Penn State updates

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Thanks for the update Van, I hadn't seen or heard any of that yet. Great move on the statue and looking forward to Monday's NCAA sanctions statement. I have never disliked or liked Penn St., but it has to be the death penelity, 5 years without football just to make a statement to all other universities.

Good move, so far,
Now that I thought about a little, it would be hard for the NCAA to issue the death penilty at this point in time, with football camp just around the corner would it give players time to transfer? Same issue if it's harsh bowl bans and scholarships? Monday will tell.

Alan":i7fcmkcc said:
Now that I thought about a little, it would be hard for the NCAA to issue the death penilty at this point in time, with football camp just around the corner would it give players time to transfer? Same issue if it's harsh bowl bans and scholarships? Monday will tell.


ESPN just quoted a "source' from inside the NCAA that said it won't be the actual death penalty, but since they're calling it "unprecedented" and "never before seen" it must be pretty bad. My guess is, whatever it is, it's gonna start with this season. Otherwise, why would there be such a rush to do it so soon? Why not wait? I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
I wonder if they will go so far as to require the players to attend classes. Now that would be horrific.
Just heard that a 60 mil fine against the university was given and Paterno's football record has been wiped from the books. That's all they mentioned.
slick4591":2nltpqqb said:
Just heard that a 60 mil fine against the university was given and Paterno's football record has been wiped from the books. That's all they mentioned.

I'm watching the anoncment now, 60 mil fine, 4 yr bowl ban, scholarships down from 25 to 15 for 4 yrs. all wins erased from98 to 2011. Plus numerous checks systems installed. Athletes can transfer without problem or lost of year.

Good move by the NCAA.

Our local station didn't list the bowl or scholarship parts. Supposedly, the 60 mil is what the football program makes in a year and that money will be be distributed to child abuse agencies.
Alan":y8a59xs5 said:
slick4591":y8a59xs5 said:
Just heard that a 60 mil fine against the university was given and Paterno's football record has been wiped from the books. That's all they mentioned.

I'm watching the anoncment now, 60 mil fine, 4 yr bowl ban, scholarships down from 25 to 15 for 4 yrs. all wins erased from98 to 2011. Plus numerous checks systems installed. Athletes can transfer without problem or lost of year.

Good move by the NCAA.


Great start. !!!
Well, the NCAA proves itself impotent again. Where will the $60 million be obtained? Playing football! Some programs will be implemented to fight child abuse. HA! Who in the world needs a program to know you don't b1@$#*&k young boys? If college football is so corrupt they don't already know that, a freakin' program won't do a lot of good. Typical college response to any problem. Set up a program and call it solved.
Interesting that one of PSU's wins, which will be vacated, is a victory (?) over The Ohio State which was vacated by OSU in the "jerseys for tattoos" scandal. I guess that game never happened, except 100,000 alumni paid big bucks for tickets.
I do not believe the NCAA is going to start a program. The money is going to be distributed to existing programs around the nation.
The 60 million is to be made in 12 million installments over 5 years.
The athletic department will be hard pressed to make much money during these times. They will not have much revenue off merchandise, royalties and such. The game revenue will most likely be down, just depends on how many are willing to pay to be at a game. They will not have the huge windfall from bowl games.
The sanctions will take 10 years for the program to recover. I doubt anyone in our life time will ever hear the name Penn State and not think about what we are discussing now.
I imagine other colleges are already "recruiting" their players. If I were a Pro prospect I would be looking for greener pastures.
The point that stood out to me, and one I appreciate being made, is that during the investigation there was never any mention of helping the victims. Not one official mentioned concern for the young boys in all the emails and notes that were confiscated. Their entire focus was on protecting the University's image.
Look what one pervert and 5 or so incompetent administrators did to bring down such a noble university.

If anyone is really upset over the statue being removed, just turn your head and pretend it did not happen.
A shame so many innocent students and athletes are paying the price for something they didn't do. As for giving the money to "existing programs", seems this whole thing just shows those have already proven to be failures. I could care less how many athletes may now not make it to the pro's but I do know football basically funds all other athletic programs as well. BUT, that said maybe colleges should concentrate more on educating than entertaining.
Sounds like the sharks have started the feeding frenzy on Penn St., ESPN is reporting that "one SEC school offered three Penn St player scholarships by 9:30 a.m. Monday morning, yep an half hour into the telecast of the sanctions being announced by the NCAA president, I doubt they had even gone to commercial break yet.

