Birth Rate in Italty

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Sep 7, 2006
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Yantis, Texas
I caught this a night or two ago and thought it interesting. I think the State of Maine at this time is ageing very fast and not being replaced by younger people. It looks like every Industrial nation is undergoing a population reduction. Will we being having fewer and fewer people to pay the bonds on schools and such that is being built for a projected population boom for kids. Looks like the future will be very interesting. The stocking rate of the world my correct itself as for as needed resources grow or dwindle who has the answer. Really wish I could be around to be able to witness what happens.
hurleyjd said:
I caught this a night or two ago and thought it interesting. I think the State of Maine at this time is ageing very fast and not being replaced by younger people. It looks like every Industrial nation is undergoing a population reduction. Will we being having fewer and fewer people to pay the bonds on schools and such that is being built for a projected population boom for kids. Looks like the future will be very interesting. The stocking rate of the world my correct itself as for as needed resources grow or dwindle who has the answer. Really wish I could be around to be able to witness what happens.

They will be taxing the crap out of the old people and few remaining workers to give all the free stuff away.
Caustic Burno said:
hurleyjd said:
I caught this a night or two ago and thought it interesting. I think the State of Maine at this time is ageing very fast and not being replaced by younger people. It looks like every Industrial nation is undergoing a population reduction. Will we being having fewer and fewer people to pay the bonds on schools and such that is being built for a projected population boom for kids. Looks like the future will be very interesting. The stocking rate of the world my correct itself as for as needed resources grow or dwindle who has the answer. Really wish I could be around to be able to witness what happens.

They will be taxing the crap out of the old people and few remaining workers to give all the free stuff away.
There will not be as many old people as us old ones will be pushing up daises.
I just got back from Italy a couple of days ago. Looking at Europe is a glimpse at our future unfortunately.
They will import new tax payers, once they find some that will work.

The United Nations Population Fund lists Germany as host to the third-highest number of international migrants worldwide, behind the United States and Saudi Arabia. German growth rate -0.17% (2018 est.) US growth rate 0.8% (2018 est.) Italian growth rate 0.16% (2018 est.)
Caustic Burno said:
hurleyjd said:
I caught this a night or two ago and thought it interesting. I think the State of Maine at this time is ageing very fast and not being replaced by younger people. It looks like every Industrial nation is undergoing a population reduction. Will we being having fewer and fewer people to pay the bonds on schools and such that is being built for a projected population boom for kids. Looks like the future will be very interesting. The stocking rate of the world my correct itself as for as needed resources grow or dwindle who has the answer. Really wish I could be around to be able to witness what happens.

They will be taxing the crap out of the old people and few remaining workers to give all the free stuff away.
The higher the birth rate the more people there will be demanding more handouts.
I am not picking on any race or color of people because there are slackers and laziness in every category. BUT, the decreasing birth rates are in the middle and upper classes of people as far as finances.... Because they are the ones trying to make a living, working and trying to be responsible members of society, contributing to society. The increased birth rates are in the ones that are getting the handouts, because they are getting more hand outs for more babies. And with all the "free health care" and the improvements in saving babies that are born with problems, more of them survive. Unfortunately, more of them have health problems and so goes the vicious cycle.
So the ones that would have bigger families, that were the working class in "days of olde", are no longer having the bigger families because they cannot afford them, and some just because they do not see the future for these children being good and don't want to bring more into this world.
The handwriting is on the wall, and if no one learned from the excesses of the Roman Empire, and the degredation of the society, then we are looking at it now. Allowing......NO ENCOURAGING, the total break down of the family, of the morals of decent hardworking people, the total disregard of the teachings of decency and humanity of the religious, and the acceptance of the practices of the Islamic faith that go totally counter to what our country was founded on, will destroy us in the end. It is sad, but I am rather glad that I will not live to see how far this country will fall if it keeps going in the direction it is heading. I feel for all the generations that come after me.
Part of it is also that we do not value physical labor like was once valued in this country. By each succeeding generation wanting their kids to not have it so tough, we have actually created some of this problem ourselves. So many today don't want to get out and sweat and LABOR, but would rather a machine do it and an electronic devise do something rather than to use their own brain for it. There is a balance, and having some things made easier by mechanical means is not bad. But when it is used to completely take away any value in a person doing a physical job, there is something wrong. All the robots and electronics will not work in the future if the green new deal ones get in, because there will not be the necessary inputs to supply the need. Then we will go back to the priviledged and the peon workers......
Most of the visuals are from the 1927 movie interesting movie with much complexity.
I remember that song, it was really way out there back then, but there is too much about it now that makes you think. And the pictures of the way humans will become slave like again is chilling.

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