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Fingers crossed for her Jilleroo.

Yes it is sad. I have been watching The Doctors and Dr Oz and the fact that it has now migrated to at least a second organ and that that one is the pancreas, are not good signs. :(

All I can do is cross my fingers and hope for a happy outcome.
Suzie Q":4qv7jha4 said:
Sad news tonight :(

Our friends son came to see us on his way home tonight. This is the one that we have swapped bulls with and he helps us when we can and we help him when we can.

David has cancer. I knew something was wrong. He came the other night to sell me his Bazadais cows. I said yes but over several years as we don't have the money. He wouldn't stay for tea, he wouldn't even take a piece of cake with his coffee. I told hubby something major was going on and also my neighbour but they all told me I was wrong. I so wish I was.

He has cancer, it has already moved from his pancreas to his liver. The cattle are going to a sale this week. The Bazadais will come here. They are selling the farm and they are going to move him in with them on the Coast to start chemo.

He has a bed here any time he wants to stay to have farm life instead of the city. :(

A terrible disease fingers crossed for him....
Miserable 4 mls of rain. Our cattle look great. but we need good soaking rain in the next 3 weeks or a month or we will run out of time before our growing time goes before Autumn/Winter. All going well will have a show team for next year after a little break. Will only be grey and red Brahmans. 2014 we will be back with some South Devons.
Australian":gfsx8jri said:
Miserable 4 mls of rain. Our cattle look great. but we need good soaking rain in the next 3 weeks or a month or we will run out of time before our growing time goes before Autumn/Winter. All going well will have a show team for next year after a little break. Will only be grey and red Brahmans. 2014 we will be back with some South Devons.

I think we're meant to get a bit of rain over Xmas which will be good. Which cattle shows are you planning on going to next year Colin?

Well i finally purchased some steers! Went to our 1st sale my bro and i and picked up 11 Brahman cross steers 6-10 mths old. Learnt alot from the 1st sale! Have picked up another 10 private sale which arrive today. I am loving it. The mollasas is working a treat they are already coming up to me. It was fun trying to apply pour on to them as soon as they arrived i will wait till they are in the holding yards for a few days next time. Have been informed of another mob that can purchase after new year. Prices are down up our way scoring them all for around $350-385. They have big fat bellys already and have settled in well :)
YAY Havinago.

We keep them in the cattle yard for a week. To allow time for them to think of here as home and to not try and go back to where they came from if they escape through a fence.

If they have just been weaned - usually 6 months - don't be surprised if they go 'backwards' a bit to start with, with coming off their mother's milk.

It poured here yesterday. 28 mm in the rain gauge, however my neighbour said that she experienced 'white out' driving home from Beaudesert and she couldn't see a think. She said that the rain was going sideways so the rain gauge may not be accurate.
just a little light heartedness on this friday before Christmas.

One dark night in the small town of Woopwoop, W.A, a fire started inside the local sausage factory. In a blink the building was engulfed in flames.
The alarm went out to all the fire departments for miles around.

When the first volunteer fire fighters appeared on the scene, the sausage company president rushed to the fire chief and said, 'All of our secret sausage recipes are in the vault in the centre of the plant.

They have to be saved, so I will donate $50,000 to the fire company that brings them out and delivers them to me.'

But the roaring flames held the fire-fighters off.

Soon more fire departments had to be called in because the situation became desperate.

As the firemen arrived, the president shouted out that the offer to extricate the secret recipes was now $100,000 to the fire department that could save them.

Suddenly from up the road, a lone siren was heard as another fire truck came into sight.

It was the fire engine of the nearby Baringa volunteer fire department composed mainly of Aboriginal fire-fighters over the age of 65.

To everyone's amazement, the little run-down fire engine, operated by these Aboriginal fire-fighters, passed the fire engines parked outside the plant, and drove straight into the middle of the inferno.

Outside, the other firemen watched in amazement as the Aboriginal old timers jumped off and began to fight the fire as if they were fighting to save their own lives.

