I'm High on Cattle, Big Money, Everything is Great, LLC Farm

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May 28, 2008
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Ferris/Commerce. Texas
I've been busy...sorting & hauling cattle, making good money. Everything is great...cattle production is paying for their feed, my equipment & fencing maintenence and my property taxes..both residential and farms. That was my original business plan. I'm now a registered L.L.C. Farm. Cows are calfing and calves are growing faster than I can hook up the livestock trailer to get rid of them. I should have been a Farmer...but engineering was fun too. Cows are cool...love being around them and taking care of them. I had two heifers that got pregnant at 12.5 months and 14 months. Things started off slow with cattle...now they're speeding up...or I'm getting slow.
I've been busy...sorting & hauling cattle, making good money. Everything is great...cattle production is paying for their feed, my equipment & fencing maintenence and my property taxes..both residential and farms. That was my original business plan. I'm now a registered L.L.C. Farm. Cows are calfing and calves are growing faster than I can hook up the livestock trailer to get rid of them. I should have been a Farmer...but engineering was fun too. Cows are cool...love being around them and taking care of them. I had two heifers that got pregnant at 12.5 months and 14 months. Things started off slow with cattle...now they're speeding up...or I'm getting slow.
Brace yourself. In a year or two they will be worth half what they are today.
you really think food prices are going to tank that much? I highly doubt it.
I didn't say food prices. Cattle prices. I have been in this business for a lot of years. Every time prices run up high like this there is a crash coming. How low will it go? My crystal ball doesn't show that. But I think when it does you will be real happy to get $2 on a calf.
Brace yourself. In a year or two they will be worth half what they are today.
Or less, i bought calves a year and a half ago for .70. Yes they were #3 but now the same calves will bring 2.50 and more. I hope it stays this way for a long time but im not buying a new truck depending on it.
In 2019 I bought 25 #1 black heifers that weighed 425 for $1.33. And things weren't bad in '19. Today those heifers would be well over $3. In the fall of 2022 I bought 35 400 pound steers and averaged $1.80. Today those steers would be $3.50 or more. The market simply isn't going to stay here. I remember 2015 and 1996 and a number of other years in the early 2000's, 1980's, and 1970's.
I agree with Kenny, I hope it stays this way. But I am either paying off debt or paying cash for things I buy. Certainly not buying anything requiring longer term debt.
you really think food prices are going to tank that much? I highly doubt it.
Retail prices for beef? No. The price you get for your calves, yes. Your inputs.... fuel, equipment, fertilizer, will not be going down, though. But the costs of labor, ( wages, benefits, WC etc,) for everyone up and down the chain, from the feed lots to the grocery store, are going to keep rising. Transportation costs all up and down the chain will keep rising. Utilities, rent or property taxes, insurance, etc, for the grocery stores will keep rising. So, the price we pay for beef won't drop to the $2.99/lb pre-Covid price of ground beef, but the price we get for 500lb calves, will drop to the pre-Covid price of $1.50/lb, as people turn more and more to other sources of protein.
I've been busy...sorting & hauling cattle, making good money. Everything is great...cattle production is paying for their feed, my equipment & fencing maintenence and my property taxes..both residential and farms. That was my original business plan. I'm now a registered L.L.C. Farm. Cows are calfing and calves are growing faster than I can hook up the livestock trailer to get rid of them. I should have been a Farmer...but engineering was fun too. Cows are cool...love being around them and taking care of them. I had two heifers that got pregnant at 12.5 months and 14 months. Things started off slow with cattle...now they're speeding up...or I'm getting slow.
This too will pass we're at the top of cycle.
right.. record low cattle inventory. record low heifer replacement inventory.... drought conditions and fires hampering cattle country for years now.. and you have super high interest rates.. on top of that you still have record or near record export levels of beef still. Slaughter capacity is increasing rapidly. I just don't see this huge drop like you guys do...
Don't know how old you are @cowman82 , but I too remember the days of $.10-.20 cull cows, and feeder steers bringing less than $.50..... I remember seeing the replacement cattle in the $2-3,000 a head in the mid 2010's , and then the price drop as more came available and things went through the swing.
The record low inventory and record low retainment of replacement heifers, the droughts, have all gone through these same cycles..... Our huge increase in exports to China especially has caused higher prices and lower inventory faster than some of the previous cycles...

