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Jul 10, 2004
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central Ill.
I was born in 1949 and sold my first cattle in 1961. It has been downhill every since.
I was born in 1949 and sold my first cattle in 1961. It has been downhill every since.
You're the same age as my older sister, she just got married again last year, they never stop travelling and are building a new house in the tropics, certainly hasn't put the cue in the rack yet. I don't think there will be any kids this time. She is 2 years my senior so I guess that puts me as a 1951 model, I don't think I have put the cue in the rack either, might have slowed down a bit but I have so many projects to develop on the property here I don't think I'm going to live long enough even if I do live to be 100. My 5 year younger sister is another matter though, a bit of a hyperchondriat. If it's not her pelvic floor giving trouble it's her atrial fibrillation or her sinuses or her dogs eyes, I hate ringing her for Xmas and birthday having to hear about her pelvic floor.

Yeah, getting old sux big time. The last 2 years I can no longer ignore it. PLus side is to being my age is I got to see al the good bands in concert. Allman brothers while Duane was alive and Led Zep twice. 73 and 77. The thing that stands out the most as the most tragic things that has happened the past 50 years, is the incredible amount of freedom Americans have lost. I have ridden many a mile in the back of a truck. a couple of times all the way from Islamarada to Athens sitting on a load of scuba tanks. I rode bicycleds without a helmet, roller skated without one, too. Used to have the Great Chattahoochee Raft race. Hundreds of college age kids floating the river in home made rafts, right around the intersection of i-75 and i-285 in atllanta. Beer kegs on the rafts and that sweet gange smell in the air. Enviromentalists put a stop to that. Waiting on a concert to start in the Omni. when the lights went off, 10 thousand lighters lit up like lightening bugs for a second,then thousands of glowing red dots thaarted moving in a circle around the stands. Can't smoke even cigarettes inside anymore...hell sometimes not even outside! You could whup your kids ass when they needed it, now you may face criminal charges in a blue state. I think it was Benjamin Franklin that said " Anyone who would give up freedom in exchange for security deserves neither. "
Yeah, getting old sux big time. The last 2 years I can no longer ignore it. PLus side is to being my age is I got to see al the good bands in concert. Allman brothers while Duane was alive and Led Zep twice. 73 and 77. The thing that stands out the most as the most tragic things that has happened the past 50 years, is the incredible amount of freedom Americans have lost. I have ridden many a mile in the back of a truck. a couple of times all the way from Islamarada to Athens sitting on a load of scuba tanks. I rode bicycleds without a helmet, roller skated without one, too. Used to have the Great Chattahoochee Raft race. Hundreds of college age kids floating the river in home made rafts, right around the intersection of i-75 and i-285 in atllanta. Beer kegs on the rafts and that sweet gange smell in the air. Enviromentalists put a stop to that. Waiting on a concert to start in the Omni. when the lights went off, 10 thousand lighters lit up like lightening bugs for a second,then thousands of glowing red dots thaarted moving in a circle around the stands. Can't smoke even cigarettes inside anymore...hell sometimes not even outside! You could whup your kids ass when they needed it, now you may face criminal charges in a blue state. I think it was Benjamin Franklin that said " Anyone who would give up freedom in exchange for security deserves neither. "
Just rolled over on 65.
There have been cattle in the family all my life, but didn't have my own until after we got out of vet school. Except for a couple of years while in grad school, we've had cattle and horses until we dispersed the beef herd (except for one deformed pet cow) in fall 2019.
I had a knee replacement and both rotator cuffs rebuilt with cadaver tissue, at 6-month intervals in 2017... which accelerated the decision to sell the cows.
Just rolled over on 65.
There have been cattle in the family all my life, but didn't have my own until after we got out of vet school. Except for a couple of years while in grad school, we've had cattle and horses until we dispersed the beef herd (except for one deformed pet cow) in fall 2019.
I had a knee replacement and both rotator cuffs rebuilt with cadaver tissue, at 6-month intervals in 2017... which accelerated the decision to sell the cows.
You still have horses? What kind?
I was born in 1949 and sold my first cattle in 1961. It has been downhill every since.
I'll (Lawd willing) turn 73 June 1st. Bought my 1st calf in '63 or '64. My 1 and only reg Angus heifer. Had to borrow the $$ from my father to do it.
I have lived an AMAZINGLY !Great! life, tho rich with hardship at times.. and I probably earned every one of them hardships.

Turned 40 last spring. My twenties were way more exciting with more stories. Some things i really want to do before I get old and slow.
I hate ringing her for Xmas and birthday having to hear about her pelvic floor.
and people question why I still prefer to write letters..............

I have learned too, when calling my 2 older sisters, or receiving a call from them, not to begin the conversation with " Hey, How are ya?"
Well, most on here know that I'm old. Turning 76 in April. But, I think my body is more like a 40-50 year old. Lots of arthritis, but nothing really HURTS. Mainly because I keep moving - and fortunately, no health issues - as of yet!
Met hubby in Kansas. He & I were city kids. Bought his Grandfathers farm. We each had a riding horse. Started out breeding a few horses. Had a half mile race track with a 4-horse gate starter on our land. Held brush-track races every other Sunday.
Had a couple fillies (really nice reg quarter horses). Couldn't find a buyer. Ended up selling them for $500/each to a western store owner. About a month later, we went to a horse show. There were our two fillies - and not with the guy we sold to. We wondered up to the owners and admired their fillies. Ask, "what would it cost to get a few fillies like these?" They told us they paid $5,000 each for them.
Hubby said, that's it. We're going to buy cattle. It won't make any difference if our name is Smith or Rockefeller. They are worth so much a pound. (1969)
Well, we immediately bought 2 bred bwf from a neighbor. (Little eye and Big Eye). Then 12 bred commercial cows. Didn't know how to tell if they were close to calving or not. They didn't get wax on the ends of their teats!!!
Hubby went to AI classes at Graham School. So we immediately bred those cows to FB Simmentals. And guess what - the per pound price really didn't affect our bottom line. We had to earn a reputation!!!!

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