Hello from Limestone County Texas

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Hello, my name is Charley. last year, I bought a pretty rough piece of land with sandy soils in Limestone county, I been clearing it, built a lake, put a cabin, put a 6 strand bob wire fence and getting it ready for some farm to table beef
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well if know some one I can hire to disc up about 20 acres, that would be great. Otherwise I got to buy a disc. I want to plant some oats (got 2000lbs of reserved) targeting 3 weeks form now
I have a place just to the south of you in Leon County, I don't live there but my son and his family does.
I have plows but don't do it commercially, I could let you borrow something.
How big is your tractor?
the tractor is about 80 HP its an 20 year old hydraulic oil squirting Long tractor. its got the 3 point attachment PTO and all that but really all I need is just need a disc, it would take me two mornings.
Thank you, your hope was realized, we finally got hammered with a lot of rain 2 nights ago. Before, the highs were 100 plus (and no rain) for a few months, high yesterday was only 93, I'll take that any day in August
2000lbs of oats........

The deer gonna loove you!!
You did get me figured out with that one comment. A diet of deer, is a healthy diet. I shoot a few or more every year. Even wild deer need to be finished out with a lot of calories and low stress to totally mitigate all the potential gamey taste. A happy low-stressed animal with an easy life taste the best. That kind of rich food supply for an animal mitigates gamey flavors while adding some rich good flavors. Both cattle and deer are well planned and processed