But as the world economy gets more intertwined, and the inflation rate gets worse and worse in what the average person can manage, even with the increased wages, it will get to a point where people will not be able to afford things...
Add to that the unrest with the different countries vying for control over the world... hostilities that are being pushed, that we as a nation are getting more and more "weak kneed" and they see as potential for a very real possibility for takeover if we do not get back to where we are an important player in things... AND different countries now going away from the US dollar as the "world's currency" will bring things to a halt and possibly even put us in worse shape than we have ever been in.

And there is one more thing that many do not see... the younger generation of people OVERALL, do not see the same value of hard, sweaty, physical labor as a way to "get ahead". It is a different mindset with the technology today; and the levels of people wanting to just push buttons to make things happen. They are looking at the whole "fake meat" and being able to "create" food in a lab and mass produce it, as the "modern way to go" and it will save the planet and all that claptrap BS..... It will not save the planet with using 10 times the resources in order to create this stuff that will stop the animals from polluting the planet...
The "age of the Jetson's" with being able to take a pill to get your total nutrition, is fast becoming a reality.... yet there is more and more unrest and unhappiness in the world, and it is a sign that we are getting more and more away from what we need in our lives to both live and thrive.... that things like physical work and toil in the soil is good for the body AND the soul.... and that by letting things "go back to nature" and all this gobbledy gook, is showing me that people have not yet learned that they cannot go forward without learning from the past... yet the current thoughts of the governing class is to get everyone on board with this idea of the government knows best and we should learn to "trust them" to have our best interests at heart. And that the past should be erased.

There are advantages to the modern age of farming, the equipment and things that have made "one man" able to farm thousands of acres instead of barely managing to farm his 160 acre piece..... But each new technology brings a new set of problems... which in turn brings a new set of "solutions"... This also brings in another set of influencers to the cycle of cattle as we have seen over the last 100 years.

We will see another drop in the cattle cycle... it is at it's peak now, MIGHT even last for another year or 2... but when it does crash, it will be worse than the last one because the younger generation of today does not want to see that it happens this way, and the prices of things are so inflated that spending 100,000 for a pickup that will NEVER be able to last long enough to even make it "pay for its self", so a person will never get out of the debt cycle that has become a way of life now.
When this does crash, the foreign countries that have been buying up farmland.... namely China and such, ESPECIALLY around and near military bases and strategic areas of production and distribution... they will dictate to us how we will live as they are taking over what has been one of the best places in the world to live and BE FREE. Ask anyone that has escaped communist and socialist rule in other countries.... We are headed that way...
When the cattle cycle swings, with the other influences that were not near as prevalent in the past ones, those that are still able to own cattle, and land, will be at the mercy of controlling interests that will TELL you what you can raise, what you can get for your product, and how to do things.
With the amount of debt now, and the riding high on cattle prices, when it drops, there will be those with money that will come in and own things and those that will become the "serf's" to do the work.... Many will lose so much when these prices fall.... and they will.
ya maybe we'll be back to 10.00/hr and 100k for a house too.. lol

they're hiring gas station attendants here for 23/hr... we're at a whole new standard now.
ya maybe we'll be back to 10.00/hr and 100k for a house too.. lol

they're hiring gas station attendants here for 23/hr... we're at a whole new standard now.
I know lots of people in TN that are working for less that $10 an hour. The minimum wage is 7.25 there. Here in VA 6 miles from TN its $12 but there are very few jobs . Probably a good thing because it seems few want to work. Had one tell me recently that he would work a little but cash only. He explained what he was getting from our government to do nothing and he couldn't chance loosing it. It amounted to about $3500 a month. $3500 tax free with no expenses is pretty darn good in this area.
I have a friend who bought 200 steers in 2014 and put them on feed. Couldn't lose. By the time they were finished in 2015 the market dumped and he lost $450 a head. That was a $90,000 loss. Enough to take a lot of people down. I knew another guy who was rolling big in '94 and '95. '96 came along and he lost everything he owned. There was a guy who posted on here back in '04 - '05 that went bankrupt in 96. If you don't think it will crash....... I wish you luck.

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