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    Fires in the Panhandle

    Is there an estimate of how many head have been lost to the fires?
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    me vs the girl scout mommy

    A receipt for cookies! What for?
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    Tornadoes across the South

    The first thing I do when I hear sirens is go outside to see what's brewing and where it's coming from. I've had few close calls in DFW but never had one go over me. Thank God.
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    Best recovery wishes CB. You may want to reduce inflammation in the body by reducing carb and sugar intakes. A couple of years back I got on a keto diet (which I'm not recommending you do, just cut back on carbs and sugars) and my BP went down drastically in a week. The I noticed that I had...
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    Transportation question

    You will usually pay a rate per mile plus a fuel surcharge, plus a layover or stop off charge if you will feed the cows for a few hours. Your best bet is find a backhaul rate, that is guy from the East looking for load to get back home. In a dry van, we pay 0.65/mile FSC Then again, a cattle...
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    Hard time deciding,is%20about%2060%20to%2065%25. Forage Quality: Kudzu has forage quality similar to alfalfa. Protein content is about 15 to 18% and TDN is about 60 to 65%. We need to figure out how to...
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    Hard time deciding

    It can't be that much of an infestation if it's high protein and the cows like it. The problem is the solution.
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    Hard time deciding

    I don't know. I may get lynched if I introduce it.
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    Hard time deciding

    I feel like I want some Kudzu now.
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    Hard time deciding

    But cows don't eat soil...usually. Can you elaborate more? I know different plants mine different minerals from the soil. Is this what you are talking about? I've seen cows eat weeds during parts of the year when there is plenty of grass, so its not out of hunger. This tells me the cow...
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    Hard time deciding

    I only have bodark, elm, ash, hackberry, cottonwood, cedar, honey locust and dentist tree on my property. Not a single oak. Every year I gather a few bags of acorns from trees around my house in the city and scatter them on my ranch. Eventually some will take off. My wooded area has a lot of...
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    Hard time deciding

    I refuse to cut 25 acres of woods in my place. I like how cows feed in the woods.
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    Hard time deciding

    Perfect. It would like going to college minus the partying.
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    Hard time deciding

    @Brute 23 will he be living on site or traveling to see the cows weekly? Is it enough acreage to run at least 20 head? Gas expenses alone may render the enterprise unprofitable from the start. I wouldn't worry about overloading a young man with hard work, just be sure he doesn't get in over...
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    Home security systems

    I don't get it. Why people don't look doors regardless of where they live? It's just a good practice.
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    Home security systems

    I've used Smith Thompson but I stopped using it a couple of years ago but I'd go back to them. I don't like any of the commercial systems with cameras connected to a cloud. You never know who is watching and hearing. Current system for me in the city consists of double doors at every entry...
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    Kirstie Alley died.....RIP

    Same here but it’s a forbidden topic.
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    Kirstie Alley died.....RIP

    My dad told me in no uncertain terms to be extra careful with colonoscopies because according to his network of other senior citizens the procedure has the risk of introducing cancerous cells into the patient if the equipment is not new or is poorly sterilized. Do your own research, but that...
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    Kirstie Alley died.....RIP

    In place of a colonoscopy which is very invasive, you can also send fecal matter to a lab to get tested. The OP said that in 2022 colo and rectal cancer are the most common types. Any idea why they spiked in 2022?
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    China produces 55 billion tons of fake rain every year, think they are causing our droughts?

    Anybody dump weed killer on their pastures? Or pesticides on their crops? Maybe that has something to do with it. A couple of years ago, the whole suburbia neighborhood was going crazy over a little worm that was killing lawns in two days. I was the only one without problems and very few of...