Prayers for Baby Nephew

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Well-known member
May 28, 2011
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Western Kentucky
He's having open heart surgery tomorrow morning in Louisville. If you could please say a prayer for him and our entire family we would truly appreciate it. I couldn't make it up there so I'm holding the fort and taking care of all the livestock and pets while the rest are at the hospital. Wish I could be there but the Lord can hear me as well from here. I'll update when I can, how it goes.
I've heard the surgery was successful and that he has opened his eyes once and smiled. Also that he now has energy to hang on to his pacifier. Want to thank everyone for your prayers and thoughts.
Happy to hear all is well, hope the parents are coping ok. My sister in law had open heart when she was a baby and is now having her first baby. Amazing what they can do. How hard would that be on the parents, i went to pieces when my son had to go under to have grommets in which is about as small a procedure as you can get. Something serious like open heart on your baby must be a terrifying experience. Lucky your nephew won't remember any of it and will never know how much emotion he caused everybody around him!
FlyingLSimmentals said:
I've heard the surgery was successful and that he has opened his eyes once and smiled. Also that he now has energy to hang on to his pacifier. Want to thank everyone for your prayers and thoughts.

That is wonderful news. Still sending up prayers for a speedy and safe recovery!
Great news!! Kids are very resilient and do better with these things than adults. I read this post early this morning and now you've made my day. I'm sure things will continue to improve.
Will be praying for him and family. I know this is a difficult time for y'all. When I was nine months old I had heart surgery, am 44 now. They can do a lot of amazing things and from what I understand it's a lot better now.

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