Are you vindictive?

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greybeard said:
Silver said:
do you remember that time me and you had it out??

Nope. Which leads me to believe I wasn't seriously wronged.
I remember it. All he really said was that you were close kin to Justin Beiber and Celine Dion.

But I eventually came to realize he just mistook me for Gcreek :hide:
Silver said:
greybeard said:
Silver said:
Nope. Which leads me to believe I wasn't seriously wronged.
I remember it. All he really said was that you were close kin to Justin Beiber and Celine Dion.

But I eventually came to realize he just mistook me for Gcreek :hide:
:lol: :lol:
Well played Silver. well played.
Silver said:
Silver said:
I've never taken any satisfaction in "getting even". It just doesn't do anything for me. If someone makes me mad they know it at the time. After that it's over, but the memory will remain.
do you remember that time me and you had it out??

Nope. Which leads me to believe I wasn't seriously wronged.
i don't remember it either, just forget it :cowboy:
I am afraid, that I have trouble forgiving. I'm not vendictive at all though. I don't want to get even, I just have trouble letting go. Four big instances of it in my life. I'd say anybody would have trouble letting these instances go. I have thought about starting a thread about the most recent. I already know what the advice would be, but I can't seem to reach the point of letting the past be in the past. I know I can't change it, so just move on. Can't seem to move on. You old worry warts will wonder what I've gotten in to. I was beat out of an obscene amount of money by a family member. Wasn't even in an inheritance issue, it was a bankruptcy.
Bigfoot said:
I am afraid, that I have trouble forgiving. I'm not vendictive at all though. I don't want to get even, I just have trouble letting go. Four big instances of it in my life. I'd say anybody would have trouble letting these instances go. I have thought about starting a thread about the most recent. I already know what the advice would be, but I can't seem to reach the point of letting the past be in the past. I know I can't change it, so just move on. Can't seem to move on. You old worry warts will wonder what I've gotten in to. I was beat out of an obscene amount of money by a family member. Wasn't even in an inheritance issue, it was a bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy many times means they blew the money then filed to get out if it.
kenny thomas said:
Bigfoot said:
I am afraid, that I have trouble forgiving. I'm not vendictive at all though. I don't want to get even, I just have trouble letting go. Four big instances of it in my life. I'd say anybody would have trouble letting these instances go. I have thought about starting a thread about the most recent. I already know what the advice would be, but I can't seem to reach the point of letting the past be in the past. I know I can't change it, so just move on. Can't seem to move on. You old worry warts will wonder what I've gotten in to. I was beat out of an obscene amount of money by a family member. Wasn't even in an inheritance issue, it was a bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy many times means they blew the money then filed to get out if it.

Yes, I am not taking this well. I was slated to retire in 11 months. I will now have to work till I die or my health fails. That first Day July 1st 2020 is going to be rough.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
alisonb said:
Are you a vindictive person or are you able to let 'things' go believing each person will have their day or the wheel will turn for them someday?

I'm a forgive and forget type until someone "pokes the bear".

I am the bear and don't like to be poked. I am very vendictive. I have 3 people that owe me money and one that I owe a bad beating. I will not forget any of it.
Bigfoot said:
I am afraid, that I have trouble forgiving. I'm not vendictive at all though. I don't want to get even, I just have trouble letting go. Four big instances of it in my life. I'd say anybody would have trouble letting these instances go. I have thought about starting a thread about the most recent. I already know what the advice would be, but I can't seem to reach the point of letting the past be in the past. I know I can't change it, so just move on. Can't seem to move on. You old worry warts will wonder what I've gotten in to. I was beat out of an obscene amount of money by a family member. Wasn't even in an inheritance issue, it was a bankruptcy.

I remember my dad saying never lend or invest with family.
He said if they need the money give it and never look back or expect anything.
I didn't realize the wisdom till I was in my forties and got burnt like toast.
It wasn't on an obscene amount but it was enough to start a fire on a wet mule.
I learned the hard way-"DO NOT CO-SIGN NOTES".
Same with lending money. If you do, then go in with the anticipation that you will never see that money again. You just gave it away.
If they can't go to the bank and get it-why should it be any less of a risk for me?

If you cannot afford to give the money away, you sure can't afford to loan it.
I hold a grudge pretty good.. I don't get even often, but you can bet if I hear news of some karma getting even for me, I'm gonna have a big smile on my face
Ryder said:
I learned the hard way-"DO NOT CO-SIGN NOTES".
Same with lending money. If you do, then go in with the anticipation that you will never see that money again. You just gave it away.
If they can't go to the bank and get it-why should it be any less of a risk for me?

If you cannot afford to give the money away, you sure can't afford to loan it.

That's a good rule of thumb, but I have made some exceptions to it...
Good friend of mine bought a car from me, paid for it in payments and paid it off.. few years later he's getting it repainted, wanted to get a line of credit from his bank to do it, he's banked there for years, he's a hard worker, unionized and makes decent money. (He's 35, hasn't had credit cards, etc) His bank wants a cosigner, so he asks me, sure... So we go in, I give them my financial info, While I don't have a very high income, I have pretty good savings.
His bank still refused a loan for $2500!!!
So I just loaned him the money, 2 months later he paid it back
kenny thomas said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
alisonb said:
Are you a vindictive person or are you able to let 'things' go believing each person will have their day or the wheel will turn for them someday?

I'm a forgive and forget type until someone "pokes the bear".

I am the bear and don't like to be poked. I am very vendictive. I have 3 people that owe me money and one that I owe a bad beating. I will not forget any of it.

Come by and pick me up and we'll get busy.
I have read all responses and agree with most/many. Not sure how "I" would answer this. I like to think that I am forgiving, but I'm sure I don't FORGET!
I have to deal with a lot of people that are "cattle associates", and I have to remain "neutral" to some that I don't like. I don't like doing that, I would just as soon tell them to "kiss off", but, you know - business is business.
I have to say though, if I don't like someone, they pretty much know it. I am a terrible liar. My face reveals EVERYTHING!!!
Like if I'm thinking "you are a complete a-hole" - they KNOW IT.
I am sure, though, if you hurt me, I can slough it off - but, IF YOU HURT MINE, watch out. Momma bear comes out - big time.
kenny thomas said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
alisonb said:
Are you a vindictive person or are you able to let 'things' go believing each person will have their day or the wheel will turn for them someday?

I'm a forgive and forget type until someone "pokes the bear".

I am the bear and don't like to be poked. I am very vendictive. I have 3 people that owe me money and one that I owe a bad beating. I will not forget any of it.
Want me to send ya Bill's ph #?
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