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    Dove Season in Texas

    Back when my son was in school, the car line to drop the kids off at school started around 10am if the 1st (opening day) ocurred on a week day. Always thought it was a funny site to see a bunch of youngsters wearing camo jumping out of dads car and running into school. It looked like a midget...
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    2 AM Police Stop

    A Police STOP at 2 AM An man is stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and is asked where he is going at this time of night. The man replies, "I am on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late." The officer then asks...
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    Another man?

    30 years ago as a defense contractor I ended up in the Philippines for couple days while testing some equipment at sea on a US navy ship (the Leahy) for about 3 months. The 1st night in port a few of the officers took me into Manila for some fun. As inebriated as I was that night, I can still...
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    Texas Rain Guage

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    Rapture Day +1

    This just in from the Wait! Wait! I got it this time department. ... 65746.html Apparently, this guy read Van C's prediction and recalculated rapture. Although he disagrees with Van C's date, he is at least willing to admit when he is wrong (funny how...
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    Rapture Day +1

    We're still here ?!??!, Who wold have guessed ? Two rapture social media quotes I liked "People are predicting rapture like there's no tomorrow" "This is my 1st rapture. What should I wear"
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    I don't care who you are ....

    What is actually being seen here is a result of the film speed being very close to the RPM of the propeller. As the second vid clip states, this is called a "Stroboscopic" effect. A person watching the same thing with the naked eye would not see this illusion. If you watch an old western of a...
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    Agricultural Inflation

    Saw this story on a Wall St. market report site. The author seems to be under the impression that farmers set the price for commodities and hence are one of the causes for agricultural inflation. Seems to me that the only we way we can affect prices is by trying to stay in business with what...
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    Bucket List

    The time I had to look fate in the face was before my kids graduated high school. To my surprise I didn't think about what I wanted to do. Instead, I was consumed with guilt that I was abandoning my family and wouldn't be there to help them through life. That was all I could think about and...
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    In Light of the Oil Spill

    Here's one from dear old mom. A man was driving down the road and ran out of gas. Just at that moment, a bee flew into his open window. And the bee asked him, 'What seems to be the problem?' 'I'm out of gas,' the man replied. The bee told the man to wait right there and flew away. Minutes...
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    Dog saves Farmer

    That's odd. I clicked on the link and it takes me to the CNN web site. The video plays after a short commercial. I also found the video listed on another web site but you have to click a link that ends up taking you to the correct video on the CNN site, but without the commercial. Anyway...
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    Dog saves Farmer

    Just I nice video I thought worth posting. The dog looks to be an Australian Cattle dog and probably ought to get at lease a T-bone out of the deal. ... crg?hpt=T2
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    What can happen when the Gov't doesn't listen

    DEA officer stops at a ranch in Texas and talks with an old rancher. He tells the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs." Rancher says, "Okay, but do not go in that field over there," as he points out the location. The DEA officer verbally explodes saying, “Mister, I...
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    A snake trap I have used (mainly on cottonmouths) is a 4ft square piece of plywood on the ground with a brick under one end and a 10ft rope tied to a nail in the plywood at the brick end. After a few days I get the shotgun and go jerk the rope flipping the plywood away. Then its open season...
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    Dumb Ways and Health Care costs

    I read the earlier post titled "dumb" again and wondered how folks felt about health care costs being affected by others actions. I think this thread could easily be closed due to the strong feelings and opinions people have about health care. So I will ask that you limit your response to just...
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    Eco-friendly Beef Production

    An interesting article from Drovers comparing eco-friendly beef production techniques. ... ed_id=5593
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    Torture and Gitmo

    This guy has these amusing videos on almost any topic you can think of
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    Christmas cards for ya'll

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    Space Shuttle

    Talk is cheap, but just try farming or ranching without ever paying attention to the forecast. Not to mention the number of lives saved due to satellite tracking of hurricanes. I also think TV actually keeps kids at home more and presents the opportunity for more family time together and even a...
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    Space Shuttle

    I'm sure there were folks telling the King and Queen of Spain something very similar when Columbus and other explorers set sail. I can't imagine where weather forecasting and tracking, rural television and whole list of other things you take for granite would be without space based technology.