Stirring the pot on the LH/corriente topic

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I have never been banned that I know of. Just get tired of seeing remarks from people like you and just sign out and read it as a guest. And log back on when I have something to say. First of all, who have I threatened? And what were they allegedly threatened with? And 2nd, what remarks have I directed at you?!! When and if I ever want your opinion on something (and I won't) I will ask you.
Not sure of others here but you have just proven to me that you are without a doubt Warren himself as a sock puppet. You may want to go easy on the Thunder Hay as your memories are the same. It was me you threatened with bodily harm and it was you who got a warning and a short holiday.
As I said earlier in this post, those who don't lie have no problem remembering.
How about the prices on those corriente, can't argue with the profit potential for someone that has an audience as big as Greg.
Mr. Judy and most members here have no problem producing pictorial evidence to back up his experiences. Mr. Allison seems to have a great aversion in doing so…….
How the likes of you, Scooter, could dare to question this man's "scruples" is beyond me. It would be an honor you wouldn't deserve, if he'd let you lick the sh*t off his boots. From what I have seen from you on these forumns, I doubt anyone on here, and most certainly not Warren, would shake your hand on anything.
Okay Warren... But I don't buy salted mines either. And basically that's what you're doing with your Corrientes.
I have never been banned that I know of. Just get tired of seeing remarks from people like you and just sign out and read it as a guest. And log back on when I have something to say. First of all, who have I threatened? And what were they allegedly threatened with? And 2nd, what remarks have I directed at you?!! When and if I ever want your opinion on something (and I won't) I will ask you.
Sophomoric bullsheet right there. Did Warren ask you carry his water?
Not sure of others here but you have just proven to me that you are without a doubt Warren himself as a sock puppet. You may want to go easy on the Thunder Hay as your memories are the same. It was me you threatened with bodily harm and it was you who got a warning and a short holiday.
As I said earlier in this post, those who don't lie have no problem.
ROFLMAO! So you were one of them too! We knew Scooter and Skippy were trying to tell people that me, Warren, that 50-50 boy from Alabama, and anyone else that agreed with Warren, were cloned accounts, or the same people or something stupid like that. But it makes sense, because you seem to be the same kind of people they are. I think 50-50 was even a member a long time before Warren joined, and I know he was before I joined.. But no, I never threatened you. I don't do that. I might give you a promise or a warning, but I won't make a threat . But I do remember YOU getting kicked off for about a month last year, for trying to start your BS like this with somebody. I haven't ever been banned. Had a post or two taken down for language one time, and got some PMs from a moderator about it, but never suspended. I just don't hardly sign in anymore because of crap like this and people like you.

Edit: And I see Scooter is at it again!!!:LOL::ROFLMAO:
I have known this man my whole life. You won't find anyone more honest. You won't find any one more kind and giving and helpful to those less fortunate, either. But do something or try to do something to hurt him, and you will live to regret it. Hurt someone in his family, or a friend, or any woman or child, and most likely you won't.

Everything he has ever posted on here about the subject is the God's honest truth. Never have heard or seen him say Corr x Black is the best. What he says, is there is no kind of cows you can buy that can make more profit, than the Corriente x blacks. I agree with that 100%. I have seen it myself for 30 years. So, you wanna call me a liar, too, Skippy?
He needs to learn to communicate on here. This whole 100K deal is a joke and no one will take him serious if he keeps that up. There is thread after thread after thread of people pointing out the stuff that he says that is just not true.

He has been called out more than once and has had to walk it back every time. This is not a contest... no one wins a prize... just be normal. That's all he has to do. It's not that hard.

... and if you want to threaten me... do it... don't dance around it.
I don't care enough about anyone's peeing contest to read all 6 pages of this mess, but I think Longhorns are like every breed out there. There are good and bad ones. If they work for your operation, great. If they don't, ok. I was able to get started with my own cows because of a couple cheap longhorn cows and a borrowed Saler bull. My calves were obviously part LH but they paid for their mommas and gave me a little to save for better cows. I still have a longhorn cow in my pasture because she was cheap and will make more as a cow than as beef.
I don't care enough about anyone's peeing contest to read all 6 pages of this mess, but I think Longhorns are like every breed out there. There are good and bad ones. If they work for your operation, great. If they don't, ok. I was able to get started with my own cows because of a couple cheap longhorn cows and a borrowed Saler bull. My calves were obviously part LH but they paid for their mommas and gave me a little to save for better cows. I still have a longhorn cow in my pasture because she was cheap and will make more as a cow than as beef.
Ya know what I really, really like about Longhorns? They live 20 years, drop a calf every year once they mature, and can be bred to anything without a lot of worry about what size the calf is. I really admire that. If someone could breed that kind of lifespan/fertility/calving capability into the European breeds they would have better cattle than anything being used today.
Why do these threads always turn into such a sh** show?
Well, you have some, like Scooter and Skippy. as Clay calls them, that all they do is criticize, ridicule, and lie about someone they disagreed with, once their ignorance has been proven to the boards. A certain political party, and network "lame stream" channels, since the early 90's, have perfected the practice of personal attacks when they are proven wrong, once you hit them between the eyes with facts. These "key board cowboys"" get 10 foot tall and bullet proof,. hiding behind the anonymity of their computer screen, popping off remarks they wouldn't dare say to your face. I, for the most part, try to ignore them....mellowing out a little in my old age. I honestly could care less what someone like them thinks, or what anyone that buys into or joins in on their BS thinks. Their ignorance doesn't cost me a dime...won't change one penny on what calves like these will sell for. I KNEW they would come out of the woodwork with their ridiculous remarks before I made the first comment on this thread. But hey, @BFE wanted to "stir the pot" so I stuck my spoon in and started stirring for him.! :) I do wish that the ones on here that actually know these things...and have done the same thing or similar that send me PMs, would speak up on here. But if you look at the attacks on me, and the few that have publicly commented their experiences on here...can you really blame them? I won't participate on another thread about the need in trying to school someone that either doesn't want to know the truth, or isn't mentally capable of learning and comprehending it.
I don't care enough about anyone's peeing contest to read all 6 pages of this mess, but I think Longhorns are like every breed out there. There are good and bad ones. If they work for your operation, great. If they don't, ok. I was able to get started with my own cows because of a couple cheap longhorn cows and a borrowed Saler bull. My calves were obviously part LH but they paid for their mommas and gave me a little to save for better cows. I still have a longhorn cow in my pasture because she was cheap and will make more as a cow than as beef.
6 pages is nothing! One of the Corriente threads reached 30 something pages!
He needs to learn to communicate on here. This whole 100K deal is a joke and no one will take him serious if he keeps that up. There is thread after thread after thread of people pointing out the stuff that he says that is just not true.

