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  1. daneg

    couple of poor performing calves

  2. daneg

    That’s the it!

    Them wolves are certainly an issue, since mid summer there has been a confirmed 15 wolves shot or trapped here in roughly a 4 mile radius. There is still several left by the amount of tracks, most everyone has lost cattle to wolves some more than others. If there is evidence of a predator kill...
  3. daneg

    Day Length

    1min 3sec longer daylight tomorrow for here.
  4. daneg

    2 year old bull nursing..

    The Market is good!
  5. daneg

    Might be spring one day.

    -25c here this am, at least when the sun is out there is some heat to it now. Back around 2000 there was an influx of ranchers from Alberta, some lasted a couple of years, others didn’t make it through BSE and that hangover. 20 plus years on and there are just 2 or 3 of us still at it around...
  6. daneg

    Woulda shoulda coulda..

  7. daneg

    Best Freeze-Proof Water Trough for Central Texas I been using a homemade version of this so far good to -15c but there are only 6 head drinking, when the rest are home and drinking hopefully it works to -25 - 30c.
  8. daneg

    Getting some snow

    Winter has arrived! Have about a foot of snow in the last couple of days. I broke down and fed some hay today, noticed this evening the cows are grazing eyes deep in snow there is good grass down there as long as it doesn’t get real cold and freeze the wet snow.
  9. daneg

    Gravel driveway/loadout area

    I would use fabric.
  10. daneg

    ANOTHER comment about color

    Tough to guess which bull, but I notice the cow has black points so the black could have come from her.
  11. daneg

    First timer looking for advice

    Around here the market steer 4H season begins in the fall and ends with the show and sale in the late spring.
  12. daneg

    Perhaps This Is Why I seldom Post Any More

    Seems to me that if a post has to be moved to a restricted forum the op should be granted access at the same time without having to request. I guess the rules are made and upheld by wiser folks than I.
  13. daneg

    Got chilly for a couple days

    -38 yesterday and -27 this am supposed to get to - single digits by the weekend, it’s time for some spring like weather.
  14. daneg

    crossbred bull question

    Two ranches; established with 200 good commercial cows similar in appearance and raise their own replacements. Ranch A. Buys papered bulls every time when needed with close attention paid to latest EPD’s. Ranch B. Selects bull from within from proven early calving, structurally sound and good...
  15. daneg

    crossbred bull question

    Highland is being used in a small way in the north, through the luing breed.
  16. daneg

    Moved calves, fed cows, took in some scenery.

    Looks nice and clean with a fresh snow, -27 here right now not quite as much snow. Nice to see that I am not the the only one ranching in a clearing in the bush.
  17. daneg

    Hot Wire Training

    Another trick is to hang a few pop cans from the hot wire by bending the tab over the wire, it will get the attention of curious cattle when they touch them.
  18. daneg

    Starting up

    Starting from scratch is not easy but it can be done, one thing to keep in mind excessive debt will kill your efforts. When I started out I realized that I could only afford to make payments on one thing cattle or land or machinery, l choose to go in debt for land and buying cattle or machinery...
  19. daneg

    Open Heifer vs Cows in production

    .75 for yearling steer or heifer on pasture consumption as opposed a pair.