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  1. D

    Craigslist prize bulls

    YOU know what!!! Thats why I like cows better than people especially ones like you. Talk about sensitive. BLA BLA BLA You have no idea!
  2. D

    Craigslist prize bulls

    WOW this poor old gal has had a terrible turn in life, she has been mistreated and not feed much or had proper care. Who ever owns her is a piss poor cowman indeed. Its sad to see you all make fun of her.
  3. D

    Natural Arthritis pain relief.

    Geez! You all are depressing, Sounds like all of you have always been hard working people. I have always worked hard, from a little girl. Worked with my grandpa, thrown hay bales, broke calves, pulled calves, worked hard and proud of it. I too have arthritis. people who work hard get broke down...