Within a short time, the Baringa old timers had extinguished the fire and saved the secret recipes.

The grateful sausage company president joyfully announced that for such a superhuman accomplishment he was raising the reward to $200,000, and walked over to personally thank each of the brave elderly Aboriginal fire-fighters.

A TV news crew rushed in after capturing the event on film.

The 'on camera' reporter asked the Aboriginal fire chief, 'What are you going to do with all that money?'

'Well,' said Chief Billy Cokebottle, the 70-year-old fire chief, 'de furst ting we gonnna do is fix dem brakes on dat fukin' fire truck!!'
You sound like you've done well with those cattle Havinago.
Good to see you getting a turn with the storms Suzie.
Dale, I meant to mention to you the other day about Q fever. Before you get too hands on with cattle, it would be a good idea to see a local doctor and ask about vaccinations, they have to do a blood test first and then a scratch test with the vaccine. My neighbour was keen to help me with my cattle when he first got up here, he developed Q fever shortly after. It has been over 3 years now and he is still suffering the effects of it, fatigue, headaches etc. Definately worth looking into.
I had to get a calf in the yards this morning to treat a crook foot. I was lucky and able to split it off by itself when shifting paddocks. When I went up to the house to get the antibiotics I brought Jed back with me to see what went on. When I let the calf out of the crush Jed became very involved, he kept going around and heading it, he had all the moves, plenty of eye. Apparently it is important to have them heading the cattle rather than just chasing them so I was very pleased to see he had that natural instinct. Anyhow I'll be off to Warwick in the new year to pick up a few lambs to start Jed off on.
That's a good bit of black fella humour Chrisy.
Good one, Chrisy! That is a typical outback Aussie joke. Do you ever see the Outback magazine over there? It has a joke section at the back. I guess the mag is the Aussie equivalent of The Western Horseman - I doubt there is anything similar in the UK?
There was a pearler of a storm to the N of here yesterday arve - so close but so far! We just got the wind and smell of it.
We found 35mm in a couple of gauges around the run. No water laid or ran, it's been too hot and dry.
Tulip has survived thankfully. I think she was getting too many mungbeans, courtesy of hubby while I was away. She was depressed, not eating but was "breaking wind" very loudly - weird for a cow - but had no scours, her tail and back were down normally. Anyway she's back on the beans again but at a reduced rate. Blazing Saddles comes to mind....
So the DPI is squarking an outbreak of botulism cases in the Longreach Winton and Aramac areas. Have never been able to find that cow with the flaccid tongue again, I suspect she has died. Crossing our fingers there won't be too many more...
Jed will be a good dog by the sounds of it Ken. We had a dog incident yesterday at our other place. Four female dogs there, a kelpie, a BC and two Jackies. The youngest Jackie yelped for some reason and the other three dogs attacked her and meant to kill her. Luckily son was about and beat them off but little Dotty can't put one back leg on the ground. Pack mentality. I told them to tie the working dogs up, stop letting them run around like they own the place. The Jackies run free as they're snake hunters.
We're off to Bris on the plane tomorrow for xmas. Hubby suggested we fly down and have it with my family, seeing as how mum only scraped through this year. Son and family are coming here, Cowboy Ken is happy to celebrate on his own apparently.
Hi Suzie Q thanx 4 reply. I kept the 1st lot in holding yard 4 4 days and they came out very quiet. A mate has 12 head on there and our mob joined them straight away. There is some big v quiet cows in that lot so theyve helped ours. 11 more arrived yest. We will apply pouron to them xmas day then let them out with the others then. Had this property 4 7 yrs so wish i did it earlier instead of aggistment :?
Yes congrats on your purchases doubt you've tagged them for easy identification. Maybe you can post some pics of them when you've got the new ones settled into the paddock. All the best with them.
Gday jilleroo, i havent tagged them as you mention i can identify them from the brands this should be ok? In regards to crossbranding im getting mixed advice. I know its not a must its just added security. Unsure how to put pics up here??
Havinago, congrats on your herd. Looks like you are about 6 weeks ahead of my plans. I am interested to know how big the holding Yard is and what did you feed them during that time?

