Anybody interested in space?

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I just see me opening a Bud Light in space and the beer getting all over the inside of the capsule.
When i first saw this post, i thought maybe someone wanted to lease or leased or some more pastureland.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😂
Space is a very neat idea, concept etc. but very much in its infancy. Get back to me when we're back on the moon then I'll start to be impressed.
What my state Senator said on FB

Just a little amused over the last couple of days and years of stupidity. A billionaire shoots a giant dildo 60 miles into the sky and said he is doing it for our future due to climate change and people are in awww.

Meanwhile, farmers who feed the world are considered by urban dwellers as rednecks and polluters. They take the sulfur(natural lubricant)out of the diesel, to make it cleaner, and we have to pay to apply the sulfur to the soils due to a loss of atmospheric sulfur sources. They choke the Diesel engine down and re-burn the exhaust with DEF that greatly reduces the life and reliability of the engine. Wonder how many tractors and for how many years could have ran without these stupid measures for ever launch of a hippie billionaire's giant member?
I'm not sure I understand what the big deal is. Didn't we send a monkey up in a similar capsule back in the 50's. Rich guys hiring smart people to use technology that's been around for 60 years. 🥱