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Not sure why I'm surprised that people still fall for this stuff.
Its a black jaguar, and it sure as hell didn't walk up from southern Mexico to TN. Its either captive, or perhaps an escapee.

Never said it walked here and it was in a field where it was spotted. What has happened, was the size of our town has doubled in the past two years. Most from California and that borders Mexico! Seems most likely the explanation. Figure with the price of meat and the amount this thing eats, it got real expensive. Someone decided it was best to let it go as far as we can figure. Can't give it to the shelter......
It is what it is.
Its a black jaguar, and it sure as hell didn't walk up from southern Mexico to TN. Its either captive, or perhaps an escapee.
That's not necessarily true, but probably likely. The DNR tracked a cougar from one of the western states once and found he traveled a significant distance, hundreds of miles east. Other cats have been found far out of their normal range. It happens.
That's not necessarily true, but probably likely. The DNR tracked a cougar from one of the western states once and found he traveled a significant distance, hundreds of miles east. Other cats have been found far out of their normal range. It happens.
But in this case it would mean walking over 1000 miles into a part of the world where they have never existed in history. Seems a bit far fetched.
Can you provide another case of a BLACK jaguar walking from southern Mexico to the middle of the US? I sure have never heard of it happening.
Do you think it matters that the jaguar is black? Like the cat was thinking, "Hey, I bet no one ever saw a BLACK jaguar up in Tennessee so I think I'll just toddle on up and give those rednecks a good surprise."

I gave you an example. Cats have been known to travel. Tigers and leopards have been seen in places that were surprising. I don't remember the particulars of that cougar I mentioned but it was at least a thousand miles and might have been two. And jaguars are known to be in the states adjoining Mexico. Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. It's not much of a reach to think they could travel to Tennessee, even if uncommon as hell. Animals travel. Even manatees have been seen up the east coast all the way to Cape Cod.

And besides that... I said your theory was probably more likely, a captive cat turned loose. But that doesn't mean a big cat traveling some significant distance is impossible.
The climate is usually equal on the long distance movers. Moving from sub tropical to a northern climate would be unusual. You would think there would be a trail camera picture somewhere along that route.
That looks like a panther/leopard to me and probably an escaped pet that somebody smuggled into the country from South America or Africa.
The black color is nothing more than a genetic variant, just like in leopards, servals, and bobcats.
Yes, I understand how the black color works. Its a genetic variation that is primarily found in the jungles of central America. A few have been seen in western Mexico, but its extremely rare. The odds of such a rare animal traveling to TN unnoticed, and then posing in an open field in the broad daylight, are zero. I know you only said it was "possible", and theoretically it may be. But it would be more likely to see a panda bear in TN than a wild black leopard.
But it would be more likely to see a panda bear in TN than a wild black leopard.
I agree completely... but there have been panda bears in zoos and I doubt a wild African leopard would be turned loose by anyone in TN... and one would never be expected to swim over on its own.

However a wild black jaguar isn't nearly as much a stretch. If a colored jaguar is possible, then so is a black one.

And again... I agreed with your initial post about the probability of it being a pet turned loose or escaped. There are all kinds of possibilities. I don't know why you are arguing about theoreticals. If we are to accept the picture as legitimate, all reasonable possibilities are equally viable until proven otherwise.
I agree completely... but there have been panda bears in zoos and I doubt a wild African leopard would be turned loose by anyone in TN... and one would never be expected to swim over on its own.

However a wild black jaguar isn't nearly as much a stretch. If a colored jaguar is possible, then so is a black one.

And again... I agreed with your initial post about the probability of it being a pet turned loose or escaped. There are all kinds of possibilities. I don't know why you are arguing about theoreticals. If we are to accept the picture as legitimate, all reasonable possibilities are equally viable until proven otherwise.
Put a set of hounds on that cat and kill it if it's real.