Black Baldie calves

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2008
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Central PA
I have a few Black Baldie calves from a Herford bull I borrowed. People see these along the road, Think they are cute, and insist I sell them one. I don't normally sell 2 month old calves. There is no incentive for me to sell. I guess they want them for club calves. This is a dairy area, and Holstein bull calves go or $200 or so. I know beef calves are higher.
If I decide to sell some, what is the going Price ?
You did not say what kind of cows thay are out of but if they are beef breeds around here i gladly pay 100 dollars more than a holstein and thats at a week old or less. and i buy over 300 baby calves every year of all breeds but i'm trying to get more in to the beef calves than the holsteins. if i were you and i don't know your situation but i couldn't see selling them for what you can get at two months i also don't know your market either.
Isn't two months a little young to be selling those calves, especially if they're still on their dams, which I assume they are? (And I'm asking the OP here, since I already know the answer. ;-) )

If'n I were you, I'd tell those folks to wait until they're weaned. (Let's see if they think they're still cute then! :roll: :lol: )
They want them for pets, to halter train, and take to the county fair, or 4H fairs. They don't want 6 month old calves. They would be worth near $900-$1000 this fall, the only cost to me is extra grass for the mother's milk. Some people don't like to take NO for an answer I guess.