Summer break

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Sorry to hear that, hope it heals quickly.
I'm not much help on reading material, I can however recommend a good forum of Cattle Today, but you already know about that 😎
OMG so sorry to hear that. Cast or a Boot? What a PITA. Hope it is a boot so that at least you can take it off when elevated and not go crazy with the itching also.... Had a cast for 2 weeks after the ankle replacement, then they put me in the boot but still had to stay off it, on crutches, for nearly 3 months... but I could at least get in and out of the shower on the seat, wrapped in plastic bag, to not get wet for several weeks, and having it just wrapped etc is cooler than the cast was; and was able to sleep alot better than the 2 weeks in the cast.
I did exactly as told and it was a great success overall...
Acres USA (organic but some interesting info)... Stockman Grass Farmer..... Small Farmers Journal (geared to some horse ag)..... Farming.... from Ohio I believe, geared to the smalller farmer and produced by Mennonites... I like the pace of this one...; Countryside Small Stock Journal..I think there is one called Grazier

Many of these are for smaller homesteader types, but still alot of nice "no stress" reading.
Online, you might try the Farmers Business Network, Farm Talk, Angus Journal, The Beef Site, Drovers, various cattle forums on Facebook. Heather Smith Thomas has some great books & articles (many of which are found online).

I was out of commission for a couple weeks (prob 10 years ago) and thoroughly enjoyed reading through a vet manual from the late 1800's a neighbor lent me. They definitely had to think outside the box and some of the innovative remedies made a lot of sense - and some horrified me.

Sure hope your ankle heals quickly! Presumably no surgery/pins and a clean break?
Sorry to hear about the ankle. Hope it heals quickly. I spent a couple of summers packing around plaster but that was a lot of years ago.

I took two falls yesterday. Afterwords I told my wife that I am getting too old for this sh!t. Teh first one I was pulling a stick out of the irrigtion tarp. Pulled hard it suddenly gave but my feet stuck in the mud so I couldn't step back. Ended up flopping on my back on the ditch bank in a patch of big thistles. The wife had to pick thistles out of my shirt and back. The second one I had turned up the water at the head gate. As I was walking back to the quad I caught a toe on a limb. Did a quick face plant. Nothing hurt but my pride and getting discussed about getting old.
It was a clean break, no reset needed. I have an appointment with an orthopedic doc this coming week so I am in a boot for now. I have been busy the past three months; a couple days might be nice but after that it gets old quick. One thing I have already learned is that there are helpers and opportunists. Someone already stopped and asked my daughter if they could cut hay.

Appreciate the suggestions. I have a heart for old time farming, so that sounds like a great place to start. I have in the past bought books from ebay or originals copies on Kindle, particularly before all of the editing that occurred from the 1950 and 1960s on out; there is a lot of good stuff out there. CT is a wonderful place, I have learned a ton, a lot more than I have contributed.
Slipped on some wet silage tarp with algae this morning and broke an ankle. Looks like an 8 week break for me.

Any suggested cattle/farm/ecology reading?
At the risk of being seriously maligned, I would suggest you have someone go to the nearest health food store and get you some Hyland's Calc. Phos. 6X and take one tablet every 4 hours during the day and if you get up during the night. People who did that had their broken arm, leg or vertebrae heal in around 4 weeks or in 2/3s the time it would have taken without taking the Calc. Phos. Calc. Phos. is an electrolyte that stimulates the cells to uptake the calcium needed by the cells to make new bone material. I could never take before and after photos of broken bones on people or animals and the people never sent me X-rays, just reported that they were healed sooner than the doctor said they would be. If you go to my website ( click on it and then click on How to use Homeopathic Cell Salts, there is a piece I wrote concerning conditions on critters, including humans, that I found Calc. Phos. to help the cells to fix and to fix faster. There are also before and after photos of critters with other calcium related problems that were helped. You did say that you wanted something to read.

