Favorite Tomatoes

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We grow about 20 different varieties every year with our favorites being:

Yellow: Pineapple and Copia
Early red: Bush Early Girl
Beefsteak: Burpee Supersteak and Mexico

But in all honesty, the favorite is the first one you pick out of garden after 8 months of store bought cardboard tomatoes!

PS I bought a patio tomato plant at WalMart last year in March and grew it in the house just for the smell of the plant. Talk about homopathic depression remedies! Look out the window at the snow coming down and rub a leaf between your fingers - takes you to warmer places. :)
redcowsrule33":n1reoris said:
But in all honesty, the favorite is the first one you pick out of garden after 8 months of store bought cardboard tomatoes!
Instead of buying those things I just do without.
The trick seems to be finding what grows well in your climate and soil conditions. Our favorite right now is Arkansas Traveler.

We've grown Garden Peach, Zapotec Pleated, Brandywine, Luther Burbank, Tigerella and quite a few others in recent years, but Arkansas Traveler just seems to do really well here. We picked all the green ones before frost and have been storing them all this time. We're still eating our garden tomatoes, now in January. They didn't ripen to a full red, but they're still tart and flavorful, much better than store bought. Seeds of Change sells lots of heirloom seeds and recently I got a catalog in the mail called Totally Tomatoes. Seems to have hundreds of varieties, old and new.
In central alberta you are sort of limited by the weather to real early varieties and even then they hardly ever ripen on the vine. Early girl is about the best for regular tomatoes. Tiny Tims are good for little tomatoes. Bought some "4th of July" seeds in Missoula Montana a few years ago...the package said tomatoes ready by the fourth of July! I think they were later than anything else.
Have to start tomatoes indoors by April 1st or no way they will make it. Transplant June 10...our average first frost free day. Usually have a killing frost by middle of September but can extend by covering until Oct. 1st! Sometimes it's not easy living in the Artic!
Any that I can shove in my mouth. :lol2:

Sure, some are better than others, but all tomatoes are great! I fried some green ones tonight and am still loving it.

Tomatoes are one of the best foods that God ever gave us.
The best tomato I have evr ate is a mystery a friend of mine bought some at Kroger in Texas and they were delicious so she kept the seeds out of them
she is one of these master gardener types and she has never had anyone tell her what they are so she just calls them mystery tomatoes
They are meaty and juicy and not very acidic almost sweet and a wonderful flavor

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