And Now the POTUS and his wife are tested positive...

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Sep 1, 2016
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Shenandoah ValleyVirginia
Seems that the POTUS and his wife have tested positive for the virus. Had a staffer that tested and they probably contracted it from her....Said the Dow dropped 500 this morning due to that.... They are self quarantining at the WH and he is continuing to carry out his duties... No report of symptoms. The timing is lousy with the election so close... but if he manages to get through the next 2 weeks with no big problems.... and used the Hydroxy and whatever all else that is not on the official list of treatments, it will send his popularity through the roof... I HOPE SO.... and I wish them both the best. There have been lots of others that have tested positive and gotten through and kept on... Let's hope that is the case with him.
I hope this thread can stay respectful. I pray for a speedy recovery for everyone battling the China virus.

Quick update on the six folks I know ages 60-74 who contracted the virus during a long car (SUV) ride together 3 weeks ago have all recovered and none of them were hospitalized.
Hope he recovers quickly. Especially hope that Mike Pence doesn't get it now. Wonder what it means for the next debate. If he has no symptoms, I wonder if a Zoom debate is allowed or if Mike Pence would be allowed to stand-in. Probably no on both those. I don't think reruns will work.
I hope this thread can stay respectful. I pray for a speedy recovery for everyone battling the China virus.

Quick update on the six folks I know ages 60-74 who contracted the virus during a long car (SUV) ride together 3 weeks ago have all recovered and none of them were hospitalized.
I wish the President a speedy recovery. I may not like him, but I do not wish that on anyone.
I lost a good friend to the virus two weeks ago. He was healthy and active. He was in his 70's.

Edit: He is now being flown to Walter Reed.
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Apparently he has had a fever for 24 hours now, heading into the dangerous phase. On the flip side to what Farmerjan said, if he doesn't survive this is going to get very real!

Fingers crossed he can get through unscathed, the world doesn't need this right now.
Apparently he has had a fever for 24 hours now, heading into the dangerous phase. On the flip side to what Farmerjan said, if he doesn't survive this is going to get very real!

Fingers crossed he can get through unscathed, the world doesn't need this right now.
It is a lot more than that, they have already given him an experimental "cocktail of antibiotics" that have not been approved. He got worse throughout the day to the point he became concerned. Long road ahead, regardless.

My older friend that died thought he would be home in three days, four days later he was dead. This virus is nasty stuff! ☠️
Apparently he has had a fever for 24 hours now, heading into the dangerous phase. On the flip side to what Farmerjan said, if he doesn't survive this is going to get very real!

Fingers crossed he can get through unscathed, the world doesn't need this right now.
America does not revolve around one man as some think. America will survive regardless of the outcome of the health of the President. We all are survivors. Until the end of our life.
How did I know you would try to put a positive spin on this.
Even you Mr. Moderator should realize what I posted. We have had numerous conflicts and assignations of our leaders and still survived. Moderators,had been unknown in the past but it is good to know you are one.
America does not revolve around one man as some think. America will survive regardless of the outcome of the health of the President. We all are survivors. Until the end of our life.
True as that is, if he goes down it will cause stock markets to drop and a lot of disruption in trade deals and security while it lasts. We could really do without that right now.
Hope he recovers quickly. Especially hope that Mike Pence doesn't get it now. Wonder what it means for the next debate. If he has no symptoms, I wonder if a Zoom debate is allowed or if Mike Pence would be allowed to stand-in. Probably no on both those. I don't think reruns will work.
I assume the next "debate" will be cancelled. Even with the most optimistic recovery, Trump will still be in quarantine, and a virtual platform isn't in his best interests. On the other side, Biden's camp is probably going to be reluctant to expose themselves to anyone with White House exposure for the next month, so I'm expecting both sides will let the debates go without much squawking.
We must have debates and Biden must answer questions.
- do you support packing the court?
- are you the n favor of statehood for DC and Puerto Rico?
- do you favor universal healthcare ie medicare for all?
- is Beto really coming for our legally owned firearms?
- are you really planning to abandon the oil and gas industry?
- just how crooked is your son Hunter? Not Saint Beau, Hunter.

the list could go on.
My wife has been battling covid a little over 2 weeks now and has experienced all the common symptoms So far I have none. Take my word you do not want to catch even a lite case of this stuff.
I have used this website that documents all new covid cases and deaths each day. From my county to the state to the n national level. Hope it can shed some light on where we are and where we might be going.
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