McKinney, TX

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Luca Brasi

Well-known member
Dec 13, 2014
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Here we go again. Sure, the cop was out of line and overreacted, but being out of line isn't racism. What strikes me about a lot of these cases is the total air of entitlement that has emboldend these dirt bags. They know that they are almost never held accountable anymore because all they have to do is cry racism. The cops don't want the grief anymore, so they let all but the worst behavior go. I don't want scum like that in my neighborhood either, black, white or pink. I don't care if I was completely innocent and not involved, if I was in that immediate vicinity I'd make myself scarce pretty quick. Instead they hang around and taunt the cops, and then cry like a stuck pig the second one of them places a hand on them. Funny how fast and how dramatically their attitude changes. That white kid who took the video needs a kick in the a$$ to wake him up from the peaceable kingdom fantasy that they're brainwashing the kids with today.
Just read a report that the New Black Panthers have arrived. Guess someone needs to keep the shyt stirred.

What's funny to me is that I worked in McKinney for 7 1/2 years of my career and went through a couple of these kinda events where the kids wanted to take over. This is pretty mild compared. Of course, we had parents that would get in the middle of the kids instead of the police. The late 70's, early 80's were a whole 'nother world.
Luca Brasi":xc9wpupx said:
Here we go again. Sure, the cop was out of line and overreacted, but being out of line isn't racism. What strikes me about a lot of these cases is the total air of entitlement that has emboldend these dirt bags. They know that they are almost never held accountable anymore because all they have to do is cry racism. The cops don't want the grief anymore, so they let all but the worst behavior go. I don't want scum like that in my neighborhood either, black, white or pink. I don't care if I was completely innocent and not involved, if I was in that immediate vicinity I'd make myself scarce pretty quick. Instead they hang around and taunt the cops, and then cry like a stuck pig the second one of them places a hand on them. Funny how fast and how dramatically their attitude changes. That white kid who took the video needs a kick in the a$$ to wake him up from the peaceable kingdom fantasy that they're brainwashing the kids with today.

They arrested 170 people in Waco and shot half a dozen and no one is asking who did the shooting.
Only 30 people had a criminal record. Get 170 people together anywhere and you will have that many with a record.
Anyone every arrested and convicted of a misdemeanor has a criminal record.
The media loves playing this stuff up and stirring the pot.
Race relations IMO are worse today than 40 years ago. The welfare entitlement attitude has only made the situation worse
with the hate monger leaders beating the drum.
Caustic Burno":32855dcx said:
Race relations IMO are worse today than 40 years ago. The welfare entitlement attitude has only made the situation worse
with the hate monger leaders beating the drum.

I agree. We had big Al Sharpton here this last year trying to stir stuff up but for the most part we ignored him and he couldn't get any traction and he left. The thugs who were stirring the pot then began to break laws trying to get the media attention then they threw them in jail and swiftly sentenced them to several years in prison but gave them a option to either go to prison or to shut up and behave themselves. They chose the latter and things have been quiet.
I understand the New Black Panthers has organized a protest in the neighborhood where this happened. Saw a short video of it and I'm wondering how many they had to bus in?
USA population 321,000,000 for year 2015
White percentage 73 per cent
Black percentage 13 per cent
If that is the case why do the white seem to be the minority and the black the majority?
TexasBred":7edtm5ja said:

So that explains 'why' the officers were there, explains what this "Tatiana" person and her mother were doing on the public area, what the free loaders were doing in the pool area, and removes cause for the racism charge. It does not explain or excuse the officer's unprofessional conduct, loss of self control, his swearing at juveniles, his whining about about having to carry "30 lbs of gear" or his loss of control of the situation.
The worst part is, the officer gave her ample opportunities to leave. All she had to do was shut her piehole and walk off. But she couldnt do that. Thats one of the single biggest problems with many youth today, they dont know when to close their mouths and just obey instruction from someone with authority over them. No respect for themselves, let alone adults, parents, law enforcement, etc. She just got snatched to the ground...willing to bet its the first time in her life she has ever had to face a consequence of her poor decision-making. Im a little more lenient on the officer, 100 people vs. 9 officers, would be real easy to get excited, especially when the citizens are willfully disobeying your instructions. Fastest way i know of to make an officer unsettled (outside of trying for his weapon).
Red Bull Breeder":2fisjjax said:
Wow Grey you saw it a lot different than I did. Officer didn't say anything that they hadn't already heard before.

Evidently, his boss saw it a lot different than you did as well. Here's what he said about the officer's actions and antics:

McKinney's Police Chief Greg Conley, who has interviewed other officers on the scene, seen all the videos, interviewed the officer in question, and heard eye witness descriptions of what happened disagrees with you in the following statement he made while announcing the officer's resignation.

A police officer in McKinney, Tex., who was seen on video pulling his gun on teenagers in swimsuits and shoving a young black girl's face in the ground at a pool party has resigned, the police said Tuesday.

