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  1. gizmom

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    It was great meeting y’all I can’t wait to hear how his calves turn out.
  2. gizmom

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    That list is crazy!
  3. gizmom

    Apple cider vinegar

    Elk We have used it and found it to work. We pour it over the back about same as pouring fly/lice treatment on them. It doesn’t end fighting but certainly cut it down.
  4. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    Update on the steer tonight was the awards banquet E won champion carcass with the steer so I guess it didn’t set the calf back to bad. They award a 500.00 prize for top carcass so that sure helped offset the cost of the surgery. Needless to say GG was happy that she did so well and thankful...
  5. gizmom

    Covexin 8 at banding.

    we use to band after the first shot but like others have said lost a really good one learned an expensive lesson now band after second shot goes in. We use Covexin 8 and band when we give the booster. Which is tomorrow just realized that as I was writing I better get off here and get busy my...
  6. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    The show is done she was top 5 so tickled with that. The steer sold for 5.00 a pound so needless to say glad we did the surgery!
  7. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    Well they weighed the calf in for the show today official weight 1350. He looks pretty dang good had healed up really well. I’m sure the Surgery set him back some but Jacob had hoped for a finish weight of 1350 and that was his exact weight. They only have 10 or 11 calves in the show looking...
  8. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    I had thought of that and hopefully can pick something up along with health certificate. This was a first for us the calf has been managed same as every other calf he has fed out Hank (our vet) said like people some are more prone to stones than others in a feed lot situation. Jacob has...
  9. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    That is a great idea and not something I had even thought about. Thanks I will tell Jacob they are clipping him this evening so a good time to get it done.
  10. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    No worries I shouldn’t have said anything, I was also a bit snarky lol
  11. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    Confused lol
  12. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    Yes this procedure will give them about 6 months he only has about a month to go.
  13. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    SOB he would have been dead before we could have got him to a processor this way we still salvage the steer we certainly take a hit but not a complete loss but we won’t have to bury him. Had this not been one of the girls show calves chances are we would have found him dead in the pasture. The...
  14. gizmom

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    I have said many times when you think you have things sorta figu out with cattle they will teach you just how wrong you are. Jacob and E went to get her show steer out after church yesterday and Jacob said the calf just wasn’t acting right. He watched him for awhile and couldn’t figure out...
  15. gizmom

    Learned something new

    The vet was here doing BSE on the long yearlings we had one when he checked Scrotal he said ut oh which is never something you want to hear the vet say. Then said oh it’s ok he just has mastitis which of course I have seen in cows just had no idea a bull could get it. He lanced it drained it...
  16. gizmom

    Found cow dead

    I found one like that back when I was a kid riding my horse on a neighbors property. A possum came out the hole that was about that size, I remember losing my lunch.
  17. gizmom

    Sick calf...not looking good

    No we haven't but will check it out.
  18. gizmom

    First Calf Heifers

    This IS the roughest year this cow will have, she is still growing, trying to grow a calf and trying to cycle in order to breed back. If you provide her with the tools she needs to get all these jobs accomplished ie mineral, hay/grass and some type of feed she should be able to get bred back in...
  19. gizmom

    Sick calf...not looking good

    We use Draxxin and Banamine for fever the combination seems to work really well. I hope your calf makes it.
  20. gizmom

    Booster shots

    A Tiffin Alegro Red it took him years to talk me into it but now I love it!