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boondocks":zk38tmlj said:
JMJ Farms":zk38tmlj said:
Let's not focus on the wrong topic here. This ain't (we use the word ain't down here in the south) English class. I don't have a problem with immigrants that come legally and with good intentions. But that's all but a fantasy. The ones that come over here, illegally, play the system, and live more comfortably than I do (most)... I have a problem with them. They have more rights than me and you!!! Ragheads with backpacks offend me. I ain't (oops) forgot 9/11.
Mexicans with food stamps offend me. Indians that don't pay taxes offend me. Able bodied White and Black folk that have 12 kids, food stamps, a cell phone, Medicaid, draw a disability check, get a $20k income tax refund, and a new car (at the taxpayers expense) offend me.

Personally, that's what I see the most of, by orders of magnitude, in my neck of the woods. Ain't no trash like white trash. And they have had the longest to "assimilate" and get a "jerb" (to quote my favorite South Park episode). In our county, the majority of the budget goes to medicaid. Of course, it's also true that in the pre-globalization era, a certain number of these fine folk would have had factory jobs and made a decent living. In a way, it's hard to blame them for making a rational economic decision: given their lack of skills, they are better off not working for minimum wage. We need to enforce the requirement that they do some kind of work (cleaning up the roadsides, cleaning graffiti, whatever--something, anything) to contribute to the community. Frankly, I think it would be better for them too---it's a good feeling to earn some money from your own efforts.

Why are immigrants wanting to come here? Is because there are or are not jobs?

If there are jobs, then the people playing the system are playing the system and there is nothing good or admirable about that.

The system that promotes lack of production and self sufficiency should be discarded or corrected. Especially one that creates a situation where the previous generation found reason to work, but subsequent generations do not. Is this not what you are seeing?

Entry level jobs are entry level. Using entry level position pay as a wage that someone out of school for 10 years would be earning is not fair...even if brain dead. Experience is worth something. Work ethic, showing up every day to work is worth something. People increase their income because of it.

Immigrantion was not designed to help the immigrant, but the country. A little history will show that we have stopped immigrantion and slowed immigration multiple times throughout our history. We have always expected immigrants to follow our laws, learn English and assimilate.

If there are no jobs, then why are immigrants migrating? Apparently not to work. And if that's the case, we don't need them.

Either way, see.... "The system that promotes lack of production and self sufficiency should be discarded or corrected. Especially one that creates a situation where the previous generation found reason to work, but subsequent generations do natro

My spelling may be atrocious, but the people I speak with can never tell. Nor has it negated any of the valid points made in this thread.
JMJ Farms":32pk0koz said:
I've got something I've just got to say. The wife and I decided to bring the kids to Savannah for the weekend. We have been down on river street. Before I start let me say that I have extensively studied mathematics, statistics, ratios, etc. I can count and add. At least, I say at least 1/3 of the people that we seen tonight downtown, in a moderately small southern town not an urban metropolis, we're speaking something other than English. I couldn't believe it. Still can't. I knew we were in trouble but I'm telling you friends, our simple way of life as we know it is changing. And I'm scared that not only can we not stop it, I don't even think we can slow it down. My eyes have been opened. I hope this doesn't offend anyone. Not really. I don't care. If it does, then you probably don't belong here. Let's see how long this one stays up.

Maybe I am missing something here, but isn't Savannah a tourist town and wouldn't you expect tourist from other countries to speak their own language? Just asking.
"Somebody should rent to them, get video of them doing such physical labors (as-if), then submit the video to the proper authorities."

boondocks, this is an interesting concept.

I knew a local fellow who was legally blind, and received a monthly check to confirm it. He drove his PU to work, and spent most of the day finishing concrete.

Try to turn someone like that into a government employee. That employee doesn't want any more to do. They just let it slide. Their opinion seems to be, why bother? Why would you want to take something away from them? Don't you have enough to do?

Our system is beyond broken!!
D2Cat":3lrhtuij said:
"Somebody should rent to them, get video of them doing such physical labors (as-if), then submit the video to the proper authorities."

boondocks, this is an interesting concept.

I knew a local fellow who was legally blind, and received a monthly check to confirm it. He drove his PU to work, and spent most of the day finishing concrete.

Try to turn someone like that into a government employee. That employee doesn't want any more to do. They just let it slide. Their opinion seems to be, why bother? Why would you want to take something away from them? Don't you have enough to do?

Our system is beyond broken!!
Wow, I could see getting disability for being legally blind (despite retaining some very low level of vision), but either the guy had pretty good sight and shouldn't be collecting $, or he had pretty bad sight and shouldn't be driving!! We've had a couple arrests recently in our area for fraud for such things--I think we need to make a harsh example every so often, and maybe it would cut down on the con artists who try this.
Our system is beyond broken!![/quote]
Wow, I could see getting disability for being legally blind (despite retaining some very low level of vision), but either the guy had pretty good sight and shouldn't be collecting $, or he had pretty bad sight and shouldn't be driving!! We've had a couple arrests recently in our area for fraud for such things--I think we need to make a harsh example every so often, and maybe it would cut down on the con artists who try this.[/quote]

A harsh example every so often doesn't work, look no further than the death penalty. The example needs to be a harsh and swift penalty everytime someone is caught.
3waycross":6p5pube5 said:
One grandfather was first generation American, his father was born in Ireland
One grandmother was first generation American, her father was born in Denmark
My father was first generation American, his father and mother were born in Italy.
The rest were hillbillies and jack mormans...........

