Uterine Prolapse pics

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Jun 10, 2015
Reaction score
Winfield, KS
In case you have never seen what a uterine prolapse looks like, here you go.

My best friend manages her dads ranch. Got there this morning and found a cow with just the head of the calf sticking out, sure looked dead. Pushed the calf back in, got the front legs out, and pulled the calf. Amazingly, it was still alive. Cow got up, started licking off her calf. All good, right? She went back to the house to change clothes and when she checked on the pair, the cow had prolapsed. Yikes! I went over, we got the cow in the corral and tried to keep her down while the vet was on her way. Vet made it to the ranch in less than 30 minutes. By this time the cow was getting fired up, so we got her in the alley and secured her with a harness. Vet gave the cow a block, thoroughly cleaned the uterus, and covered it with a ton of sugar (she actually had a bucket of sugar with her), using a clean towel as kind of a sling in addition to supporting the uterus with her stomach. Got it in, sewed up the cow and the whole procedure was over in 20 minutes.

Cow should be fine and no reason to suspect it will happen again because uterine prolapses are almost always a one-time thing. Calf was tubed because his face & tongue were pretty swollen but looks like it will be a positive outcome.
that does look pretty nasty. amazing what those vets can do. I never complain about my vet bill because I see first hand what they can do. even though I have been farming all my life, they still surprise me sometimes.
that does look pretty nasty. amazing what those vets can do. I never complain about my vet bill because I see first hand what they can do. even though I have been farming all my life, they still surprise me sometimes.
When my vet was working on my cow with a breech calf (and only snubbed to the grill of my Polaris with a rope), she was pregnant in her 3rd trimester. Yesterday, her husband came out with her and the baby was strapped in the car seat. She takes her job very seriously and she's a rock star!
When my vet was working on my cow with a breech calf (and only snubbed to the grill of my Polaris with a rope), she was pregnant in her 3rd trimester. Yesterday, her husband came out with her and the baby was strapped in the car seat. She takes her job very seriously and she's a rock star!
My wife(she's a vet, too) and I had been out to pull a calf when she was 9 months pregnant. Got home, and she was showering off... hollered to me... "The water broke!"... I though something had broken in the bathroom... "No. MY water broke!" So... off to the hospital for our firstborn delivery.
Had one a few years back..had her in the chute to pull the calf,went to wash up..and my helper hollered this cow insides just blew out…thankful I didn't turn her out with the baby before hand..have had more vaginal prolapses in the past than anything..
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have had more vaginal prolapses in the past than anything.
Do you know why? Not very common from what I understand and not hereditary. Knock wood, I've only had one and it was on a first calf heifer. This was the 2nd calf for my friend's cow. But (not judging) their cattle are overall probably a BCS 4 or 5 max.
My wife(she's a vet, too) and I had been out to pull a calf when she was 9 months pregnant. Got home, and she was showering off... hollered to me... "The water broke!"... I though something had broken in the bathroom... "No. MY water broke!" So... off to the hospital for our firstborn delivery.

Kind of surprised a vet would want to go to a hospital just to birth a baby...
Do you know why? Not very common from what I understand and not hereditary. Knock wood, I've only had one and it was on a first calf heifer. This was the 2nd calf for my friend's cow. But (not judging) their cattle are overall probably a BCS 4 or 5 max.
I believe vaginal prolapse can be hereditary. But not uterine .these were Brahman influenced .I've heard it can be from a mineral deficiency also , they prolapsed right before calving..
I believe vaginal prolapse can be hereditary. But not uterine .these were Brahman influenced .I've heard it can be from a mineral deficiency also , they prolapsed right before calving..
My bad. I was still running with uterine, not vaginal. And yes, I believe they can be hereditary and recurring.
Yeah, well, we had to have C-sections for all four, so it's probably best that we went, or I'd have been a widower, like in days of old.
Well that's too bad. We had a C for the first one because the doc involved didn't have any experience in some simple procedures to prevent it. But that's a long story...
Had a cow get paralysis yesterday from calf stuck at hips. We checked her around 11 sat night and up and eating. Sunday morning she was down and calf stuck. Lost the calf and cow still with one leg not working. Hung her twice now and she was showing a little control of the leg this morning. Might be a few days but hopefully she pulls out of this.

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