He has been called out more than once and has had to walk it back every time. This is not a contest... no one wins a prize... just be normal. That's all he has to do. It's not that hard.

... and if you want to threaten me... do it... don't dance around it.
Woah there Lil' Britches. The man asked "So, you wanna call me a liar, too, Skippy?" In what world would anyone think that was a threat? If you are that much of a p**** that you feel threatened by that, then you need to find you a safe place and quit trying to run with the big boys. Trust me, if he ever did threaten you, you would not mistake it.
Remember last time Warren crawfished after telling a lie and he had to come in as a character witness to bail him out. 😄
Son, you actually did just call me a liar. Big mistake. So, tell us all what this lie was. And I am telling you, you best have 100% proof. That is not a is just informing you of a fact.
Take a camera and get some pictures at least.
He ain't going to Texas, @simme . He wouldn't waste the time and fuel on that puke... who'd probably be afraid to meet him alone face -to-face anyway. But if he did go, he might would take some BEFORE pics of Skippy for ya, but I don't think he would take any AFTER pics of what was left of him! :)
I wish you were too, cause I'd love to take your money. But, all you really need for this challenge, is $200k. You don't even need pastures. I will provide them.

I have never hid a damned thing. The THREE people that asked about them in 30 years, were told exactly what they were. I wish you could build a house out of cards that will stand for 30 years! And the whole purpose of this challenge, is to prove something to all the nay -sayers on here that have said that what I have done for 30 years can't be done. And especially all the "experts" like @gcreekrch with his "How can anyone not tell , with their narrow faces and hatchet-azzes, that they are half Southwest Exotics?" So, no, you don't tell anyone anything unless asked. Let's see how many buyers can tell. Or even care.

Definitely no. A huge part of our success is due to the quality bulls we have been using. There will be a good selection of registered Brangus bulls. You get first pick of all of them, one for each 20 cows you buy. I will even let you pick MY bulls out of the group.
Selling a cat in a bag as a pig in a poke. Just because there is no way to hold you accountable doesn't mean it's not crooked. If you're gonna rob someone at least have the balls to do it face to face. Not hide behind the anonymity of a sale barn.
ROFLMAO! So you were one of them too! We knew Scooter and Skippy were trying to tell people that me, Warren, that 50-50 boy from Alabama, and anyone else that agreed with Warren, were cloned accounts, or the same people or something stupid like that. But it makes sense, because you seem to be the same kind of people they are. I think 50-50 was even a member a long time before Warren joined, and I know he was before I joined.. But no, I never threatened you. I don't do that. I might give you a promise or a warning, but I won't make a threat . But I do remember YOU getting kicked off for about a month last year, for trying to start your BS like this with somebody. I haven't ever been banned. Had a post or two taken down for language one time, and got some PMs from a moderator about it, but never suspended. I just don't hardly sign in anymore because of crap like this and people like you.

Edit: And I see Scooter is at it again!!!:LOL::ROFLMAO:
Clay, that was Josh, @50/50Farms. I dunno what happened to him. He'd call me about every day last year, both times I was in the hospital. He was in Texas, but his family had land in Alabama that he was going to move back to, get some cows, etc. About June or July he quit posting or commenting on posts, and didn't answer my private messages to him. He is in the Guard or Reserves... which ever one it is you have to do two weeks on base a year. Every time I tried to call him, I'd get an automated response:" This phone is no longer in service" or "This phone can not receive calls at this time". etc. So, I thought maybe they didn't let them bring phones., or something. But it's been 5 or 6 months now. One of the last times we talked, he mentioned that he was thinking about going in full time. but don't seem like that he couldn't get on his phone or get emails, etc. I even started a thread on here a while back, asking if anyone on here knew him, and nobody answered.