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  1. pdfangus

    Using Jersey nurse cows on beef calves

    MANY YEARS AGO.......when i was another mans cowman. show string had once used holsteins as nurse cows for show a result they had a few half beef half holstein commercial cows. had a beef cow die...had a nice looking crossbred cow whos calf could not use all the milk....put the...
  2. pdfangus

    Dentures vs Implants

    I am scheduled to have one implant on feb 14th....already had a bunch of teeth pulled going to put one implant in to balance out the chewing.... mine is the legacy of forty years of bloodhound and browns mule and occasionally apple brands chewing tobacco....and I quit chewing tobacco twenty...
  3. pdfangus

    Buying guns online

    I have bought from Buds and was just pricing one this morning....but it is out of stock...
  4. pdfangus

    Fence opinions

    I have been hung up and wrapped up in barb a time or two and lived to tell about it... I have high tensile fence with one wire hot and my cattle and horses respect the fence. even the goats think about it before testing it to see if it is on...many of my division fences are just one strand of...
  5. pdfangus

    WOW... What a change!!!

    don't matter much boys.... haven't you heard that fake meat is gonna run you all out of business? What I find amazing is that people are actually trying it and liking it when they have no idea what it is... but those same folks were grossed out at the thought of pink slime....
  6. pdfangus

    Cultural Changes with time

    There were cell phones then..but they were in cars...I was a manufacturers rep back then covering parts of seven states and I had one...then I worked for three years for a battery company and one of my jobs was installing backup batteries in cellphone tower sites.
  7. pdfangus

    Cultural Changes with time

    I remember them all to well..and the marlboro packs rolled up in the tee shirt sleve......I was a widdle kid and around here they were mostly bullies trying hard to be cool and bad ass at the same time...hippies were no problem..they were just stoned and self centered...hell today most people...
  8. pdfangus

    Cultural Changes with time

    My take on it is that the 50's were the changing years of our entire nation after years of World War II and the great depression. it was the time of an economic boom paralleled in human history up until then. It was a time of new freedom and economic opportunity and society was changing at a...
  9. pdfangus

    Cows out

    livestock absolutely are in tune with your routine... right now on the place I have two horses, two mini donkeys, one eighteen month old bull, two nanny goats (one with babies) and one billy goat. one of these goats was as wild as a deer when I got her.... The billy goat is in with the horses...
  10. pdfangus

    Kentucky Derby.......

    He damned near caused a disaster.... don't know why but he swerved and cut off at least two horses and then when he tried to go back to the rail he cut off a third... all three of the horses cut off might have been able to make a run at him but we will never know. one of the horses he cut off...
  11. pdfangus

    Severe weather isn't like it once was.

    schools today in virginia will close at the drop of a is all liability driven...and they do not open around here until the back roads are clear....
  12. pdfangus

    Severe weather isn't like it once was.

    I watched the weather terrorists on Friday around here...they had been calling for severe storms on fridya for more than a week I gotta admit they were calling Tornadoes live on the air from the weather rada left and right...... and we have had at last count 11 confirmed tornadoes right where...
  13. pdfangus

    Open Carry

    back in the day people were ashamed to be known as shell shocked... now that it has a payment attached to it not so many are ashamed to claim it....
  14. pdfangus

    Open Carry

  15. pdfangus

    Well, looks like i'm getting banned

    well if there is stuff we do not see you can understand how we might be confused.... we can only make judgments given the information we have available.
  16. pdfangus

    Well, looks like i'm getting banned

    I must say that I do not see how posting a picture that was the highlight of dozens of television shows and news broadcasts is a violation of forum rules. the topic was Oscars and the film clip and photo were from the Oscar program....I have read nothing in the thread that would be offensive to...
  17. pdfangus

    Open Carry

    I have no disagreement with that.... but there are many who only want to do one of those and that is vote... i can't site the numbers without research but there are nearly as many people who pay no taxes and get a tax refund, as there are people who pay taxes... our world is changing before...
  18. pdfangus

    Open Carry

    I have served for 13 months on a federal grand jury.... what you are failing to recognize is that old men like us and our opinions are not in keeping with mainstream america any more.... even this board is generally not in keeping with modern values.... If they are how do we have the people in...
  19. pdfangus

    Open Carry

    Well in lot of places and this is getting to be one of them.... if there is any kind of trouble ..... .and you don't have to be involved in the trouble.... if a cop thinks you have a weapon you are going to be face down on the ground in handcuffs with a knee in your back and the presumption of...
  20. pdfangus

    Open Carry

    Brute 23 I liked your post..... that seems to be the sort that wants to open carry around here too... I don't want to be viewed that way...