Mysterious Lump

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J+ Cattle

Well-known member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
North Texas
It's always something new with cattle and yesterday I noticed a lump on the underneath side of the tail of one of my steers. At first I thought it might just be some fluid that I could drain but there's something more to it. It's not real hard but it's not squishy either. I've never had anything like this before on any of my cattle so I'm consulting the vast experience of the forum members. Help!!
What is it and what do I need to do about it?

I was hoping to sell some steers in a couple of weeks but something like this is an excuse for the order buyers to bid low.

J+ Cattle


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Weird place for an abscess but thats what it looks like. Stick a needle in the bottom half of it and see if pus comes out.
Thanks bird dog, I think the strange location was throwing me off. My first thought was to drain it but I know there's a large vein running along the underneath side of the tail, so I was thinking it might have something to do with that.

J+ Cattle
From my vet!!!
Yep. It looks like a hematoma from an injury. I would leave. It alone unless it is bothering the animal. It should go away on its own.
Hard to tell from a picture, but it looks like he might have a little bit of mange in the tail fold. He could have traumatized his tail trying to scratch it on something.
Update on my steer with the strange lump. I took the wait and see approach to not do anything unless it got worse and now after a week of me doing nothing the lump is gone. So as fast as it appeared, it has gone away.

Thanks for all of your replies and advice.
J+ Cattle