quitting smoking

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Feb 20, 2005
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about 6 months ago i started havin pain in my right leg if i walked very far (cramps) saw a dr and was told i have PAD
prerifiial (SP) aterial (SP) dieasi (SP) fancy word for clogging of veins!!!!
any way one of the main concerns my dr had was my 2 2-1/2 pack a day smoking habit!
bad me
prescribed the gum, yea right!!! smoked while chewing the gum
then came the pills!! gave me nightmares! had a fight in my sleep one night and punched my wife! that is soooooooo wrong!
tried patches, heck i tried them all!!!!! 50+++ yrs of smoking , hard habit to stop!!!
wanted to?? not sure!!!!
anyway 12 days ago i went to see a hyptonist with a good record of stoping smoking!!
12:15 pm 10-28-05 smoked my last cigarette, (appointment was 12:30!
not sure what i am trying to prove with this post other than 12 days is a record for me :D :D :D
has not been easy, still find myself reaching, :shock: :mad:
any way right now i am PROUD cause my 30 yr old son called to ask how where when etc he says if i can so can he :D :D
Good Luck! I've quit several times, and have always found an excuse to start again. Tried the gum and ate it like candy, the patch even though I took it off at night made me haulucinate. That Zyban made me feel like my eyes were as open as a tunnel. I'm going to try "Smoke Away" they say it works. I'm going to start after Thansgiving, as I'll be around several that smoke like Freight trains, and I'll stand a better chance of sucess.Like the old saying"9 out of ten men that tried Camels, preferred Women"
i tried smoke away no luck!!!
dad gum it is hard!! this is thye longest i have gone! and it has not been easy :(
but feeling better every day :D
Walk every day,your legs will hurt but walk anyway.You will eventually start to grow collateral veins around the blockage and it may save your legs.Walk until it starts to hurt,stop and rest,then walk some more.Good luck with the smoking cessation! Keep up the good work! ;-) :cboy:
Memanpa, here is a good idea of how to follow Springer Farms advice. Before you start walking, turn out two real good pointer bird dogs. Walk as far as you can, and then stop to shoot at a covey rise. Then walk again and shoot a single, walk again, and shoot another single. Continue this until you have shot into 7 or 8 covey rises and 15 singles. Take the birds and walk to somewhere to clean them and rest while you clean them. Walk them to the kitchen and rest while they are cooking. Walk to the table and eat quail, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and gravy. By then, you will be so full and so content that you wont want anything to do with a cigarette. Do this again on day 2 and 3 and each day afterward until the end of quail season. By that time, you will enjoy the fresh air far too much to want to mess it up with a smoky cigarette---good luck
When I smoked and people would ask how much, I would tell them if I was awake, I was smoking.
When people would bug me about smoking I would get irritated and smoke another one to calm down.

When I did quit I went cold turkey. First three days were the worst. I have read that 38 per cent have it really hard. I was definently in that group. The only way I made it was to remind myself that I knew people who had quit smoking and went on to live normal lives and that it had to get better. It did.

If I could quit, anybody can.
If you can quit, you can do anything.
Crowderfarms":313wac5h said:
I'm going to try "Smoke Away" they say it works. I'm going to start after Thansgiving, as I'll be around several that smoke like Freight trains, and I'll stand a better chance of sucess.Like the old saying"9 out of ten men that tried Camels, preferred Women"

Smoke Away takes care of everything except the psychological part of quitting. That's the part I can't seem to overcome, have tried to quit more times than I care to count.

Memanpa, congratulations! Keep up the great work! :D
I wish you great success with it. I've smoked for too long now and wish I could stop but it ain't easy. Hang in there, if you've been 12 days maybe you got her whipped. :clap:
My father-inlaw smoked for 50 years, since he was 10 years old. One day my mother inlaw couldn't make it to the store to get his carton so he went. He was shocked at the price since he never bought them and after that carton was gone never smoked again. That has been over 15 years ago, quit cold turkey and never had a problem.
I quit smoking when I saw my father in a hospitol bed, gasping for air with a oxygen mask on, ( 4th stage kidney cancer)
I threw a brand new box of Marlboro reds.
I was a 1 to 2 pack a day man, 2 a day if I wasn't dipping cope.
I continued with the Cope for a couple of months, till I went to the dentist, He was concerned about a white patch of skin around my left side of my gums. Told me that when I came back(6 weeks) he wanted to do a biopsy!
He didn't tell me to quit , he suggested that I try putting it somewhere else in my mouth.

I tried putting it some where else, Then I started thinking why not just quit??

So I kept sunflower seeds in my mouth , till my mouth was salty and sore.
I have been smoke free for over 5 years, and cope free for 4 years.
I decide that I wanted to stay alive ,
Hat's off to ya' Memanpa! Hang in there! I had two friends who tried a hypnotist. Like you, they had their last cigarettes in the parking lot before treatment and it's now been about 6 months for them.

Good timing, too. I've heard that all tobacco products are going to see another big increase in price again soon.

I wish my boyfriend could quit! I tried encouraging him nicely by telling him I don't want to get old without him, that didn't work so now I just tell him not to count on me to pull his oxygen tank around for him! ;-)
You go memanpa!I smoked for a short time and quit pretty easily.But Lucky Us still battles that craving when he is around other people who smoke or he is havin a beer.My Dad has smoked for over 45yrs.and had a major heart attack alittle over a yr ago and the Dr. told him he had to quit.He says it is harder then given up drivin a truck(been long haul trucker for 41 yrs)
But I belive anyone that has the strength to take care of there family farmin and ranchin has more than enough courage to kick this.Congrats on 13 days :clap: :clap::clap:

way to go :clap: takes guts. when i was a lot younger i used to attend a lot of tractor pulls. There was this one old boy that used to run in the modified classes. They told a story about him once. Seems that he had a pretty heavy smoking habit and his wife had bugged him for years to quit. He finally made a deal with her. If she let him buy this modifed tractor that was for sale he'd quit smoking. She agreed on the condition that the loan for it was in her name ... that way she could get rid of it if he started up again. That old boy quit cold turkey and never looked back.

springerfarms... this growing new veins ... never knew that was possible until this morning when my wife told me that she had seen a report where someones heart had grown new veins around a blockage. interesting stuff!
Congratulations.....it is quite an accomplishment and no easy task to boot. Constant viligence is the key that I used seventeen years ago...you get to NOT smoke today that is a reward in it's self. Food will taste better, folks will stand closer to you in public and after awhile you will loose the craving. Look at all the $$$ you will be able to save.
Keep up the great job....what part of AZ are you from...I ran around Globe, Peoria and Yuma as a kid in the 60s.
Dave Mc
Hang in there you can do it. Five years ago doctor took a few x-rays and showed them to me and said either quit or die. Quit that day and never looked back, after smoking for 35 years. Had some new ones(x-rays that is) a while back and new against old was a world of difference. Anyway hang in there and you will make it and be glad that you did.
biggest reward to stopping like i have, is i recieved a phone call from my youngest son!!!
"pop's if you can quit so can i, give me the number of this guy that helped you"
thanks for all the support!! ya all have been great!!!!
i got this monster whipped! it is laying on the ground begging for mercy and all i can say "sorry you tried to kill me and dang near did" mercy?? i do not think so!!!!!!!
i have already saved 1/2 the cost of the hypnotist in the 13 1/2 days since i quit :D once again thanks so much for the support! believe me an encouraging word from anyone helps, :heart: :heart: :heart:

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