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  1. Running Arrow Bill

    Bathroom Problem Solved

    If you have try yoga, mirror, or whatever... You probably missed the cognitive joke to jest the "new world order" of Orwellian "Newspeak"... And for those still confused on my joke...check your birth certificate...if there is one... :lol2:
  2. Running Arrow Bill

    Bathroom Problem Solved

    Not sure which bathroom to use? Look between your legs! Any questions? Problem solved...
  3. Running Arrow Bill

    Cattle Pots & Windmill Blades

    OK...for all you non-livestock! A "Pot" is a semi-trailer that is double-decked with numerous side vent openings to keep cattle cool during transport. A Pot can haul probably 50 to 75 cattle, depending on size using both decks. Perhaps as many as 100 calves... Trailer may be up...
  4. Running Arrow Bill

    Cattle Pots & Windmill Blades

    Ok... Anyone any ideas?? In front of our property on US 83 every day several EMPTY Cattle Pots go North and later some go South! What gives? Drivers practicing pulling trailers? Stealing trailers? Can't make up their mind which direction they want to go? Next: Every week BLADES of the...
  5. Running Arrow Bill

    Move to Colorado

    No thanks! I lived in Colorado for about 9 years..."Quoth The Raven"... We have exceeded 2014 rainfall to date this year. Our pastures loving it! More rain scheduled here all week. On the flip side, our "summer" is about a month late here; only thing growing otherwise are cool season...
  6. Running Arrow Bill

    Beards: NON-politically correct Psycho-Social Reasons

    Guess I'm Got to thinking (bad) why some men have beards, lip beards, chin beards. Here are some frivolous reasons by Psychologists and Sociologists: (Not in order of importance or frequency: Hide facial defects (Hair lips, pock marks, scars, etc.) Don't have, can't...
  7. Running Arrow Bill

    Arguments You Will NEVER Win!

    Love it! Priceless!
  8. Running Arrow Bill

    Arguments You Will NEVER Win!

    Just my bizarre thoughts for a hot day today... Pro Choice vs. Pro Life Liberal vs. Conservative Anti-Gun vs. Patriot Evolution vs. Creation Scripture Quoting Bible Belt vs. Other Denomination Thinking Ford vs. Chevy vs. Dodge vs. GMC Vegetarian vs. Carnivore Fat vs. Skinny Gay vs. Straight...
  9. Running Arrow Bill

    Good help is so hard to find

    Hey! Hold my this! Priceless... I've been thinking of advertising for some part-time day help...we have a bunch of things to do here. (Not really, but my sentiment for help around these parts). Here is the adv: Wanted: Part-time day help. Various tasks. Pay $10 to $15 an...
  10. Running Arrow Bill

    Stock Market

    While interest rates are at all time low (almost invisible) one might just as well keep their CASH in a mayonaise jar close by. Stock markets, "investments", mutual funds, etc., are all very volatile options and the brokers ALWAYS get their commission regardless of whether you win or lose...
  11. Running Arrow Bill

    Words A Conservative Patriot Adult Should Never Use

    Here are my pet peeves for words in today's "vocabulary"... Whatever Iconic Epic Awesome Dispatch (to kill, slaughter, euthanize) Viral "Just Call 911" (when a lethal threat is eminent) ...all I can think of now...
  12. Running Arrow Bill

    Flip Flops

    Agree, 100%! Lot of hazards on a ranch or farm. Nuff said!
  13. Running Arrow Bill

    Sunday School

    I stand corrected! The word "Christian" is ambiguous. What I MEANT was...that I'm not a Muslim, Hindu, Budda, Ra Worshiper, Totem Pole follower, and all the other "Non-" sects, groups. And... I don't drink Kool-Aid made by Jim Jones or Obamma. :deadhorse:
  14. Running Arrow Bill

    Sunday School

    First of all...I am a Christian! Given that... The Christian Bible is a book of stories, metaphors, parables, examples, and thoughts for righteous living. Any "literal" interpretation is the stretch of the imagination. For example: "Adam and Eve" fell into sin and procreated the Earth...A...
  15. Running Arrow Bill

    drought in south

    True here too! Have only had 4.0 inches in past 9 months. Only 0.75" this year, but had 0.4" earlier this week. Not looking good by a long shot!
  16. Running Arrow Bill

    Anyone have a Keurig coffee maker?

    No, and I don't intend to have one of those "designer" coffee makers. That said... I use a 12 cup Mr Coffee (replace every 1-2 years, including vinegar cleaning). I drink coffee all day long. I buy "regular" coffee in the "3 lb can" (at least used to be 3 pounds) for $6 to 8 a can. I make...
  17. Running Arrow Bill

    Wife wants a horse

    Amen to that! We have Longhorns and Tennessee Walkers (plantation type, not show type). All are kept separate. Horses are a money pit. Feed, grooming, Vet care, Farrier, Tack, etc. Unless a person is an experienced horse person, avoid stallions, and any sex under 4 or 6 years old. Should...
  18. Running Arrow Bill

    Family Vacations

    I agree! Vacations can be a lot more stressful (as well as expensive) than staying at home. IMO, if you have the History Channel, National Graphic Channel, you can enjoy the world in the comfort of your home and let the others stress Growing up, my parents always went on vacation...
  19. Running Arrow Bill

    Cow Mauling

    Amen Caustic! I always carry a sidearm and cell phone along with a 6' piece of PVC pipe with me. Also, know WHICH ones to avoid and always leave myself an out. If I'm unsure, I don't go in their area. BTW, I'm 75 and would NOT heal good! Never more than 5 seconds from a gate if animals are...
  20. Running Arrow Bill

    list for US Facebook member's gender identity options

    Agree Caustic... Or, Male, Female, Undecided... LOL!