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    Problems with neighbors dogs...

    The problem has been taken care of! Thanks!
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    Problems with neighbors dogs...

    I am going to do what I have to. I take care of an 85 year old neighbor who leases said dog's owner her pasture since her husband passed. She called me the other day to let me know that this dog has threatened and growled at her when she was going to her car. She's 4'11" and 98 lbs soaking wet...
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    Problems with neighbors dogs...

    We don't have Animal Control in this county.
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    Problems with neighbors dogs...

    AITA?? Neighbor down the road has kept different LGDs since I moved in in 2012. Doesn't take care of them as all, they barely get enough to eat. They try and raid my cats food so I had to build them a shed with a small cat flap to get in and out. They go back and forth across the road to his...
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    My reptilian pets..I'll give you one pic...

    Gotta ask...since a Komodo dragon is a protected species, it is illegal to own one as a pet. Do you have a special permit or do you work at one of the zoos that have them? From what I have read, I love reptiles and own many, they had 6 Komodo dragons hatched at the Bronx zoo in Dec. 2021...