2001 was a long time ago

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Aug 25, 2013
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Anybody remember were you were at. Most young folks don't have a clue. Our school system has failed them. I am surprised none of them looked on their phone.

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Freshmen in high school sitting in my homeroom class. Our whole school was at a standstill with the televisions on.
Also a freshman in high school. Sitting in the Ag truck at the feedstore, first period small class. Ag teacher gets in and says "if i was them, I'd go after the white house."
I expect it was on the list.
I think it was too. I remember hearing it was supposed to have been 5 planes. The one for the capitol, flight 93. The other one for the white house, never made it off the ground. If memory serves me, there was quite a ruckus on a flight becuz pilot refused to take off; a small group of men quickly left before authorities arrived. (How? No idea)
I remember it like it was yesterday. Parking lot at an Ohio University branch campus. The one thing that sticks out in my memory is the sky. There was not a cloud in the sky and it was quiet. Commercial planes fly over our area constantly and that day there was nothing after the attacks. Surreal is how I would describe it.
I was watching TV waiting for the guy I rode to work with. He knew nothing so we turned the radio on and listened on the way to work. While listening the first tower went down. I remember thinking about all the firemen I had just watched filing into the building.
The office was in Olympia. It was spooky how quite that city was that day.
I was setting in the lobby of Bacon's Auto getting new tires put on watching the TV. I thought is wasn't real at first.



Just heard that on the radio in the tractor. Another good one is this...We seem to be a United country then or at least after the attack. Now people would probably cheer when the plane hit the buildings and cheer louder when they fell.

I was at work and listening/ watching it all go down. Remember them saying at first maybe it was an accident, I looked at the girl in the office and said that wasn't an accident, wasn't just a minute plane 2 hit. I actually flew Sept 13th.? one of the first flights back in the air. Was only 4 people on the plane.

I agree the patriotism then versus what it would be now is pretty sad. Don't think or enemies aren't watching for that. They fear our military but a small amount, they fear us as a united country with all they have.
I know right where I was setting watching GMA news when it happened.
Same here. I didn't have to be at school as early that day because some of us were being trained on a new program. Needless to say, we weren't able to focus on the training.
I was at work and listening/ watching it all go down. Remember them saying at first maybe it was an accident, I looked at the girl in the office and said that wasn't an accident, wasn't just a minute plane 2 hit. I actually flew Sept 13th.? one of the first flights back in the air. Was only 4 people on the plane.

I agree the patriotism then versus what it would be now is pretty sad. Don't think or enemies aren't watching for that. They fear our military but a small amount, they fear us as a united country with all they have.
We were coming back from a cruise to Alaska. We got home Sept 10. My birthday is Sept. 11. The next people on the cruise ship was stuck in harbor for several days. On the flight home I sat next to the first Muslim I had ever met. Now I look back and think, 'you never know.'

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