil product. They have not used any conventional fertilizer or lime since 2010. They also started rotational grazing around this time and that must be a contributing factor. They do apply a small...
  17. rockroadseminole

    Grazing Rye too early

    We've got rye, clover, and winter peas drilled into a section of pasture. Planted later than desired, but had to wait on it to rain. Have a great stand, but it quit raining and it's only 3-4" as of mid December. We finally got a good killing frost. Then put some 28%N out two weeks ago before...
  18. rockroadseminole

    Broadcasting into Pasture

    That will be exactly when I need it. Thanks!
  19. rockroadseminole

    Broadcasting into Pasture

    I had grand plans to use my buddy's no-till drill to plant some ryegrass into my pasture. Well, he sold it... some buddy. Has anyone had any experience just broadcasting ryegrass into a pasture? It has been eaten down to nothing, but not sure about soil contact. Maybe burn it off... maybe...
  20. rockroadseminole

    How to graze wheat?

    How many head per acre are you stocking? I've got a 1/1 ratio, and pull them off everyday for fear of them walking it down. Would be really nice to string up a few fences and move them less. Mine is also irrigated, but that kinda compounds the trampling issue. I've only had luck with...