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  1. greybeard

    Check out this AI video. crazy

    There sure are lots of lazy people in the world today.
  2. greybeard


    In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we...
  3. greybeard


    I am not afraid of much on this Earth and have been in and seen lots of 's%*# in my life but I will relate this. That one line, would probably have been the end of me, as I have a lifelong fear of doing exactly that..suddenly falling off into a hole in the ground. I hve had nightmares about it...
  4. greybeard

    Set the date ..for those that watch the skies

    Oct 10. A comet, with an 80,000 year orbit cometh. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3)
  5. greybeard

    Electric Fence Problem - Arching at Ground Rod

    You can sometimes have a problem if your electric fence grounding rod(s) is located close to another voltage source's ground rod, such as a 120-240 volt mains equipment ground in an out building. I forget the description of it, but somehow backfeed comes from the mains rod.
  6. greybeard

    My rant for the day

    jltrent...At some point, you cross a line between hobby, obsession and fetish....
  7. greybeard

    Fiberglass Rods

    That's a good price!! They retail here at a big lumber/farm/Preifert store for $29.50ea last time I checked, 2 years ago. (a big demand for them here to use in retaining walls.)
  8. greybeard

    AI Singularity

    Well, not exactly. As good as it was, the movie blows that part way out of proportion. There were some discussions about it after project physicist Author Compton mentioned the possibility early on, but the people like Hans Bethe who was top of the chain in theoretical physics at Los Alamos...
  9. greybeard

    Gaffers tape on cowboy boots

    When my father was young (he was born in 1918) he used to drive the school bus in or around Tyler Tx during depression era years, and Tyler is infamous for it's red sticky clay. The school 'bus' he drove was a horse drawn wagon. The few cars that were there always had trouble getting up and...
  10. greybeard

    Gaffers tape on cowboy boots

    Yep. bought a fairly good one in the 1966-67 time frame as a teenager for around $20 and I thought that was high for a 16-17 year old working min wage. American Hat Co I think it was and kept it for over a decade. I shouldn't say this, but I was pretty rowdy in my mid 20s and that hat got left...
  11. greybeard

    Gaffers tape on cowboy boots

    I call your feather filled hats and raise you
  12. greybeard

    Gaffers tape on cowboy boots

    It was somewhat embarrassing but also funny to watch unfold..
  13. greybeard

    Gaffers tape on cowboy boots

    Years ago, for whatever reason, I was watching the after movie credits at a movie theatre.. There are some odd names/descriptions in the movie industry's closing credits crawl.. I got curious about it all and had to look it up. Best Boy, Clapper loader Grip Key Grip Gaffer. Gaffers handle...
  14. greybeard


    Within a few hours of the time of this post, in 1836, the Battle of San Jacinto was started and over with the bulk of the Mexican forces in flee-for-our-lives mode within 18 minutes and thus Texas became a nation, then a state. It changed the look and future of the USA forever. (and on this...
  15. greybeard

    Fun in East Texas

    I previously said we didn't get any of that, but 40 minutes away to the East, Temple got 8" in a very short period of time. I only had 2 hills on my old place, but I have witnessed that ground weeping thing before and once, the top 8-12" of soil whole hillside just heaved downward in a big...
  16. greybeard

    Fun in East Texas

    I spoke with my sisters in Cleveland and Conroe last night...they didn't get all that. Neither did we, tho it was a little stormy yesterday. I heard city of Houston is having some kind of water problems too???
  17. greybeard

    solar eclipse April 8. This town is going nuts over it.

    I used a colander to view the eclipse, it strained my eyes. ------------------------- Don't forget to wear open-toed sandals on Monday So you can watch the eclipse in toe-tality. ------------------------- The eclpse is the best thing to happen, ever All weekend, nothing else in the news...
  18. greybeard

    solar eclipse April 8. This town is going nuts over it.

    Very cloudy here, but was able to see it thru the breaks in the clouds. Totality was indeed dark and I suppose because it had been so long since I saw a total solar eclipse, I had forgotten how brightly the daylight returned. Intended to watch from the back yard but about noon, we decided to...