Protecting Yourself Against Infections

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2021
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Riverton Wyoming
A week ago I gave my calves a pill for scours and I picked up some sort of pathogen from them. While working them, one bit me and broke the skin. I ended up going to the doctor on Monday, and finally I am feeling better today. The four days to diarrhea was no fun. Until now I never really thought about picking up some sort of bug from my cows or calves. I guess I should wear gloves, but I have never had much luck with those medical gloves; they seem to tear easily.
I've thought about it but never experienced it. Couple years ago I had to push in a prolapsed rectum on a steer. I sent the wife after the bucket I keep with palpation gloves and stuff in it and a gallon of warm water. She dumped the bucket out and put a gallon of warm water in it. 😑 I went ahead and pushed the prolapse in then washed me and the calf off with the water that was left. For some reason that night I woke up hoping I wouldn't get sick. Never really thought about it before that. Like every other working person I'm rarely without a cut or something on my hands. Luckily I didn't catch anything. I'm coming around but still don't like wearing gloves for 90% of the work we do.
Cryptosporidiosis maybe? Handling/treating affected calves can lead to a very unpleasant experience.
They had Crypto at a local water park a few years ago. Lot of people came down with the sheetz until they figured it out and closed it for disinfection. a couple of younger kids went to the hospital.

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