hay burners

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
So the neighbor has about 15 or 20 assorted mares and young horses. He actually raises some pretty good cow horses from this band. They wander up and down the road keeping the vegetation grazed off the shoulder of the road. The first half of my driveway coming off the county road has a fence on one side and a steep bank back up to the road on the other side. Every now and then the horse herd comes down my driveway and cleans up the grass along the edge. They almost never cross the bridge which is 150 yards or so out from the house.
So at 6:00 this morning I look out and the horse herd is almost to the bridge. The wife says well they are just trimming the grass. I replied, yes, but the gate into the front field is open. I hurried out there. Kind of a frosty morning. But I figured this would only take a minutes so I didn't grab a warm coat or gloves. But before I can get there 4 horses turned into the field. I tried to herd them out of the field on foot but got no cooperation from the horses. About this time the rest of the herd figured they had been caught so they headed out the driveway and down the road. This is about a 40 acre field. Long and narrow, with the road on one side and the river on the other. When the main herd headed for home so did the 4 in the field. Chasing them on foot just went out the window. I went and got a quad. There is a gate at the far end of the field. The horses ran to it and stood there. Hmmmmm, have they been that way before? I opened the gate and they all ran into the neighbors field. They then ran up to the gate at the top end of this field. So I drove up there and let them back out on the road with the rest of the horses. The horses are all happy and I am about half froze by this time. Riding a quad on a frosty morning with no gloves..... I know I will get feeling back in my fingers eventually.
Sounds like daily life around the farm. A lot of aggravation at the wrong time over a bunch of nothing as you say hay burners.
Silver said:
A quad without heated grips and throttle?? The horror! You better put that on your Christmas wish list!

If I lived with the Eskimos like you do I would already have those. The horror was that my quad is in the shop and I had to use the wife's. To say that machine has been rode hard and put up wet is an understatement. It beats walking but just barely.

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