If you could spare a prayer

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That is great news, dj, thanks for the update. Here's to your son making a full recovery!
The last of the test results are back. They have no clue as to what has done this. Not drugs, poisons, HIV, bacteria, ticks, cow crap(he did help cut some calves the week before and they did ask about animal exposure), not chemicals (he does work in a cabinet shop so they took a little more blood). All the cat scans, EKG's, MIR's etc. Nothing. The kidney renal failure has corrected since they stopped the antibotics. They just don't know what to think. Since he is physically stable they will stop any more tests. He spent his last night in ICU last night. Oh and what a night it was. A self admitted overdosed meth addict was admitted and drew the room next to Josh's. He was accompanyed by his girlfriend, mother, and brother(?) who proceeded to make the nurses lives miserable with demands and bickering amongest themselves. To the point they had to be asked to leave by security. The meth nut decides if they can't stay he isn't either. After tearing out his IV's and cathater(thats gotta hurt) he is getting out of bed when the nurses spot him. The chase is on and the little piece of monkey dung is knocking things over and running around :mad: . One of the nurses stops and tells my wife she will have to leave. Bear in mind this boy is our one and only. When my wife was telling her please no, it wasn't a question. My wife was telling her please no, don't start with me cause I'm not leaving. I guess she understood cause they settled on closing the glass doors.
The security guards finaly cornered him in an empty room and tazed(sp) him. I'm thinking Josh will remember his last night in ICU for awhile.

He has been transferred to the stroke center for rehab.
While he has regained part of his mind, he now jabbers with his grandmother, the nurses and his mom always with something nice to say. And we watched a piece on plastic molding on TV he explained centerfuge molding and how it was an option to injection molding :shock: . So that part is back to same o same o. But the part that controls his ability to speak and move could use a lot of improvement. I can tell it bothers him some but he is cheerfull and wanting to get better. Really wanted to go for a stroll around the room. The nurses nixed any casual walking but said I could help him get to the bathroom if he needed to go. We asked about maybe a wheelchair ride? Nadda no way.
So we settled for what we could get and made two potty runs. ;-) Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.
The Dr.s can't say what did this, but we are sure what's bringing him back.
dj... it is good to hear your Son is making good progress. Don't know why the Nurses bother with drugies, they will only go out and do it again, a good bed is taken up by these low life and someone may need it more. Sorry but self inflicted things don't cut it with me, unless of cause it is a Suicide attempt plea for help, which I'm sure this wasn't.

still sending prays for you and yours....Chris.
With a good strong family behind him, I'm sure each day will get better. You are still in our prayers - all of you.
I'm glad to hear of your son's recovery. Hope he continues to improve and lives a long, healthy life.

Still more prayers for a full recovery..

Wish they could put those ODs down..waste of resorses

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