Cpl. David Eric Casebolt, who had been placed on administrative leave after the episode on Friday, remains under investigation, Chief Greg Conley said at a news conference. The corporal will keep his pension and benefits, the police chief said.
"Our policies, our training, our practice doesn't support his actions," Chief Conley said. "He came into the call out of control, and as the video shows was out of control during the incident."
"came into the call out of control".

More from McKinney Police Chief:

"The actions of Casebolt, as seen on the video of the disturbance at the community pool, are indefensible," Conley said.

Conley had originally placed the former Texas state trooper on administrative leave after the incident.

The Associated Press reported that Casebolt's lawyer, Jane Bishkin, declined to say where he is now and added the officer had received death threats.

The attorney said she would release more information at a news conference Wednesday.

At the conference, the police chief defended the actions of the other officers who responded to the party.

"There were twelve officers on scene. Eleven did exactly what we wanted them to do," Conley said. ... ice-chief/
11 professionals and one out of control maniac.
Kudus to the 11 professionals!!!
Goodbye and good riddance maniac.
greybeard":3eduwqqv said:
Red Bull Breeder":3eduwqqv said:
Wow Grey you saw it a lot different than I did. Officer didn't say anything that they hadn't already heard before.

Evidently, his boss saw it a lot different than you did as well. Here's what he said about the officer's actions and antics:

McKinney's Police Chief Greg Conley, who has interviewed other officers on the scene, seen all the videos, interviewed the officer in question, and heard eye witness descriptions of what happened disagrees with you in the following statement he made while announcing the officer's resignation.

A police officer in McKinney, Tex., who was seen on video pulling his gun on teenagers in swimsuits and shoving a young black girl's face in the ground at a pool party has resigned, the police said Tuesday.

Cpl. David Eric Casebolt, who had been placed on administrative leave after the episode on Friday, remains under investigation, Chief Greg Conley said at a news conference. The corporal will keep his pension and benefits, the police chief said.
"Our policies, our training, our practice doesn't support his actions," Chief Conley said. "He came into the call out of control, and as the video shows was out of control during the incident."
"came into the call out of control".

More from McKinney Police Chief:

"The actions of Casebolt, as seen on the video of the disturbance at the community pool, are indefensible," Conley said.

Conley had originally placed the former Texas state trooper on administrative leave after the incident.

The Associated Press reported that Casebolt's lawyer, Jane Bishkin, declined to say where he is now and added the officer had received death threats.

The attorney said she would release more information at a news conference Wednesday.

At the conference, the police chief defended the actions of the other officers who responded to the party.

"There were twelve officers on scene. Eleven did exactly what we wanted them to do," Conley said.
11 professionals and one out of control maniac.
Kudus to the 11 professionals!!!
Goodbye and good riddance maniac.

Im sure Chief had a few phonecalls from on high directing his responses. Was the officer less than professional?, sure. Is he going to be the scapegoat? Looks that way. Wouldnt be so bothered by it if real justice was going to be served to all involved, but it wont.
Scapegoat for what?
His own behavior?
Exactly who would you suggest be scapegoat for his actions?

"calls from higher up"?
Maybe--but that is conjecture at best.
It is more than telling, that the other 11 officers did not engage in the same type behavior.
The officer is "supposed" to be the professional--the errant offenders were for the most part--juveniles. One is either a professional and can do the job in a professional manner or they cannot. If they cannot--they need to go.
greybeard":36d7vsf7 said:
Scapegoat for what?
His own behavior?
Exactly who would you suggest be scapegoat for his actions?

"calls from higher up"?
Maybe--but that is conjecture at best.
It is more than telling, that the other 11 officers did not engage in the same type behavior.
The officer is "supposed" to be the professional--the errant offenders were for the most part--juveniles. One is either a professional and can do the job in a professional manner or they cannot. If they cannot--they need to go.