ALL of the people listed above spoke ENGLISH........none of them spoke it with an accent(except some of the hillbillies who still do,God bless em)

My point is they ALL assimilated in one generation. Some retained the ability to speak or understand their native language. NONE of them EVER asked for a handout.
They ALL worked their way out of (in some cases STAGGERING) POVERTY.

.............and every dam one of them came here legally. I don't owe the government anything and neither did they. I have little or no tolerance for those who would denigrate that history or the country who made it possible.
You just described the way its supposed to be. It ain't that way now. Should be.
3waycross":360rcjiw said:
One grandfather was first generation American, his father was born in Ireland
One grandmother was first generation American, her father was born in Denmark
My father was first generation American, his father and mother were born in Italy.
The rest were hillbillies and jack mormans...........

ALL of the people listed above spoke ENGLISH........none of them spoke it with an accent(except some of the hillbillies who still do,God bless em)

My point is they ALL assimilated in one generation. Some retained the ability to speak or understand their native language. NONE of them EVER asked for a handout.
They ALL worked their way out of (in some cases STAGGERING) POVERTY.

.............and every dam one of them came here legally. I don't owe the government anything and neither did they. I have little or no tolerance for those who would denigrate that history or the country who made it possible.

ps--I forgot to ask: what's a jack morman (mormon)?
Traditionally a jack mormon is one that doesn;t follow all of the tenents of of the church. Usually drinking.
Teddy Roosevelt just about summed it all up many years ago. Boondocks, I hope he didn't offend you.

"We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people."
Dogs and Cows":vqpcqwl0 said:
JMJ Farms":vqpcqwl0 said:
I've got something I've just got to say. The wife and I decided to bring the kids to Savannah for the weekend. We have been down on river street. Before I start let me say that I have extensively studied mathematics, statistics, ratios, etc. I can count and add. At least, I say at least 1/3 of the people that we seen tonight downtown, in a moderately small southern town not an urban metropolis, we're speaking something other than English. I couldn't believe it. Still can't. I knew we were in trouble but I'm telling you friends, our simple way of life as we know it is changing. And I'm scared that not only can we not stop it, I don't even think we can slow it down. My eyes have been opened. I hope this doesn't offend anyone. Not really. I don't care. If it does, then you probably don't belong here. Let's see how long this one stays up.

Not sure I follow this...you are unhappy and afraid your way of life is changing because you were in Savannah and 1/3 of the folks were speaking something other than English?? How do you know they were not tourists, or even American citizens...if they were speaking among themselves they have every right to do so in the language they choose. As you stated later...this is a free country right? Seems to me all you have done here is condemn a bunch of people for simply speaking a different language. And for all who say their families learned English when the emigrated to this country...that is true...but most still spoke their native tongue when they were with family...whether Italian, Scandinavian, German, or anything else. I am really having trouble seeing how a different language is changing your life...

They wanna talk that shyt at home that's fine but in public they need to speak English. Now some of these accents and brogues can be a bit hard to understand a lot of time (I think of 3-way and Joe communicating) but in general there is no reason to keep your conversation secretive unless you're saying something you know you really shouldn't be saying in public.
TexasBred":qgyz86ir said:
They wanna talk that shyt at home that's fine but in public they need to speak English. Now some of these accents and brogues can be a bit hard to understand a lot of time (I think of 3-way and Joe communicating) but in general there is no reason to keep your conversation secretive unless you're saying something you know you really shouldn't be saying in public.
Casual conversations aren;t meant to be eaves dropped on. Unless you are part of the conversation what difference does it make?
TennesseeTuxedo":2dmiorkr said:
Well Dun I reckon if I visited France I'd speak English, if I moved to France I'd learn to speak French.
Probably, but when speaking with americans you would still speak english
TennesseeTuxedo":104gv5oq said:
Well Dun I reckon if I visited France I'd speak English, if I moved to France I'd learn to speak French.

When I was in about the 3rd grade the teacher asked is anyone spoke French.
I raised my hand and rattled off a few French words my dad taught me when he hit his thumb with hammer or the squeeze chute would pinch him. He'd always scream out a few words out and then say pardon my French.
dun":o85q50u9 said:
TexasBred":o85q50u9 said:
They wanna talk that shyt at home that's fine but in public they need to speak English. Now some of these accents and brogues can be a bit hard to understand a lot of time (I think of 3-way and Joe communicating) but in general there is no reason to keep your conversation secretive unless you're saying something you know you really shouldn't be saying in public.
Casual conversations aren;t meant to be eaves dropped on. Unless you are part of the conversation what difference does it make?
Anything said in public is just that....public.....but in a foreign language you have no idea if it's casual conversation or plans to drag your a$$ down a back alley.
TexasBred":2mba8pul said:
They wanna talk that shyt at home that's fine but in public they need to speak English. Now some of these accents and brogues can be a bit hard to understand a lot of time (I think of 3-way and Joe communicating) but in general there is no reason to keep your conversation secretive unless you're saying something you know you really shouldn't be saying in public.

Pretty sure there's no official language in the US. So if someone wants to talk gibberish with a friend, that's fine. That being said, I do agree that when I see a couple of sleezy looking guys speaking in something other than English, I always wonder what they're talking about.

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