First branding done

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Our community has far less people in it than it used to as small outfits get taken up by bigger ones. So now you'd have to recruit a good percentage of wrestlers from town.
I quit the rope and drag (and branding altogether) a few years ago. Started turning into a spectator sport, the folks on lawn chairs began to outnumber the crew. And everyone planned on getting fed. Which isn't to say that a lot of people didn't bring a dish of some sort.
Between that, worrying about the weather, if there was enough food, what to do with the food if we got rained out, the time used up that could be more wisely allotted elsewhere, if there was going to be enough help, too much help…
Personally the only good reason I can think of to work calves at that age is for the vaccinations. I don't run in a community pasture where branded calves are required. Calves are tagged and RFID tagged, casterated and vaccinated at birth. Replacement heifers are branded before turnout.
Rope and drag brandings can be real slick, but the key is the crew. I cut bull calves at branding and much prefer the table than kneeling in the dirt. Plus with a table, 2-3 people can get them done and 3-4 people can get it done a little faster.
I agree. When my uncle had his cows he always dragged them to the fire. I helped out on several occasions. My profile pic is from one of those brandings. One of the riders was not watching out for those of us on the ground and pulled a calf right into me as I was holding another one. It just kind of rolled me out of the way. The lady who was taking pictures that day took somewhere around 900 that day.

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