Only In South Texas

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May 11, 2004
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Only In South Texas

You think one tenth of an inch of rain is a lot.
You think 80 degrees is just a bit chilly.
You decide to buy a car by how cool it stays on a summer day.
You have never owned a car without A/C.
You know more than one person named Hector.
You have lifelong friends who's names you still can't pronounce or spell correctly.
Your screen saver has cattle on it.
You think a vegetarian is someone from a country called Veget.
You have tortillas at every meal.
You know that Pace Picante sauce isn't really that good.
You think of Pizza Hut as a "foreign" restaurant.
You call a pond a "tank."
You have to drive for more than an hour to get to fresh water.
You have even had to ration water even after it rains for several days.
You have never seen snow.
You own a house with a furnace, but don't know how to turn it on.
You have a neighbor who puts lights on a palm tree at Christmas.
You judge how good a parking space is by the availability of shade.
You have to mow your lawn before you have guests for Christmas.
You know more than 10 people who drive diesels, and none are truckers.
All the restaurants in your town serve Mexican food.
You have even bought food off of a truck that has been impounded by the DEA.
You've been to a rattlesnake roundup.
You don't own a coat.
You serve guacamole at all holiday occasions.
You know people who raise goats.
You have tamales at Christmas, bought from a little old lady at the end of a dirt road.

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