If someone can find the Calc. Phos. 6X for you (it comes in 500 tablet bottles), you might let me know if your ankle heals faster than the doctor indicated. As I said above, only take one tablet at a time, not four like it says on the bottle. It is timing that is important. The electrolyte effect on the cells lasts about 4 hours, so that is why you take one every 4 hours or at least between 3 and 5 hours, to keep the cells working at optimum levels all the time during your healing process. Keep any tablets that are left after your ankle is healed so you have them if you get hurt again.

For example, I spilled boiling water on the back of all four fingers of my right hand while canning. After running cold water on the burned fingers, I carefully patted them dry and then dissolved a tablet of Calc. Phos. 6X in a tiny bit of water and put that solution on all of the burned area. About an hour later, I could have my hand in hot water to do dishes without it hurting. Before I went to bed, I carefully reapplied another dissolved tablet to the burned area. Since I was sleeping, it did not get washed off during the night. In the morning there was no blistering, no redness at all, no soreness and absolutely no evidence that I had even burned my fingers. I personally really like Hyland's Calc. Phos. Calc. Phos. 30X works even faster on some things, but the Hyland's Company stopped making it during the Covid crisis so it is unavailable. It stimulated broken bones to heal in half the normal time - 6 days for a broken bone on a baby mammal rather than almost two weeks.

I hope you have a fast recovery, in any case.
Slipped on some wet silage tarp with algae this morning and broke an ankle. Looks like an 8 week break for me.

Any suggested cattle/farm/ecology reading?
I broke an ankle back in my football days.
Yes we were out of leather helmets.
That ankle has given me trouble ever since.
It will sprain looking at a rock.
Between riding broncs and falling timber I have torn up my body almost enough to act as a double for Evel Knievel. When I would break something I would lay on the couch and concentrate my thoughts on the break and it healing. Your mind can do wonderful things. I always healed much faster than the doctors thought I should.
I will put in my 2 cents and agree on the homeopathic remedy of the cal/phos "supplement. The dr I went to for the prolotherapy and subsequent more involved treatments, including the bone marrow that bought time for the knee ( at least 5 years longer before the replacement) also suggested I take cal/phos for improved bone regeneration and density.
I also agree on the power of suggestive thinking... it does help.....
Between horses and motocross, I keep a list for doctors of the few bones I have NT broken in my life! In 2009, at 3 AMon a 16 degree January nioght, my house burned down with me in it. I got pout a bedroom window with a pair of jeans in one hand, a 44 mag and gun belt in the other, butt-a$$ nekkid. I lost every thing I owned exccpet those 2 things, including pics, videos, and trophies etc from motocross and rodeo. All of my pics and log books from my scuba instructor days, etc. People have said " What a tragedy that you lost all of those reminders of memories, of past victories, favorite horses" etc. But every morning when I wake up, and most days and nights....especially when it is cold and damp... I get very vivid memories of each and every injury! I broke my back in 2 places in 2006, and escaped from the ER after they gave me morphine and I overheard the doctor telling my gf and daughter they were gonna keep me over night. I wish I had stayed. Was supposed to do 3 weeks of PT after my back healed, and I did one day. I wish now I had done the 3 weeks. I was supposed to stay in bed as much as possible, and just sit the rest of the time for 3 months with that back break. But on the 2nd day, I would get up after my gf left for work, and I'd drive the 35 miles to my office, and leave early to get back home before she did. Figured I could sit at my desk there as easy as I could at home. I so wish now I had not done that. I have taken casts off early, cut them down and modified them many times. I wish now I had left them alone or left them on. Dunno how old you are Dave, but trust me: If you don't so exactly what the doctors tell you to do now, you will pay for it when you get as old as me. And yes, older people tried to tell me this, when I was doing those things too.
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Warren I would enjoy doing one of those barbecues you talk about. The stories you tell.

Now that I am firmly in mid-life, I started observing how people have lived and the consequences that ensue and listening to the old guys. I agree with you - most men think they are exceptional, that health doesn't apply, that old men were always that way. And for years we can live that charade. Until we can't. I am no different in many ways so I started thinking about what I can do better.