It's hot.

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Thats sitting in the shade waiting for the water to fill. Unusual for us.
Caustic Burno said:
True Grit Farms said:

Makes me want to say a prayer.

That's usually normal for here.

Actually cooler than normal here.

Just got home from Grand Isle LA, it was nice there for a change. Bowfishing was excellent and the bugs weren't horrible. I figured it was because the bug dope wouldn't run off with your sweat.
I started jogging again today.. We just got back from being in New Mexico, in higher altitudes. I don't do well in thin air. I sound like a freight train any time I walk. But 2 weeks and around 40 miles walking, jogging here was a breeze. Been off of jogging for a couple years, more like 5ish. But, did over a mile at a good clip like I never quit. Very happy I am. I missed jogging. Ellipticals are good, they just aren't the same. Not sure if i'll get up to my usual 2 miles and not sure if i'll again jog in the afternoon. But, i'll start a morning routine and maybe start heat running like I use heat stroke proofed me.
A little hot here, mid-80s with a mountain breeze. It will get hotter though.
93.9 inside your house ?
yeah, this time of year it gets pretty warm in the afternoons :lol2:

my house is 130 years old and never had AC. it was built on a little hill and catches a cross breeze when the brush is cut back. It cools off most nights down into the 60s. we open the doors and windows anywhere from late March to mid May and leave them until Mid October. Kind of like living outdoors, really. If I was real energetic I would open at night and close everything up when it got to 70 or so in the mornings - try to "capture" that night coolness. but I am lazy and I have a small pool. getting wet and sitting in front of a fan is pretty comfortable. Hot climates also tend to have a great adaptation to mid-day heat, called the siesta. :nod: (wet towel at foot of bed and fan blowing over it)
Hippie Rancher said:
117 out on the wall, 93.9 inside and just warming up for the day. humidity is up too...big storm the other night dropped 10/100 at the house. LOL
93.9 inside your house ?

Not happening! I grew up in the hot humid south . All a fan is good for is moving hot air. I still have to deal with the heat on my chores. I can afford A/C and my house is staying at 75 degrees.
It is a little too warm here for my liking today. It is 88 here. Nothing about my Swedish ancestry or being raised on the north pacific coast in Washington prepared me for hot weather. It is supposed to cool off the next couple days but back up over 90 on Friday through Sunday. The AC is right behind my recliner.
haase said:
92 here today, 80% humidity, I'll take my 3 seasons, you can have this heat.

We normally have two seasons hot with 90%+ humidity triple digits temps.
Then winter 30 to 40 degrees and endless drizzle. We bite off air to breath.
I do cold a whole lot better than hot. At zero I can put on more and warmer cloths. At 90 it is just hot and there is nothing I can do. The one time I went to the east coast it was August. The humidity just about killed me. I said something to some locals about it and they said it isn't bad right now. I don't want to see bad. And it cools down at night here. It didn't seem to cool off at all there.
The older I've got, the heat bothers me more, not saying I care for -35, but I can always put more clothes on, cant take enough off for the heat.
Heat stroke is mostly self inflicted...You think you're hot, you'll get hotter. I'm more intolerant of cold. But, cold can be mind driven. Tell yourself you're cold, you'll be cold. I tried this out a few years ago when my nutty sister in law insisted we go tour the Nascar place near her house. I wanted to go see manatees, but no, she was driving and drove us up to that stupid Nascar place. We had been in the Keys where it was warm, but it was Jan. and a front had made it through Daytona and it was misting. 40 degrees and mist, sitting in a metal seated open train car for over an hour was horrid. She had warm stuff for her and my BIL, even blankets... My husband had a hoodie and long sleeved shirts. Not knowing we were going to be sitting out in a metal seated open trailer, I just had regular stuff on. There was no way I was going to complain about the cold..SO, I sat there telling myself Im not cold, i'm not cold. Normally, I would have been in a state, that is just too cold to be sitting in the wind, mist and sitting on metal for hours.. But, I survived....
40 hours on the tractor in 90+ heat the last week baling and hauling hay..

poor tractor..

I change clothes at least 3 times a day.

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