Ken, thanks for the tip on Q virus. I will definitely get that vaccine.
I am glad to hear that Tulip made it. :)

Great on Jed, Ken :)

Havinago the tags are not for your identification. It is for when your cattle get mixed up with next doors. Have a tag that is a different colour to theirs so as they can tell straight away. You can see from a distance and don't have to get too close. Also have a different colour for males and females. When you send them off you have to mark on the Way Bill if they are heifers, steers or bulls and down the track it is a lot easier if you just count the different coloured ear tags.

Next door has had a steer in with ours for a week. We knew it was there as we feed out every day. She rang and asked us to put our hay in the yard when we feed and put the steer in there for them. She kept saying over and over that the steer was completely unhandled, which unnerved me a bit.

Hubby fed them out as usual, so too late to put the hay in the yard. I went down and she didn't seem too scared of me so I thought I might chance using the quad to bring them up to the yard.

By the time I went and got the bull out of the yard, opened and closed gates and went down to open the gate so as they could come up, he was the furthest one away which I didn't like as I would have to go down to him with the quad first, although I was hoping that he would run to the other cattle.

I opened the gate and he saw me and started walking straight to me. I turned to walk up the hill as I really didn't want to be in the same paddock with him if he came through the gate and I had no stick or anything, but each time I started to walk up he changed his line to coming to me which meant he would come to the fence and not the gate. So I went back to the gate again.

I then called the others so as they came as well. They came and once he was near I left the gate so he stopped, but the others knew where the gate was and he watched them and came through with them. I then went and retrieved the wheel barrow and a bale of hay and he followed me into the yard with our murray grey. So I climbed out and shut him in with her.

Easiest beast I have ever put in the yard. I texted her to say he was in the yard and it would be heaps of $$$$'s for the training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers burglar, our holdings yards are very sizey with heaps of seperate pens, yards etc. The last gate opens up into a rodeo arena as our property used to have rodeo meetings. It was well spelled with a heap of grass in there so with that and mollasas was all that i needed. It is kitted out with water with a float to keep the trough full of water. It will be pretty chewed out by xmas day but i reckon after this lot!
Suzie Q we are only stocking steers atm so no worries knowing whats what. My friends cattle will be in seperate paddocks soon to make it easier as well. I hope this last lot are as quiet as the 1st!
Just a reminder Havingago that men have been killed and it is the quiet ones that get you!!!!! Just read back through the threads on this forum.

Yes at the moment your cattle and your freind's cattle are in different paddocks and exactly where you want them. That may happen every day forever or it may change next week. Cattle don't always do what you want. The identification is for when they don't do what you want, or when your friend's cattle don't do what they want or for when someone's cattle kilometres away from where you are don't do what they want.

We lost a heifer once who ended up at the stock yards in Boonah. That is a 10 minute drive by car. We put our brand on the front of the tag which can be easier to read than a brand if they get close enough.
I was a bit crook yesterday arvo. I got the silo shifted onto the concrete pads in the morn and anchored down then went up for lunch, shouldn't have eaten as just felt a bit iffy in the belly, stayed in the house and pain got worse, eventually settled down about 8.30pm.
I have not had this colicky pain for just on 2 years now. Over couple of years before that I have ended up in hospital at least four times, seems to be a tempory intestinal obstruction. They usually put in a drip and give me morphine until it settles down, fortunately not required this time. I'll have to be a bit carefull what I eat over Xmas.
Ken thats no good sounds like u have to watch ur diet. Maybe u should get a food allergy test? Can u eat gluten? Suzie Q my friends mob are running with ours atm. I am worried when we seperate them they will try to get back to ours. I know its not a walk in the park ive seen cattle get out and never been retrieved from our property. And im always weary of them dont trust them one little bit lol. A question is a head bail ok?? We dont have a crush. I will need to look into this for crossbranding. I saw some for sale on gumtree, a headbail that is. Cheers

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