Anybody like fruit cakes?

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2013
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I can tolerate them, but some of those chunks are not very good. Claxton's are not bad

Claxton is the best of the commercial fruitcakes. Home made ones are a whole different ball game. People make them in a big ole ring shapes, and put them in a tin covered with rum. Every year you cut a little sliver to eat and add some rum. There are people that have cakes going on 100 yrs old.
I do like them, in extreme moderation. That means very thinly sliced and only during the Christmas season and, they have to have LOADS of pecans. Probably more for tradition's value than anything else.

Perhaps the most well known fruit cake company in Texas is the Collins Street Bakery in Corsicana. Most families in Texas have at one time or another either received or given a Collins Street fruit cake to someone they loved or despised. The company is very well known and very prosperous. So prosperous, that one of it's employees was able to embezzle over $16 million from the company.
how to steal $16 million from a little bakery

(I know I have one each of these tins from when someone sent me one..perhaps an employer when I worked in O&G) One is from Collins Street, the other from Ya-Hoo bakers in Sherman Tx and it's known as a Texas Manor cake.
manor and collins.jpg

Another staid and staunch Christmas tradition that has appeared since the advent of the internet is people saying how much they hate them.
My grandmother made a version of it but called it a nut cake, it had pecans, dates, raisins. She also made what she called tea cakes around the holidays too, they were like a thin real hard crispy sugar cookie, with a piece of pecan, raisin or dried candied cherry in the center.
Most fruitcakes have too many nuts and not enough fruit. If it is mostly comprised of nuts or even it states that it's mostly nuts, then it's not a true fruitcake.
We have a service club called Lions and one of their major fundraisers is selling Xmas fruitcakes. The cakes aren't bad either so I'll have to start looking out for them on shop counters. It is my best chance of getting a fruit cake since my mother died. No chance of getting Pam to make me one, I think it goes back to her father telling her stories about how dried fruit was made.

I'm one of the odd ones that enjoys them. However, nothing comes close to my Granny's/Mom's plum or persimmon pudding topped with sauce. I can founder on that.

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