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  1. H

    Black vultures are eating cows alive

    Mexican buzzards here in Texas have a high rate of suicide.
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    Fischer Investments

    Anyone used them, if so what has been your experience?
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    Rip Zeus

    Had to put down my horse today. He was my last living connection to my cattle operation. 38 years of age
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    New RV trailer

    Looking for recommendations on a new rv. 1/2 towable, so probably around 7500 gross weight. What brands do you own and have you been pleased with the product
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    Cape Verde hurricanes are almost always the worst of the lot.
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    CB it’s time to trade them hides in on more boats and deer hunts. Tore the hide of the white perch this spring and now the cats are going full swing.
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    Check your chances if a nuke hits close you......

    I think the map is wrong. No sicko would want to take out so mamy kindred spirits.
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    Looking for opinions about vehicles

    As someone who has a Dodge, Ford, and Chevy trucks, just let me say. I'd rather have a sister working in a cathouse than have another Dodge. Great motors and trannies and rest is junk.
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    What a Mess

    All right you ol coot I'm gonna read you the riot act. Just a few months ago you had major surgery on your back. Their ain't nothing worth you screwing that up. You wanna fish with those grandkids in the future or sit in a wheelchair. Park your ass at the house and heal up
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    This unisex bathroom thing is getting out of hand.

    That's going of Facebook now....ROTFLMAO
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    Will be arrested for living off grid, on his land.

    Yea, just make sure you buy a bunch and build in the middle of it. Otherwise you can be like me and have a trashy Hondurian buy in beside you and trash up his place.
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    CB the Trinity River at Liberty may break record this week

    This is the highest I have ever seen it up on my property on the lake, and folks its still rising. They are gonna gave to cut loose with more water soon or they will crack that dam!
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    Hey Texans - Whatever happened with Twin Peaks?

    Spot on. I know folks that ride with their clubs all over the state each weekend when the weather permits. They all said they wouldn't be making that trip cause they figured their would be trouble.
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    Hey Texans - Whatever happened with Twin Peaks?

    I know I'm old, but it's simple to me. Don't hangout in situations that could be considered badly by law enforcement . As my 93 year old Dad says, " you play with a turd, you'll get shyt on your fingers"!
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    Nov 4th

    Get it done and we can try it out in April on Calcaseiu. Those ol sow trout will be awaiting. You are going to Houston to get this done?
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    Hey Texans - Whatever happened with Twin Peaks?

    Who cares? While some bikers groups are good outstanding folks, others are not. Why would you even wish to associate with those groups. Like my Pap says, " play with a turd and you'll get shyt on your hands".
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    Not supposed to drink it anymore, but if I made one of my Canada fishing trips I would. We used to find a craft beer in Winipeg called Fort Killion I think. Great beer and the after taste was like root beer! In the bush we drank Molson and LaBlatt.
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    Farm Subsidies.

    A straight flat tax on all goods and services except basic food staples, with a limit on that as well. No deductions for anyone, reduction of IRS work force by 75%, reduction of IRS management of 98%. If they have time to go on taxpayer paid retreats, they don't have enough of a workload!
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    Heck of a ride last few days

    Sorry to hear about the Missses CB.....Its like the wounded ward around here as well. My heel spurs and planter fiscutis has me all stove up, the wife had major operation on her hand, the dog had ACL repaired 2 weeks ago has to stay quite and taken on a leash everywhere he goes....the ac is on...
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    AC problems

    I know its strange, we put the same size compressor as the old one. Its just damn hot here