Left-Coasters Beware

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Well we live about 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean and about a mile up the bank of the Columbia River as the crow flies. My place is 440 feet above sea level, I survived Y2K, Mt. St. Helens and 2012..... Do I have a chance with this next "your going to die" disaster? I will say I'm hedging my bets and currently I have our bunker about half dug out, my wife and I will be safely 50 or 60 feet under ground when the big tsunami covers our place completely. Dave has it worse then me I think he is at a lower elevation........ He may have to dig his bunker deeper.
Alan":31xh3873 said:
Well we live about 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean and about a mile up the bank of the Columbia River as the crow flies. My place is 440 feet above sea level, I survived Y2K, Mt. St. Helens and 2012..... Do I have a chance with this next "your going to die" disaster? I will say I'm hedging my bets and currently I have our bunker about half dug out, my wife and I will be safely 50 or 60 feet under ground when the big tsunami covers our place completely. Dave has it worse then me I think he is at a lower elevation........ He may have to dig his bunker deeper.
Alan I think this is the one where the left coast splits off from the mainland. You may wake up on an island. :lol: Suppose to be a totally different fault line than the San Andreas everyone is always talking about. But then that big hidden volcano under Old Faithful in Yellowstone might blow first. It's suppose to be the largest eruption ever. :nod:
TexasBred":3iz454p4 said:
Alan":3iz454p4 said:
Well we live about 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean and about a mile up the bank of the Columbia River as the crow flies. My place is 440 feet above sea level, I survived Y2K, Mt. St. Helens and 2012..... Do I have a chance with this next "your going to die" disaster? I will say I'm hedging my bets and currently I have our bunker about half dug out, my wife and I will be safely 50 or 60 feet under ground when the big tsunami covers our place completely. Dave has it worse then me I think he is at a lower elevation........ He may have to dig his bunker deeper.
Alan I think this is the one where the left coast splits off from the mainland. You may wake up on an island. :lol: Suppose to be a totally different fault line than the San Andreas everyone is always talking about. But then that big hidden volcano under Old Faithful in Yellowstone might blow first. It's suppose to be the largest eruption ever. :nod:

I was really hoping for beach front property, kind of a new pudget sound south. M-5, we thought about an ark, smaller version, but then we would be broke after the cost of building and stocking it. What good is being broke when you may be near death? Plus with my luck we would beach the ark in Colorado...... You know where they smoke pot. :shock:

Seriously, no one has mentioned the Alaskan quake in 64, may be a different fault line.
Seriously this Jaun de fuca fault better not be da one to fuca with the Duck football season! Name em, I know Rainier has been active for many years, but no real rumblings from it is there? Besides just like St. Helens everything will blow to the east if it goes and just like St. Helens it will dump everything on Kathie........ Again, sorry Kathie and Yakama. :hide: :hide: :hide:
GB, you're a genius! Starting in the morning I'm stringing salmon nets across all my pastures then set back and wait for the tidal wave to bring in the mother load of salmon! $$$$$
We certainly are over due for the big one. They claim we get a 9.0 or bigger every 300 years. And it as been over 300 since the last one. If it holds off another year or two until I retire that would be fine by me. Because I am leaving this over populated wet place when I retire. Just looked a place in Madras on Saturday.

All that said I do live at 125 foot elevation with the Chehalis River out my back door. There is a couple of good bends in the valley between here and the ocean. A tsunami would lose a lot of its energy hitting a 90 degree corner in the river valley. So I should be pretty good. If not...... well I have looked the grim reaper in the eye before.

I was in Jr high in Puyallup during the '64 quake. I was faced out toward the ball field. The ground looked like waves rolling across the ocean. About 3 foot tall rollers.
I was 8 in 64 living outside of independence, Oregon (15miles west of Salem). Old enough to remember but I remember nothing other than the folks talking about it, didn't feel a thing that I remember.

Name em, I didn't think about the mud flows, do your folks live close to a river?
greybeard":2hm73uf6 said:
Who the heck named that offshore plate Juan de Fuca?

GB, the straits that run east/west between the north end of the Olympic peninsula and the south side Vancouver Island is the Straits of Juan de Fuca. Juan was a Spanish explorer who sailed about this area back in the old days.
Okay I will get serious about this for now, what do I do? For it to matter to me it needs to happen between today and let's say 30 years from today. Do I sell everything or walk away from it feeling good I gave myself a better chance of survival if it happens? Do I stock my house with a couple years supply of food and water, generator etc and hope it survives the quake and tsunami? I can get to about 800 ft in elevation in about 15 minutes east of me, but the roads have big timber on both sides most of the way.... Miles of down trees ahead of me? Or do I treat today and tomorrow and the next day like any other day and just hope to ride it out if it happens. Man am I channeling Harry Truman? No, not the president. I think I will not take it too seriously and ride it out if it comes.
Alan you need to convince all your neighbors that it is inevitable. Make use of social media and get the word out so people will find safer areas to ride their bicycles and to live. Instill such fear and hopelessness in everyone that they will all move off convinced you are the biggest sucker on the planet because you were dumb enough to give them $3/acre for their land. Its sortof like the carbon tax and the sky falling down thing only your ruse is a big azz tidal wave. If it does happen and you do turn out to be the sucker take solace in knowing that big asteroid is still screaming toward earth and high ground or not they are still screwed.
Jogeephus":1zwt3wwe said:
Alan you need to convince all your neighbors that it is inevitable. Make use of social media and get the word out so people will find safer areas to ride their bicycles and to live. Instill such fear and hopelessness in everyone that they will all move off convinced you are the biggest sucker on the planet because you were dumb enough to give them $3/acre for their land. Its sortof like the carbon tax and the sky falling down thing only your ruse is a big azz tidal wave. If it does happen and you do turn out to be the sucker take solace in knowing that big asteroid is still screaming toward earth and high ground or not they are still screwed.

:lol: :lol: I'm glad we have similar thoughts on this "next great crisis" Jo. I have thought about the panic I hope it causes to all the greenies and granolas in the blue part of the state. With luck they will pack up their bikes and move to a much safer place that needs saving....... Like next to Vic in Colorado! No tsunamis, no massive quakes (I'll tell them), no hurricanes, not much risk of volcanoes, not much risk of tornadoes and plenty of trees that need a hug!

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