If you could spare a prayer

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If there is anything at all i can do you just tell me. You and your family are in my thoughts.
Thanks to each and everyone.
Just got home. We now have a kidney specialist,a virual specialist, a nuroligist(sp), and fine bunch of support people working with him. But the little bride and I still are in the dark :( Alls we know for sure is they have ordered him isolated and we have to wear gowns, masks, and gloves just to see him 30 minutes every 4 hours. 2 lab tests have shown "renal" failure to the kidneys but they are not sure why. I'm to tired to look it up but if you use the words kidneys and failure to me in the same sentence.......And the MRI showed nothing. Again thanks to all for including us in your prayers and thoughts and if you would add a line for the special angel bending the rules and allowing my wife to sit him him at night as long as she "suits" up. God Bless and goodnight.
Thank God he was with you when this happened,not in a car,or out in the pasture somewhere..
What a scary situation... ask and you shall receive... prayers for your son and your family from us.

We'll be praying for the Lord to give strength to your son, your family, and the doctors. Have they checked for a toxicity problem? Keep us posted.
Psalms 46:1 says God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear...

I'm praying for strength for you and your wife, wisdom for the doctors and medical staff, and for God to be your son's and your family's refuge and strength and an ever-present help during this time of trouble.

Please keep us posted as you are able.
God Bless your Son and you and your family, hope they find out what it is quickly, and he can get on the road to recovery. My heart felt prayers are with you all, at this time. Take care and keep us posted when you can... :heart: Chris.
Good news. Having done all they could think of without knowing exactly what they are dealing with, the Dr.s decided to bring him out of the coma like sedation yesterday afternoon.
It's time to find out what he does or doesn't know.
He can't speak well yet. But when asked if he knew where he was at he didn't just say the hospital. He told them St. Johns ICU :lol: :lol: :lol: . Just like an engineer, a simple answer will never do when you can muck it up with details ;-)

Thanks again all. You well wishes were comforting.
Gotta go 10 hr.s at the factory and a few at the hospital are making for short days.
dj":15mn0wli said:
Good news. Having done all they could think of without knowing exactly what they are dealing with, the Dr.s decided to bring him out of the coma like sedation yesterday afternoon.
It's time to find out what he does or doesn't know.
He can't speak well yet. But when asked if he knew where he was at he didn't just say the hospital. He told them St. Johns ICU :lol: :lol: :lol: . Just like an engineer, a simple answer will never do when you can muck it up with details ;-)

Thanks again all. You well wishes were comforting.
Gotta go 10 hr.s at the factory and a few at the hospital are making for short days.


Had a big gathering last night and you are now on a couple hundred extra folks minds. They will be at it pretty steady.

You keep us informed - best thoughts and prayers,

One day at a time...even one step at a time...things are gonna work out.


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