The scapegoat to make the whole thing go away media wise. Save the town a blackeye because of the immediate race card bantering. Look, the guy was unprofessional, but under normal circumstances would never have to resign or be terminated for an incident like this, maybe an unpaid suspension. But the media is all over it and unfortunately it was a black girl that chose to disobey direct commands from law enforcement officer, and he put her on the ground. Happens all the time, ever watch Cops? I see things far more disturbing on that show than watching this video in its entirety. His language was poor? Exactly what else did he do wrong? Hold some juveniles (questionable, some look atleast 18) accountable for not following instruction or impeding law enforcement in the execution of their duties. The people there had a choice, many made the right one, several did not. But there will be no consequences for them and they will continue to destroy and pillage as the reports show, and so does history. The girl was in a group that he instructed to leave multiple times, she kept lingering and shooting her mouth off. Bad idea. But he has to leave because he put her on the ground. Truly absurd. And any law enforcement out there truly has my sympathy in this day and age.
Rationalizing the irrational behavior of what is supposed to a professional by comparing said behavior to that of non professionals is a non-starter for me. Once any officer of the law, a politician, a military service member, or any other public servant acts in the same manner as those they are supposed to be sorting out and controlling, they have crossed the line from being a "good guy" into becoming one of them. There's no doubt the "kids" (I generally refer to anyone under 21 as a kid) made very bad choices, but the officer did as well, and he was the only one of 12 responding officers that did. He was out of control of himself from the gitgo, and because he had absolutely no self control, was unable to control the situation he found himself in and began to act more like a cat herder than a law enforcement officer. The Chief of Police made the right call if he suggested to the officer that he retire--and he did it for the right reasons. "Texas Rambo" (term used by European news sources for this officer) had no self control. He and he alone was responsible for his actions and reactions. He, was supposed to be the adult---"They started it" ain't gonna fly anywhere.
This is only an incident because of the recent occurrences elsewhere in our nation. If it had been a white girl taken down by him, non issue. We wouldnt even be discusing it. Black officer takes down a white girl, even less chance of publicity. The hypocrisy of the media is disgusting. They are the first to persecute anyone they deem racist or discriminatory, or even says something that could be construed as racism, and yet they perpetuate and nurture racism in our country with their lack of objective reporting and increased sensationalism. Thats what this officer is the scapegoat for, the whole dam system. Just make the media leave our little town. No ones saying anything about the fact he told them to leave several times and THEY chose to disobey an officer of the law. Officer presence means nothing nowadays. Used to be a badge, uniform and a gun was enough to solve these sorts of problems. A cop telling me to get my a$$ out of there sure wouldnt have to tell me twice, but im kinda dull. One final note, you can bet the chief had multiple meetings before he made a statement to media. Conjecture? Naw. Even my employer has strict protocols for speaking to the media if there is an incident. Goes like this, (paraphrase) "You don't, until the administration has evaluated and approved." Pretty simple. Chief answers to mayor, city council, etc. Bet the farm he got some input.
greybeard":18qjfmvo said:
Rationalizing the irrational behavior of what is supposed to a professional by comparing said behavior to that of non professionals is a non-starter for me. Once any officer of the law, a politician, a military service member, or any other public servant acts in the same manner as those they are supposed to be sorting out and controlling, they have crossed the line from being a "good guy" into becoming one of them. There's no doubt the "kids" (I generally refer to anyone under 21 as a kid) made very bad choices, but the officer did as well, and he was the only one of 12 responding officers that did. He was out of control of himself from the gitgo, and because he had absolutely no self control, was unable to control the situation he found himself in and began to act more like a cat herder than a law enforcement officer. The Chief of Police made the right call if he suggested to the officer that he retire--and he did it for the right reasons. "Texas Rambo" (term used by European news sources for this officer) had no self control. He and he alone was responsible for his actions and reactions. He, was supposed to be the adult---"They started it" ain't gonna fly anywhere.

WhEn you directly refuse to comply with a law enforcement officers command, he is well within his right to subdue you, especially if youre impeding his investigation. Didnt compare his behavior to non professionals. Acknowledged he was unprofessional with his language, even seems disorganized but the real issue is, he laid hands on a girl, that was directly disobeying his commands. PERIOD. Wont convince me otherwise. Media makes the issue cause she was black and he was white. Just ignorant. He wasnt excessively forceful, used text book takedown procedure and maintained her until she could be cuffed.
greybeard":27d23inc said:
Rationalizing the irrational behavior of what is supposed to a professional by comparing said behavior to that of non professionals is a non-starter for me. Once any officer of the law, a politician, a military service member, or any other public servant acts in the same manner as those they are supposed to be sorting out and controlling, they have crossed the line from being a "good guy" into becoming one of them. There's no doubt the "kids" (I generally refer to anyone under 21 as a kid) made very bad choices, but the officer did as well, and he was the only one of 12 responding officers that did. He was out of control of himself from the gitgo, and because he had absolutely no self control, was unable to control the situation he found himself in and began to act more like a cat herder than a law enforcement officer. The Chief of Police made the right call if he suggested to the officer that he retire--and he did it for the right reasons. "Texas Rambo" (term used by European news sources for this officer) had no self control. He and he alone was responsible for his actions and reactions. He, was supposed to be the adult---"They started it" ain't gonna fly anywhere.

How did he not have control of the situation? Everyone he wanted sitting in the grass, was in fact sitting. He had a group of mouthy girls standing there shooting off at the mouth, he dispersed that group. The final girl refused to leave well enough alone and kept pushing and also ended up in the grass. Seems like he was in control of the situation. Maybe its perspective. He wasnt the only cop running around in the video btw. And i could persoanlly give 2 shyts what anyone in Europe thinks of our country, they sure love to judge the USA. He lacked control of his mouth for certain,but total self control? i didnt see it lacking. He did sort the kids out and he did control them, perhaps too much for your liking. Guess that makes him just like those he was controlling, a human being. Easy to judge from the safety of our monitors or laptops,etc.

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