Also sounds like USC offered to penn st top RB.

When they smell blood......

Any inkling of interest in sports that I've ever had has been killed by this case. Just the notion that someone knew about the whole thing and let it go on to suport something as trivial as a sports team makes me want to say #$@! it ! NO MORE college sports teams.
I understand the predicament that the current players are in but I know where I'd stand in their shoes. I'd tell them upfront that I didn't come to be a part of something like that and I'd move on. I'd do the same if I were a student.
Sports is suposed to be about the human body and spirit... Now it's gotten to the point where people think their team is important enough that they can knowingly allow the supression of the human body and spirit in futherance of the team... Just absolutely sickening.
This whole deal is a joke. The sanctions.... taking down the statue.... Its all a PR move to pretend like they care and are doing some thing.

The fact is this happens in sports, education, religion, in the work place.... If there are people involved it will happen. All this other stuff is just for show and doesnt change what happened.... And wont stop it from happening again.
cow pollinater":18fit4sq said:
Any inkling of interest in sports that I've ever had has been killed by this case. Just the notion that someone knew about the whole thing and let it go on to suport something as trivial as a sports team makes me want to say #$@! it ! NO MORE college sports teams.
I understand the predicament that the current players are in but I know where I'd stand in their shoes. I'd tell them upfront that I didn't come to be a part of something like that and I'd move on. I'd do the same if I were a student.
Sports is suposed to be about the human body and spirit... Now it's gotten to the point where people think their team is important enough that they can knowingly allow the supression of the human body and spirit in futherance of the team... Just absolutely sickening.

Kinda proves that Football as a religion doesn't do much for humanity, maybe we can start regarding it as a sport again.
I'm trying to keep the crime separate from the football program. Sandusky, will pay for it with his life one way or the other, paterno (sp) is dead, others may face charges, all though I don't know what charges they could face. The president of Penn St at the time was fired, they now have a new one, new head coach, I'm not sure if any of the former asst are still there. So as far as the sick acts themselves the courts and systems are handling it.

The NCAA action were taking not so much for the perverts acts as much as the cover up for so many years. The first person to find out what was going on should have had the brains to call the police and start protecting the kids. Instead it turned into a huge "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" cover up and that's what the NCAA lowered the hammer on. The sanctions are close to the death penelity and will take many more than the four yeas to recover from .... And again the two acts are separate the crime is separate from the cover up.

There's something that some people, especially the ones circling the wagons in good old Happy Valley, don't seem to understand: a pedophile was allowed to continue raping young boys, on university property, for over a decade while the three most powerful men on campus looked the other way. Why? Because they wanted to avoid "bad publicity" for their fine institution and, more importantly, continue to milk the cash cow that is their football program. That is NOT the same as paying for a running back's new tatoo or buying a new house for some hot shot recruit's Mom. Yes, other football programs cheat to a certain degree. Probably most of them. But what happened at Penn State is NOT happening everywhere else. This is truly unprecedented. When I read how Penn State's "leaders" sought to treat Sandusky "humanely", with no mention of those kids that were being raped, I just wanna puke.

You know what they're talking about on the Penn State football forum? Football. As if nothing happened. They're even proposing scheduling a late season game in Hawaii or Florida so they can promise new recruits a "bowl game". Yes, sir, it's business as usual in good old Happy Valley, and they're gearing up to weather the storm and enjoy the most important thing in their sad, pathetic little lives: football. The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

Well now it's come out that the majority of the university presidents on the NCAA infractions committee were in favor of giving Penn State a four year death penalty, but the Penn State president managed to negotiate out of it. I've never up until now had anything against Penn State. Heck, as far as I know, I've never even met anyone that went to Penn State. I'm not normally a vindictive person. But when I read about what happened there, and see how the Penn State community is flipping the bird at the rest of the world, I wish they HAD taken away their precious football for a few years. Rub their dam noses in it.

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