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Aug 25, 2013
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Still not sure why there was anything wrong with a short rope and a tall tree. My only problem with the death penalty is it's lack of enforcement.
Think I'd rather have that than 34 years in prison and a failed execution.
They sure drug it out didn't they?

IMO, A good public hanging would deter a LOT of this crap from ever happening in the first place!
fed, clothed, housed, and provided medical care for 35 years...I think it's more cruel and unusual to sentence someone to the death penalty and then string them along for 35 years than to just get it over with assuming the guilty verdict was beyond any reasonable doubt
That's the problem... I have no issues with execution as long as the party IS guilty. I've heard somewhere around 8% of executed prisoners are found to be innocent after the fact. 35 years to kill a guilty guy is too long... but can you imagine what the guy goes through IF he's innocent? Guilty... get it done. But d**n it, if the guy is innocent don't sentence him to death.
That's the problem... I have no issues with execution as long as the party IS guilty. I've heard somewhere around 8% of executed prisoners are found to be innocent after the fact. 35 years to kill a guilty guy is too long... but can you imagine what the guy goes through IF he's innocent? Guilty... get it done. But d**n it, if the guy is innocent don't sentence him to death.
I think if any appeals are based on technicalities instead of actual new evidence coming to light then there should be no delay in carrying out the sentence...many of the "appeals" are just delay tactics based solely on technicalities...
Think I'd rather have that than 34 years in prison and a failed execution.
They sure drug it out didn't they?

IMO, A good public hanging would deter a LOT of this crap from ever happening in the first place!
Well they tried to kill him once before but couldn't find a vein. After trying with him strapped to a gurney for 4 hours, they gave up. Not sure why they had to go with nitrogen, why not a tailpipe and a hose? What about all of that deadly fentanyl that's sitting in piles to be destroyed?
Well they tried to kill him once before but couldn't find a vein. After trying with him strapped to a gurney for 4 hours, they gave up. Not sure why they had to go with nitrogen, why not a tailpipe and a hose? What about all of that deadly fentanyl that's sitting in piles to be destroyed?
Sometimes I wonder if it is going to be destroyed or just put back in circulation...
I agree with public executions, including hangings, a "speedy trial" (almost never happens today), and a fair justice system (seems almost inconceivable today somehow!). Presumption of innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Any possibility of "doubt", they shouldn't get the death penalty. Ample time for reasonable appeal. But then get it over with, and have that public execution by whatever method you prefer... as long as it's quick without "torturing" the guy. That public execution DOES serve as a deterrent, IMO. And THAT is what the prupose of a sentence is intended to be... it's NOT supposed to be just a time to "retrain" the evil-doer, but a time of PUNISHMENT for criminal behavior, which then acts as a deterrent for the public enmasse as well. And when its murder, and appropriately other especially heinous crimes, the penalty and punishment SHOULD BE death... and quickly. That's the only way that it will serve the purpose that God intended.

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed. And that includes the now popularized murdering of the unborn, in my book. How much more barbaric can a "civilization" become, than to slaughter their own children.
Well they tried to kill him once before but couldn't find a vein. After trying with him strapped to a gurney for 4 hours, they gave up. Not sure why they had to go with nitrogen, why not a tailpipe and a hose? What about all of that deadly fentanyl that's sitting in piles to be destroyed?
Had a nephew get addicted to Oxy after messing up his back. Best of the bunch... and he took too many one day and he never took any more. Is alcohol poisoning a terrible way to go? Sometimes I wonder about the people making these decisions. Slaughter houses have more humane methods than executions or assisted suicide.
Was it anything like divers getting 'the bends'?
The answer to that is no. While it's possible to die from some types of the bends, it's a different mechanism to death and can be painful. (speaking from experience - the pain part). I Have no idea why they took 22 minutes to pronounce him dead but he would've died within one or two breaths of pure nitrogen. My guess he was told this and was the reason he struggled to hold his breath as long as he could.
As a veterinarian, I've euthanized hundreds, if not thousands of animals (last 30 years of my career spent as a diagnostic pathologist... all my 'patients' arrived DOA, or I had to put them down to work on them.
I've never understood the difficulty these states have in terminating death row inmates by 'lethal injection'. Put in an IV catheter... they do it millions of times a day in hospitals around the world... bolus in a dose of barbiturate-based 'euthanasia solution' (you're essentially giving an overdose of an time-tested injectible anaesthetic)... they should just 'slump' almost immediately into unconsciousness -> lifelessness, and at most give a deep terminal breath or two. Finis.
None of this messing around with all the various 'cocktails' of paralytics and potassium chloride, etc., some of these states have used.
Better yet, a well-placed .22 round would be effective. And cheaper than anything else I'm aware of - though the cost of a quick high-voltage/high amperage jolt may be cheaper... depending upon local electric utility rates.
As a veterinarian, I've euthanized hundreds, if not thousands of animals (last 30 years of my career spent as a diagnostic pathologist... all my 'patients' arrived DOA, or I had to put them down to work on them.
I've never understood the difficulty these states have in terminating death row inmates by 'lethal injection'. Put in an IV catheter... they do it millions of times a day in hospitals around the world... bolus in a dose of barbiturate-based 'euthanasia solution' (you're essentially giving an overdose of an time-tested injectible anaesthetic)... they should just 'slump' almost immediately into unconsciousness -> lifelessness, and at most give a deep terminal breath or two. Finis.
None of this messing around with all the various 'cocktails' of paralytics and potassium chloride, etc., some of these states have used.
Better yet, a well-placed .22 round would be effective. And cheaper than anything else I'm aware of - though the cost of a quick high-voltage/high amperage jolt may be cheaper... depending upon local electric utility rates.
LOL... I probably shouldn't laugh... But it seems a lot like an over abundance of concern for ending a human life has made it more tortuous and yet it mollifies the tender hearted with the most concern. It all makes a good case for human beings being capable of f**king up a wet dream.
I DO believe in capital punishment. However, I don't believe capital punishment should ever be intended as a form of "revenge".. or even "justice" for that matter, other than it is absolutely "just" and "right", and a GOD GIVEN RESPONSIBILITY GIVEN TO GOVERNMENT, to take the life of one who has committed a murder of an innocent victim. It is intended to be a God determined "punishment for a seriously heinous criminal act". It's purpose is NOT TO "get revenge" or to "achieve justice for the victim"..., but rather to act as a restraint, and to rein in the naturally sinful and evil nature of mankind, and thereby, to act as an aid in maintaining civil order through that deterrence for all of society, and by eliminating the "evildoer" from society, so that he can never engage in a recurrence. He doesn't need to be "rehabilitated".... he needs to be eliminated! There is no true "justice" accomplished for the victim of the crime, only a right and proper punishment of the criminal for his act. The victim still remains a victim, and their life is still prematurely ended at the hand of the perpetrator. The family also still remains a victim of his crime. The only "justice" is that it is "just" and "right" to put to death one who has committed murder.
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