Southern US cold snap?

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We've had some of the worst winds that I can remember. Not just an hour or so but all night and all day ! Some rain but not as much as predicted. 1.4, ,4 . and .3 . We'll take every drop we can get ! Snow / freezing rain predicted Monday night into Tuesday. Up to 4 inches predicted. Single digit temps at night with wind chill factor below zero . Not looking forward to it . Highway dept has already started spraying the main highways. I'm not a fan of that kind of cold weather for sure . Our hay should carry us to spring but if we have these low temps they'll suck it up like a Hoover . Praying for an early spring !
It's 11 degrees here right now with a high of 21 today and a chance of snow today and tomorrow. Several nights this week in the single digits, they were predicting below zero but that has came up. Won't get above freezing again until Wednesday and Thursday then back below freezing for several days. It was 60 degrees here Thursday and that's the hard part, swinging back and forth from one extreme to the other. When I see @Silver and @gcreekrch and many of the others up north post their temps I don't believe I could do it, but we were at 100 degrees quite a bit this summer and a lot of people can't handle that. At least we're set up for hot but we aren't set up for this kind of cold. It seems to be becoming more common for us to get this kind of cold here.
-12 wind chill yesterday and we were out for 4 hours. Relatively new heater in one of the well houses died, pipes not only froze but a chunk of an elbow broke off. Looks like I'll be breaking ice in the pond for a while. But at least the pond is full; it was almost completely dry until a couple months ago, so there's that.
We are finally getting some rain, an inch or so every 5 days, but remain dry down deep and in the ponds and creeks.
Last winter and spring we had some of the worst winds I ever remember. The last three days have been a reminder with sustained wind in the 20s and gusting into the 40s.
It had been a mild winter so far, but this morning it is 17 degrees with a skiff of snow. Supposed to remain below freezing for the next week.
Have the local weathermen in your area gone crazy with the computer projections and models? Here the weather has become almost unwatchable, almost as bad as the news.
Our forecasts have been all over the board, with 70 mph wind and snow being mentioned. So far it has turned colder but not that dramatically.
The forecast shows "Weather Alert Days" as far as the eye can see, yet it seems to be typical January weather to me, typical of the cold spells we have had in the past.
-12 wind chill yesterday and we were out for 4 hours. Relatively new heater in one of the well houses died, pipes not only froze but a chunk of an elbow broke off. Looks like I'll be breaking ice in the pond for a while. But at least the pond is full; it was almost completely dry until a couple months ago, so there's that.
That sucks. I hate messing with water because it only happens when it's the coldest. I keep 2 heaters in the pump house, one set at a temperature lower than the other. That way if the first one fails the second one should kick on.
We're at 16 and windchill of 2.
Next few days look just as bad.
At least most of the cattle are consolidated and have a spring fed pond and a branch that's running thus far.
Spring weaned calves have a spring fed pond too. Those should stay open through this cold snap.
Just getting in from putting out hay.
Wind was sharp in my face and my hands get painfully cold, had some hot hands inside my gloves which helped some. Had to pull my fingers out of the glove fingers and ball them up around the hot hand packets ever so often.
Have the local weathermen in your area gone crazy with the computer projections and models? Here the weather has become almost unwatchable, almost as bad as the news.
Our forecasts have been all over the board, with 70 mph wind and snow being mentioned. So far it has turned colder but not that dramatically.
The forecast shows "Weather Alert Days" as far as the eye can see, yet it seems to be typical January weather to me, typical of the cold spells we have had in the past.
I know somebody that works for the weather service. From what I can gather, he thinks the weather people on the news kind of like to sensationalize things.
21 this morning with high today only 47. Teens for lows next week. 12 Tuesday with a high of only 30. Won't get back to the 60's til next Thursday!! My ole lady is off work tommorrow, and I Just told her to email her boss and tell him she will be back next Monday. Told her there was some horses I needed to go see about buying in Sarasoto and Homestead , and we'd drive around and see what kind of prices we'd have to pay to move down there! Gonna drop the 4 I have up here with me at Scott's place on the way down.
That sucks. I hate messing with water because it only happens when it's the coldest. I keep 2 heaters in the pump house, one set at a temperature lower than the other. That way if the first one fails the second one should kick on.
Good idea! I sacrificed my heater in the garage and just checked, pipes are now clear. Fortunately, we have another elbow so hopefully will get that fixed later today.
Cold 25 this morning... but the wind chill is really tough. We don't get sustained winds like this around here either... Thermometer says it hit 40 but I 'll be darned if it still feels like 25 or 30.... single digits for mid week at night and not above freezing a couple days...
Yes it is Janurary, yes it is winter... but we have had several mostly milder than normal winters and this makes it tough to get acclimated to. The worst is the wind that we do not normally get so much or so long....Now they are saying a little snow late tonight and into morning... UGH:(o_Oo_O