Suggestions to get rid of groundhog in barn

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Dumb Old Farmer
Jan 2, 2004
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Got a groundhog going into a pole barn. Set a trap on the inside where it had been going some without luck, tried a live trap outside with no luck. Any suggestions for bait? I did trap 2 earlier but can't get this one, got some cats around so have to be careful with type of trap. anything that can be done to keep them away?
Check around the area and try to determine if this is the only hole. I have a 101 ways to dispatch a critter, some nefarious, some laborious,
very few approved by SPCA and most of which work. Let the forum run a few days and if you get an idea that works, use it, If nothing works
I will get back to you. I assume you are seeking a permanent solution?
I had this problem a couple of years ago . I set a live trap just near one of its holes and baited it with everything I could think of, all kinds of melons, cucumbers, lettuce, ect. The darn thing would not go for it (if you do a search on here, I think I asked what kind of bait to use.) Then one very hot day, I walked in to get a tool or something and startled it (scared both him and me). I scared him so bad that he turned and ran right into the cage.

Bear in mind, where there is one, there will be at least two and many more.
I have had the best luck putting a connibear trap right over the hole. Cant promise you wouldn't get one of your cats though depending on how curious they are. Also had to get one off the nose of one of my feeder steers once that apparently got a little to close.
Grandpa used to run a garden hose down their hole. If he's in there he'll get tired of holding his breath. They tend to come out fast. A shot gun works best.

Do you has any Counter or Force insecticide? Sprinkle some in the hole. They'll get it on their feet then lick it off. Done.

Try those cyanide smoke bombs for moles. Light a couple throw them in and cover up his hole.

I agree with sstterry. If your seeing one you've got several.
If you know the hole, use a live trap, block the hole with cinder blocks so that his only option is to go in the live trap. bait with apple halves.
I have shot 5-6 in the past few weeks and my neighbor has trapped at least 3. He said he has been using carrots.
Grandpa used to run a garden hose down their hole. If he's in there he'll get tired of holding his breath. They tend to come out fast. A shot gun works best.

Do you has any Counter or Force insecticide? Sprinkle some in the hole. They'll get it on their feet then lick it off. Done.

Try those cyanide smoke bombs for moles. Light a couple throw them in and cover up his hole.

I agree with sstterry. If your seeing one you've got several.
Me and my brothers used to run a garden hose down rat holes around our hog feeders. Both we and our dogs had a big old time with the slaughter that followed. That was farm boy entertainment right there!
Me and my brothers used to run a garden hose down rat holes around our hog feeders. Both we and our dogs had a big old time with the slaughter that followed. That was farm boy entertainment right there!
I always heard of you covered the big feeder platform with a canvas then run a hose hooked to an Nh3 tank. You could get a really high kill % on field rats.
Got a groundhog going into a pole barn. Set a trap on the inside where it had been going some without luck, tried a live trap outside with no luck. Any suggestions for bait? I did trap 2 earlier but can't get this one, got some cats around so have to be careful with type of trap. anything that can be done to keep them away?
My dog would take out any groundhog on our place, but the downside is when he let them ripen for a few days and then used them for perfume.

I had a friend that showed up with a newly purchased, expensive, and registered dachshund he was going to use as a stud, and the dog took off and down a burrow in the side of a gully. We dug about six feet in and gave up... and the dog emerged a few minutes later with a big grin on its face.

Seriously, a dachshund or rat terrier or anything else with a high prey drive...
I set a live trap by the hole or shoot. If it gets caught in the trap it don't walk out. Our dogs will kill them too if they see them in time.
Reckon we'll have to start checkin our groundhogs for underbites.
Bait the trap with Juicy fruit gum, that generally works or sit by it's hole in the evening and blast it when it comes out.
Grandpa used to run a garden hose down their hole. If he's in there he'll get tired of holding his breath. They tend to come out fast. A shot gun works best.

Do you has any Counter or Force insecticide? Sprinkle some in the hole. They'll get it on their feet then lick it off. Done.

Try those cyanide smoke bombs for moles. Light a couple throw them in and cover up his hole.

I agree with sstterry. If your seeing one you've got several.
You're a man that knows his vermin control.

When I was a kid, we had a family of them in our hay barn. Dad used live trap and sardines I think. Ended up catching a momma and 7 babies. He sold them at a local swap meet believe it or not. Don't remember what he got for them, but it was over 25yrs ago. Ppl bought them for a zoo.

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