SAV Renovation

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Aug 18, 2008
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Looking at a group of bulls that have him as a paternal grandsire. Any comments on the bull's apparent strengths and weaknesses would be appreciated.
We raised a SAV Renovation son this year. I hesitate to say this but he is not quite what I expected and not 100% sure why. Bought the dam out of a drought caused dispersal and he was the calf inside. He looked like a hot damn on mom, was an eye catcher calf on pasture but at the bunk (or post weaning) he lost some of his appeal. This was/is disappointing. Our expectations perhaps dashed which is never good when asked an opinion. Structurally zero complaints. Absolutely nice calf, good bones. I guess we expected more fleshing and or growth despite winter challenges? Or maybe in comparison to his pen mates he is not measuring the way we would like? Our bull pen is quite small so not huge numbers and maybe poor comparison factor this year? In another year he may be "shining". Not what I expected from a Renovation son out of his mother. Gosh could be the dam, I hope not…lol come to think of it…This year's calf is a hot damn right now too…but maybe post weaning we will see the same trend? Yikes…lol "pretty in the cradle ugly at the table". Wouldn't be the first time this trend occurs…lol He is not ugly by any means he just has not risen to the top of the pen like his "friends"or how I expected at weaning. There are a lot of people I know who say they like Renovations…in my experience you never know until you try it out in your environment. Opinions are like "you know what" (bottoms) and everyone has one lol!! Good luck…farming is risk, and sometimes you bite it and win, sometimes not so much so…lol you have to have guts that's for sure! At the end of the day usually never a complete loss cause lesson learned, always next year and well life is too short to get hung up on the small stuff. 😊 I just noticed your "red cows rule"- the Renovation I speak of is definitely black.
I came close to using him. Haven't yet. But brooking angus use him year after year and can't get enough of him. Apparently his daughters are top notch. The only reason I haven't used him was that the frame size is just a little on low side for my environment. I'm sure others on here have used him.
We've used him and also have a son at stud out of him. Heifers are very good in their type, fit our mold quite well. Frame size tends to follow the cow. Some can be weaker topped as well. Take a look at our Josey Wales bull, out of a very proven female and I believe is an improvement on his sire. Along with semen being more readily available

We raised a SAV Renovation son this year. I hesitate to say this but he is not quite what I expected and not 100% sure why. Bought the dam out of a drought caused dispersal and he was the calf inside. He looked like a hot damn on mom, was an eye catcher calf on pasture but at the bunk (or post weaning) he lost some of his appeal. This was/is disappointing. Our expectations perhaps dashed which is never good when asked an opinion. Structurally zero complaints. Absolutely nice calf, good bones. I guess we expected more fleshing and or growth despite winter challenges? Or maybe in comparison to his pen mates he is not measuring the way we would like? Our bull pen is quite small so not huge numbers and maybe poor comparison factor this year? In another year he may be "shining". Not what I expected from a Renovation son out of his mother. Gosh could be the dam, I hope not…lol come to think of it…This year's calf is a hot damn right now too…but maybe post weaning we will see the same trend? Yikes…lol "pretty in the cradle ugly at the table". Wouldn't be the first time this trend occurs…lol He is not ugly by any means he just has not risen to the top of the pen like his "friends"or how I expected at weaning. There are a lot of people I know who say they like Renovations…in my experience you never know until you try it out in your environment. Opinions are like "you know what" (bottoms) and everyone has one lol!! Good luck…farming is risk, and sometimes you bite it and win, sometimes not so much so…lol you have to have guts that's for sure! At the end of the day usually never a complete loss cause lesson learned, always next year and well life is too short to get hung up on the small stuff. 😊 I just noticed your "red cows rule"- the Renovation I speak of is definitely black.
I see where you're coming from. I like the females better. I don't see enough grow in them to love them (or for my customers to love them). He doesn't work on everything for sure.

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