It's pronounced chaps... not chaps.

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This thread is not going to change anybodies mind on much. Especially on syllable emphasis. As kids we used to tease our American friends who thought they spoke like us asking them to say "ice cream, peanut butter and cigarettes" They would invariably fail (putting the emphasis on the first syllables) and we would laugh. Such is the cruelty of children.
Point being, right and wrong are mostly dictated by geography. I have come to accept that Americans an Newfoundlanders just ain't gonna have good diction and that's the way it is :ROFLMAO:
They don't speak our Queen's English hey Silver.

Back when I was working bees I'd go to North Dakota for a few weeks in late August - early September. I don't know if they still do, but back in the '90's they told a lot of Norwegian jokes there. I was there in the bar in Moffitt one evening telling one I'd heard a few days before. The people I was telling it to were laughing their heads off.

Finally one of them told me that the joke wasn't all that funny. They were laughing at me with my drawl trying to imitate the Norwegian accent while I was telling it.
Not the version I was looking for, but this one is funny