U S flag at half staff

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Lee VanRoss

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2020
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I see Robinette Jr has ordered the U S flags to be flown an half staff in commemoration of the 6 women of oriental decent murdered this past week..
While I abhor the way they were treated and have nothing but contempt for the perpretator I hardly feel it rises to the level established for lowering
the flag to half staff. As an example I will give you the Challenger disaster in which 6 lives were also lost. From the point of value of human life one six was
was of no greater value than the other. From the point of contribution to national endeavor I see no comparison.
''The lowering of the national flag is not to give recoginition to human life but to give recognition to patriotic endeavor.'' LVR
I noticed today that our post office flags were still at full staff, but the city flags were half. Didn't know the reason they were at half, but I'm not lowering mine for that.
Was thinking the same thing. The evening news said it was raciest and blamed Trump. We're going to be seeing more of this kind of response from the new administration.
There is flag etiquette. All these lowering in the last few years make me sick! There have been so many times that rules have not been followed for the flag. VERY FEW reasons to lower the US flag, EVER. Rules don't change cuz your feelings are hurt or it gives you a warm and fuzzy. The young ones see that rules don't matter for anything anymore and here we are today, in the pit of despair because of it. Try to order me to lower my flag........ now that would make me grab a shovel!
The deceased were known to be (hookers) prostitutes for certain?

They worked at rub and tugs, kinda depends on your definition of hooker. Street walkers, no, "full service" providers, probably.

I think at least a couple were bystanders and not employees as well.

Guy was some kind of religious nut that wanted to eliminate temptation.
Was thinking the same thing. The evening news said it was raciest and blamed Trump. We're going to be seeing more of this kind of response from the new administration.
every thing is Trumps fault. we should all know that by now. He won't be blamed for president biden referring to VP harris as "President Harris". they will just sweep that under the table as if it was never said.
Just more division between people, they've been trying to include Asians in the race wars they're trying to start so they won't let this opportunity go to waste.